Real Name: Erron Black

Class: Extradimensional (Outworld)

Occupation: Warrior

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Outworld

First Appearance: Mortal Kombat X #4 (January, 2015)

Powers: Black was a master fighter and gunslinger.

History:  (Mortal Kombat X #4, 5) - Kotal Kahn ruled Outworld, but his rule was challenged by Mileena, and their war ravaged Outworld. Mileena had an alliance in Earthrealm with the Red Dragon organization, so Khan and his companions D'Vorah and Erron Black traveled to Earthrealm to stop her. They were captured by Special Forces, and interrogated by Sonya Blade. When he promised Earthrealm would suffer the same fate as Outworld Sonya said she didn't trust him, and was attacked by D'Vorah, who she fended off. Kahn broke his bonds and said hey had to work together to save Earthrealm. Raiden appeared, breaking up the fight, Kotal and his allies returned to Outworld, and Raiden told Sonya they needed to find Cassie Cage, whose role would be instrumental in coming events he saw in a vision. Black Dragons had kidnapped her and taken her to Outworld. Sonya vowed to track her down with Special Forces.

(Mortal Kombat X #6, 7) - Kotal Kahn spoke to his horde, including D'Vorah and Black, recounting his rise to power as emperor. He was pleased that Mileena and her forces had been driven underground, but told his troops they had to completely eradicate her and her allies. Kotal sent his father and a regiment of troops to find Goro and Mileena. K'etz told his son he'd bring them back in chains, and let Kahn eat their hearts in front of his adoring public. Kotal said he had no time for showmanship, and giving his father Shao Kahn's Wrath Hammer, told him to kill them quickly. Mileena's advisor Reiko leaked their location in the Golden Desert to give the Kotal a false sense of easy victory. Reiko was allied with the Red Dragon clan, and used Mavado's cloaking tech to dispatch Kotal's warriors. Goro fought K'etz in one on one combat, and snatched the Wrath Hammer form him, using it to shatter his skull. Kotal felt his father's death, and invoked the blood code to make himself a blood god. He now had the power to personally end Goro's life.

(Mortal Kombat X #9, 12, 13) - Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage traveled to Outworld looking for their daughter. Kotal promised that, as someone who lost his family, he would never kidnap someone's children. Evidence pointed to Erron Black, who was the intermediary between Kotal Kahn and the Black Dragon, and Kotal Kahn agreed to take care of business. Cassie and Jacqui tried to flee their captors, but Kano shot an eye-beam at them, promising he'd take off one of their legs if they tried that again. They were stopped by Mileena's ally Mavado, who said he was going to send Kotal a message written in blood. Kano decided the operation had gone south, and used Erron's portal stone to escape. Erron freed Cassie and Jacqui, telling them to fight for their lives. Mavado badly wounded Black, but Cassie and Jacqui killed Mavado by disemboweling him. They were eventually overwhelmed by the Red Dragon clan, and taken to the island of Shang Tsung. The Red Dragon left Erron alive so he could tell Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade, who were trying to find their daughter, exactly where she was. Cage and Sonya turned Erron Black over to Kotal, and he told Erron he was lucky he hadn't killed him already for nearly starting a war with Earthrealm, ordering him to the dungeons.

Comments: Created by

Erron Black was a character from the Mortal Kombat video game series, first appearing in Mortal Kombat X the DC comic before his video game debut in Mortal Kombat X. This entry covers only Khan's DC appearances. For a full history of the character see

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