Real Name: Esak
Class: God (New Gods)
Occupation: Student
Group Affiliation: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Apokolips, formerly Supertown, New Genesis
First Appearance: New Gods I #4 (August-September, 1971)
Powers: Esak had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and was a genius scientist and inventor.
History: (New
Gods I #4) - Metron continued the education of his protege Esak to show him the
wonders of the universe, bringing him to a primitive planet and telling him that
it was that population's time to fight for survival, but that one day they would
dream and grow. He hoped the sight of him flying above them in his Mobius Chair
would one day inspire them.
(Forever People I #7) - Highfather honored the New Genesis custom of listening to their youths by holding the Council of the Young. Metron learned through his Mobius Chair’s monitoring of cosmic events that the Forever People had brashly left New Genesis for Earth to combat Darkseid. The youths begged Highfather to save their friends. Highfather considered his next action, and Metron implored him to forget about the Forever People, who brought their troubles on themselves. Metron’s apprentice Esak asked Highfather to show the temperance and nurturing he was known for, and that was his very nature. Highfather told Esak that he was a very wise young man. Esak replied that the youth had to be wise to deal with the foolishness of their elders.
(New Gods I #8) - Young
Esak went exploring near Apokolips in search of knowledge, and was ensnared by a
magna-target. Fastbak went looking for him, but as he approached Apokolips he
saw the Black Racer on his tail. The Racer proclaimed that whoever reached Esak
first would claim him, and now Fastbak knew that if he failed Esak would die.
Fastbak barely outraced the Racer and saved Esak.
(DC Graphic Novel #4) - Metron left in search of an ultimate object, and left inexperienced Esak in charge of his side-projects. Esak found the extradimensional realm of the destructive Micro-Mark technology, but the machines he was using blew up in his face, horribly disfiguring him. In despair and madness he turned to Darkseid, and gave him the Micro-Mark, enabling Darkseid to obliterate New Genesis. In return Esak hoped Darkseid would give him the strength to take his own life, which no longer had any meaning for him. Orion led a Hunger Dog revolt against Darkseid, and slew Esak for his betrayal. In remembrance of the boy he used to be Orion used his Mother Box to restore Esak’s unscarred visage.
Comments: Created by Jack Kirby.
Esak received a
profile in Who’s Who Update ’87 #2. He received a profile in Who’s Who:
The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #16 under the New Gods entry.
Esak’s appearance in New Gods I #4 was reprinted in New Gods II #2.
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