Real Name: Lawrence Trapp
Class: Human technology-user
Occupation: Frogman
Group Affiliation: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Mobile
First Appearance: Chase #5 (June, 1998)
Powers: Trapp possesed cybernetic jaws, and was a master at creating deathtraps.History: Dr. Trapp's girlfriend Caroline Anders died during a fight between the superheroes the Justice Experience and their enemies the House of Pain. Trapp vowed revenge/
(Martian Manhunter II #20) - Trapp found that the Bronze Wraith s weakness was fire, and use a fire trap to leave him near death and amnesiac. He then turned his attention to other members of the Justice Experience and slaughtered them all. Two years later the Bronze Wraith recovered his memories and took down Trapp with the help of Green Lantern and Starman.
(Martian Manhunter II #36) - Trapp used his contacts to make an ally of Bette Noir. He had her deformed physical body destroyed and gave her a space in his brain for her mind to continue existing. At his parole hearing Martian Manhunter spoke against him, and Trapp sent Bette Noir into his head to make him relive his worst life experiences. Trapp escaped custody and started going after his enemies, starting with Cameron Chase, who he told he regretted not killing when she was a child. Manhunter intervened, and stopped Trap and Chase from killing each other. Manhunter had won Bette Noir to his side and he had her force Trapp to relieve every trauma in his life, rendering him comatose.
Comments: Created by D. Curtis Johnson & J.H. Williams III.
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