Real Name: Ampere (first name unrevealed)

Class: Human technology-user

Occupation: Scientist, criminal

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Old Morgan Castle, Capitol City, 1940s era

First Appearance: Plastic Man #7 (Quality) (Spring, 1947)

Powers: Volt had a portable lightning generator that could shoot three bolts of lightning before it had to be recharged and a larger super generator that was much more powerful.

History: (Plastic Man #7 (fb, BTS)) - Volt was an electrical genius who used his powers for crime, and clashed with Plastic Man.

(Plastic Man #7) - Financial woes made Volt attempt a bank robbery, but Little Moron and his mob beat Volt to the punch. Volt retaliated by striking Moron dead with a bolt of lightning. Plas was on the scene and kept Volt from taking the bank, but Volt escaped. Volt had his phone shut off and couldn’t even afford car fare to get to the city to commit a robbery. Plas and Woozy Winks found his hideout so Volt set a deathtrap for the heroes, but ended up destroying his own lab. He fled into the stormy night and was killed by a bolt of lightning.

Comments: Created by an unnamed writer & Jack Spranger?

In the pre-Crisis DC Universe Volt lived on Earth-2. Volt, like most characters from the golden age Plastic Man stories, may or may not be a part of post-Crisis DC continuity.

Volt was originally a Quality Comics character, which DC obtained the rights to in 1956.

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