Real Name: Enkafos

Class: Extraterrestrial technology-user

Occupation:  Sinestro Corps soldier

Group Affiliation: Sinestro Corps

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of OperationsSpace Sector 2981

First AppearanceGreen Lantern Corps II #14 (September, 2007)

Powers: Enkafos' primary weapon was his power ring, which is virtually identical to the power rings used by the Green Lantern Corps, except that it only utilized the yellow range of the spectrum, tapping into the emotional energy of fear. Enkafos' power ring was capable of doing almost anything he could imagine. Examples of its’ powers include flight, phasing, creating giant objects formed of energy, and force fields. His power ring could also counter the abilities of any Green Lantern’s power ring.

History(Green Lantern Corps II #14) - Enkafos was an alien resembling the Egyptian pharaohs of ancient Egypt. He was chosen for the Sinestro Corps for his ability to instill great fear. Arkillo acted as slave-driver for a number of Qwardians assembling a project for the Sinestro Corps in deep space, turning Ranx The Sentient Cuity into a planet. Enkafos warned him not to kill them all, fearing they’d actually have to do physical labor if all the slaves were dead. Enkafos gave Arkillo orders to prepare a frontal assault on the GLC, and Arkillo rallied his soldiers. 

(Green Lantern Corps II #15, 16) - Enkafos was aboard the sentient planet Ranx when the planet and the Corps attacked Mogo, knowing the Corps would not long survive without Mogo to direct power rings to worthy recipients and to mentally train new recruits. Ranx badly wanted revenge against Guy Gardner for his previous humiliation at the Lantern’s hands, but Enkafos calmed him down and assured him personal vendettas could be settled after the GLC was crippled. Ranx ripped a hole in Mogo’s surface and sent in the Children of the White Lobe, the Sinestro Corps latest allies, so they could explode and destroy the power ring at Mogo’s core. The Guardians of the Universe rewrote the Book of Oa, enabling lethal force to be used against the Sinestro Corps. A number of Lanterns assaulted Ranx, and Enkafos engaged them, killing Lantern Chtos-Chthas Chthatis, but Sodam Yat slew Enkafos in revenge.

Comments: Created by Dave Gibbons, Patrick Gleason & Angel Unzueta.

Enkafos received an entry in Green Lantern / Sinestro Corps: Secret Files #1 under the List of the Dead entry.

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