Real Name: Gregorio de la Vega
Class: Human magic-user
Occupation: Guardian
Group Affiliation: New Guardians
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Peru
First Appearance: Millennium #2 (January, 1988)
Powers: Extrano was a powerful magician and telepath.
(Green Lantern III #35) - Entropy set out to destroy the works of the Guardians of the Universe, so he attacked Kroef's Island and absorbed Extrano, the New Guardians and the Chosen into his body. The Green Lantern Corps defeated Entropy, but at the cost of the lives of the Chosen, who sacrificed themselves to assure the Corps victory. Entropy's body dissipated, and Extrano and the Guardians were free from him.
Comments: Created by Steve Englehart & Joe Staton.
Extrano received profiles in Who's Who Update '88 #2 and Who's Who in the DC Universe #3 under the New Guardians entry.
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