Real Name: Earl J. Dukeston

Class: Human cyborg

Occupation: President, CEO Dukesco Oil, supervillain

Group Affiliation: SKULL, The Society

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile

First Appearance: Outsiders I #6 (April, 1986)

Powers: The Duke of Oil's brain resided in a robotic body which had extensible limbs, could alter its' shape and interface with other machines.


(Green Arrow III #47, 48) - Green Arrow chipped away at Brick's empire, taking down drug rings, his skin trade and weapons shipments, prompting Brick to call in outside help. He brought in the Duke of Oil and Drakon, with the Duke robbing a bank to lure in Team Arrow, and Drakon separating Arsenal from the rest of the team by using a trip-wire to close the bank s windows and doors. After a wild fight Arrow disabled the Duke by shooting an arrow at the base of his android skull, the one chink in his armor.

Comments: Created by Mike W. Barr & Jim Aparo.

The Duke of Oil received a profile in Who's Who Update '87 #2.

Duke of Oil had a cameo in Green Arrow III #52.

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