Class: Elemental

Known Representatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Krynn, Earth-TSR

First Appearance: (DC Comics) Dragonlance #15 (January, 1990)

Powers: Earth elementals are powerful sentient creatures composed of earth.

History: (Dragonlance #15, 16) - Par-Salian and Ladonna sought the lost Tower of High Sorcery to regain its secrets for the wizards of Krynn, crossing nightmarish realms to reach it. The tower appeared deserted, but as they approached tendrils shot from the tower and grabbed them. The banished wizard Spyranus had survived the Tower's trip to another dimension, and during his exile he seethed with rage, vowing to revenge himself on the whole of Krynn. He gloated that the wizards had shown him a way back, and after they recovered they were determined not to let him unleash his attack on Krynn, so they summoned heroes Goldmoon and Riverwind. Spyranus wanted to crush the threat against him, and summoned a horde of Earth Elementals to attack them. They were in danger of being overwhelmed, so Az-Araz-Zar summoned wizards Myrella and Kalthanan to aid them. They fought off the elementals and severed Spyranus' connection to the tower, defeating him.

Comments: Adapted to comics by Jim Janes.

Earth Elementals were a race from TSR's AD&D role-playing game adapted to DC Comics. For more information see

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