Real Name: Unrevealed

Class: Human

Occupation: Bandit

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mexico, 1800s era

First Appearance: Jonah Hex I #2 (May, 1977)

Powers: El Papagayo was a brilliant criminal strategist as well as a skilled marksman and a savage fighter.

History: El Papagayo, "the parrot" in Spanish,  led an infamous group of bandits, and they pulled off daring robberies of banks and army posts. Papagayo's ultimate aim was to overthrow the Mexican government and establish a dictatorship. El Papagayo often clashed with the outlaw Jonah Hex.

(Hawk and Dove Annual #1) - S.T.A.R. Labs opened a portal to Limbo in operation Zeppelin, and the souls of deceased villains Iron Major, Top, Clayface, El Papagayo, Electrocutioner and Icicle were seeking to escape the underworld and return to Earth through the portal. When Director Jeffrey Simon, creator of Zeppelin, disappeared, a rescue party went through the portal, and the villains captured them. They bargained with their demonic jailer, a demon impersonating Etrigan, exchanging their prisoners to gain temporary mortal forms, and prepared to return to Earth. They were opposed by Hawk, Dove, and the Titans West. The battle was fierce, but the tide turned when Jeb Stuart came down from heaven and gave Hawk his Haunted Tank. The false Etrigan offered them a way out through another portal, but he was merely toying with the dead villains, and when he sent them through a portal, it turned out to be an entrance to Hell.

Comments: Created by Michael Fleisher & Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez.

El Papagayo received a profile in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #7.

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