Real Name: Stephen Powell Lee

Class: Human mutate

Occupation: Assassin

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Tokyo, Japan

First Appearance: Manhunter I #1(July, 1988)

Powers: Dumas could reshape his face to resemble the face of any person he could visualize. If he lost his concentration, his face would revert to its’ normal putty-like appearance. Dumas was a master of the martial arts and an excellent marksman. He wore body armor that protected him from damage.

History: When Stephan Lee was an adolescent, his mutant powers first manifested themselves. The structure of his own face collapsed into a putty-like substance. Soon after he discovered his ability to temporarily alter his facial structure to resemble other people. For a time he worked for U.S. government intelligence under the name Dumas, gaining a reputation as a top assassin in the Far East. He later broke government ties and operated as a freelance killer in Japan. His trademark is a single bullet right between the eyes. In addition, once he accepts an assignment, nothing in the world can make him back down from it. Dumas is a collector of masks and always wears one when not on assignment.

Dumas befriended and became the employee of Olivia Vancroft, another collector of masks. She collects masks from super-heroes and villains, and she assigned Dumas to procure the mask of Manhunter III. Dumas was unsuccessful in his first attempt to kill Manhunter III, and in retaliation he used his mutant power to frame Manhunter III for murder. Dumas is still trying to hunt down the Manhunter.

List of appearances: Manhunter vol. 1 #1, 2, 23

Comments: Created by Doug Rice, John Ostrander & Kim Yale

Dumas received a profile in Who's Who Update '88 #1

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