Real Name: Damon Briggs
Class: Hypertimeline (Earth-Milestone) human mutate
Occupation: Student, former gang member
Group Affiliation: None
Known Relatives: unnamed father
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Sadler, Dakota, Earth-Milestone
First Appearance: Static #12 (Milestone) (May, 1994)
Powers: D-Struct could transform from a normal human into a monstrous volcanic form at will. In this form he possessed superhuman strength and invulnerability.History: (Static #12) - Damon Briggs joined the Paris Bloods street gang and was given the nickname D-Struct. One night all of Dakota's gangs, including the Bloods, met on Paris Island to see who would be the predominant force in the city. That night was remembered afterward as the Big Bang, because many of the people present were exposed to mutagenic gas and given superpowers. D-Struct found that he could transform himself into a volcanic creature at will. He quit the gang life, moved to Sadler and enrolled in Ernest Hemingway High School. Unfortunately some neighborhood Bloods recognized him and witnessed a display of his powers. They kidnapped his father and told D-Struct they would kill his dad unless he killed Static, who had been interfering in Blood business. D-Struct fought Static, but chose not to kill him when he had the chance. Instead he left behind his journal for Static to find. Once Static understood D-Struct's situation he decided to help out. Static and D-Struct pretended to fight across Sadler until they arrived at the Bloods hangout. Static and D-Struct gave the Bloods a beating and rescued D-Struct's father. Afterwards D-Struct thanked Static and told him he was moving again to get away from gangs, this time to Louisville.
Comments: Created by Kurt Busiek & Neil Vokes.
The Milestone line of comics were published by DC but owned by Milestone Media.
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