Real Name: Ermac

Class: Spirit

Occupation: Warrior

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Outworld

First Appearance: (DC Comics) Mortal Kombat X #21 (May, 2015)

Powers: Ermac was a gestalt of a thousand souls, and possessed the powers of levitation and psychokinesis.

History: (Mortal Kombat X #21) - Ermac served Mileena, deposed ruler of Outworld in her bid to regain control from the usurper Kotal Kahn. Mileena brought the badly burned ally Rain to Setian Valley to recuperate, telling him the Shokan were marching against Kotal, and by that night she would be empress again. Ermac regretted to inform her that Kotal had proved victorious, and Rain told her he overheard her allies the Red Dragons plotting against her to put Reiko, backed by Havik on the throne. The frustrated Mileena decided to go into action, assembling her Tarkata forces to go to Shang Tsung's island and put a stop to Reiko's plotting.

Comments: Created by John Tobias.

Ermac was a character from the Mortal Kombat video game series, first appearing in Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3. This entry covers only Cage's DC appearances. For a full history of the character see

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