Real Name: E. Wilbur Wolfingham
Class: Human
Occupation: Minister of finance, former slumlord, grifter
Group Affiliation: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: San Latte, formerly Suicide Slum, Metropolis
First Appearance: A. Bizarro #2 (August, 1999)
Powers: Wolfie was a master cheat, schemer and grifter, but good at managing finances when he played fair.
History: (A. Bizarro #2 (fb, BTS)) - Wolfie bought up three blocks in Suicide Slum, and was a self-proclaimed semi-tycoon. His fortune ended when journalists and a D.A. exposed him as a slumlord whose apartment complexes had lead paint and vermin. Fined millions he became a surly homeless panhandler.
(A. Bizarro #2) - Wolfie met Al Bizarro, an imperfect clone created by LexCorp, and assured him they could make money if they worked toger. Wolfie played up A.'s bizarre appearance, claiming he was incredibly ill, and they were rolling in begging money. Wolfie's homeless pals were jealous, and after putting a knife to his throat had A. try to rob a convenience store so they could share in the loot. A. had no idea how to rob someone, and when Guardian arrived and started smacking him around he told him the situation. Guardian chased off the homeless, including Wolfie, and told them to stop corrupting A.
(A. Bizarro #3) - After an adventure on Apokolips A. returned to Earth with Female Fury in training and musician Seera. Wolfie and told him about his dreams of being a rock star and breaking hotel rooms. A. wanted Wolfie to fulfill his dream, that of being a rock star. Wolfie figured one racket was the same as the next, so after recording A. and Seera's music he released the CD Al Pokolips.
(A. Bizarro #4) - Al Pokolip's tour made a name for him, between his bizarre songs and exit via boom tube. He was living the high life with Seera when LexCorp contacted its attorneys and had all his possessions confiscated, and him arrested. Wolfie objected, but attorney Pillich told him that as inorganic matter A. was considered LexCorp property, and all his possessions he bought with performance money belonged to LexCorp too. Seera could take no more, and after freeing A. from the police she told him to open a boom tube, and the gang escaped. Mother directed them to the Central American country San Latte, where they were met by guerilla's with guns. They learned that A. was running from Lex Luthor, who'd destroyed their country with his coffee plantations and brutal coffee company, and immediately welcomed him, asking for his help in taking down El Lexigente. A. didn't see himself as a hero, but the sister of the guerilla's leader Ernesto convinced him that he could inspire the men and prevent more wasteful loss of life. The revolution suceeded with the help of Superman, and Presidente Kurosawa and the Lexigente company were ousted. The guerilla's wanted A. as new presidente, but he knew Ernesto was the right leader. Wolfie found a new role as the minister of finance for San Latte.
Comments: Created by Steve Gerber & Mark Bright.
Wolfie was presumably related to the Superman foe J. Wilbur Wolfingham.
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