Real Name: Unrevealed
Class: Extraterrestrial technology-user
Occupation: Equalizer
Group Affiliation: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Mobile across the universe
First Appearance: Justice League of America I #117 (April, 1975)
Powers: The Equalizer traveled in a spacecraft capable of intergalactic travel and producing energy blasts that countered any attack upon the vessel. His ship stored microbes that could be spread over a planet and resulted in the Equalizer’s disease, which made everyone average, with no one stronger, smarter or possessing more powers than anyone around them. The Equalizer responded to any situation by trying to equalize whatever emotions he detected from those interacting with him.
History: (Justice League of America I #117) - The Equalizer flew across the galaxies, infecting populations with with microbes that made everyone average, with no one smarter, stronger or more capable than anyone else, for his own mysterious purposes. Asfter the Equalizer infected Thanagar Hawkman found he no longer had the power to be a law enforcement agent, and pursued the Equalizer, who was heading towards Earth, in his Thanagarian ship. Hawkman knew he’d need help, so he contacted the JlofA, and they met him on Mars. The Equalizer’s microbes averaged out the JlofA’s powers, and let Hawkman share in some of them. He didn’t have time to explain his situation, and the JlofA were baffled and thought their loss of powers were an attack by their former ally. Hawkman managed to defeat them, and left them on Mars while he continued to chase the Equalizer. The League focused their reduced willpower on Green Lantern’s ring, allowing them to catch up to Hawkman, who was at a standstill with the Equalizer. After Hawkman explained the situation the League aided him, but the Equalizer countered any attack they mustered. They realized that he also equalized his emotions in response to theirs, so they focused their thoughts on hate to make him give a loving response. The Equalizer realized how much they despised him, so he cured the League of the microbes infecting them and either self-destructed or returned to his home galaxy.
Comments: Created by Elliot S. Maggin, Dick Dillin & Frank McLaughlin.
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