Real Name: Unrevealed

Class: Human cyborg

Occupation: Assassin

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Metropolis, formerly Midway City

First AppearanceTitans II #24 (August, 2010)

PowersFaçade was a shape shifter who could assume any human form he chose. He possessed regenerative abilities that let him heal virtually any wound.

History: (Titans II #24) - Façade was a LexCorp cybernetic project that created a Cyborg capable of shape shifting into any humanoid form. When Lex Luthor was reappointed as head of LexCorp his board members sent Facade to kill him. Façade killed Lex’s bodyguard Numa, and posed as her to get close to him. Lex hired Deathstroke’s Titans to ferret out the people in LexCorp that wanted him dead, and during a business meeting in Midway City Façade was forced to play his hand. Lex fled to the sewers after the Titans faked an attempt on his life, and Façade tried to kill him. The Titans stopped him, and in a desperate attempt to gain his freedom he took the form of Titan Cheshire. Deathstroke shot Cheshire and Facde just to make sure he got the right person. The mutinous LexCorp members Cooper, Dyson and Monroe were killed, and Lex returned Façade to LexCorp.

Comments: Created by Eric Wallace, Fabrizio Florentino & Mike Mayhew.

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