Real Name: Unrevealed

Class: Human mutate

Occupation: Superhero, former U.S. Black-Op agent

Group Affiliation: formerly JLA

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile

First Appearance: JLA #69 (October, 2002)

Powers: Faith possessed the powers of flight and telekinesis, and emanated "good vibrations" that instantly made people like and trust her.

History: (JLA #81 (fb)) - Mr.Manson severely altered Faith’s body, giving her her powers, and he demanded her obedience. She became a Black-Op who worked for the U.S. government, nicknamed the Fat Lady because she was sent in to end missions.

(JLA #73 (fb, BTS) - Faith was working for “the Crew” when she first met Batman, they talked shop and learned to trust each other.

(JLA #69, 71, 73, 75) - With the JLA trapped in the year 1,000 B.C., Batman's contingency plan for a new JLA was activated. JLA-Spheres located Faith and other heroes hand picked by Batman to bring them to the Watchtower. Faith was foiling militants in a jungle country, but told her boss she had to leave because she couldn't turn down such an opportunity. At the Watchtower a video recording of Batman told the heroes they would have to carry on as Earth's protectors in case the JLA never returned. The team was instructed not to go looking for the missing JLA, and were kept busy by a worldwide drought. The drought caused tectonic plate shifting in Japan, resulting in earthquakes and lava flows that the JLA had to deal with. Atom discovered that Earth's water was being drained to Atlantis. He got a video feed of Atlantis, where the team saw a skeleton dressed in Superman’s costume. Atom coordinated the JLA’s return to Atlantis, where they found Gamemnae, an ancient Atlantean sorceress bent on bringing new glory to her land. They warned her that the waters shifted to Atlantis threatened to pull Earth from its orbit, but she refused to listen. The JLA couldn’t defeat her, and President Luthor ordered muon bombs to be dropped on Atlantis to destroy the sorceress. The bombs had no effect on her, and the JLA was brought to safety by a ring-image of Green Lantern, who explained that the JLA in ancient Atlantis made a plan in the past to save the future. Manitou Raven, the sole survivor of the Ancients, the superteam Gamemnae created and betrayed, had preserved the souls of the JLA that Gamemnae killed in 1,000 B.C. He tricked her into resurrecting them, and then Zatanna and members of the new JLA went to 1,000 B.C. where they freed Aquaman, who’d been turned into a water elemental and imprisoned in a pool by Gamemnae. Aquaman merged with the ocean, sank Gamemnae’s Atlantis, and Zatanna cast a spell that returned Aquaman’s Atlantis to the present day. Gamemnae, weakened by this change in history, was easy prey for Manitou Raven, and he sacrificed himself to destroy her.

(JLA #76) - Batman’s JLA disbanded, but Faith, Firestorm, Major Disaster and Manitou stayed on at the Watchtower. The JLA recovered the scattered atoms of Plas from across the Atlantic and pieced him back together. He explained the trauma of not being whole for over 3,000 years, and quit the JLA to spend more time with his son.

(JLA #77) - Faith was aboard the JLA Watchtower when the team dealt with Mnemon, a synthetic lifeform that recorded history by draining the memories of others.

(JLA #78, 79) - A large mass of Mirror Matter, previously thought to be only theoretical, was headed toward Earth, and Faith and the JLA disposed of it by having Firestorm transform it into marshmallow fluff. The JLA received an extraterrestrial video feed from Kylaq sent to them by Green Lantern Kyle Rayner, who was in deep space. The Peacemaker and his Paciforce decreed that Kylaq would join his forces or perish. The JLA debated handling a political situation so far from Earth that they didn’t know all the details about. Wonder Woman said the JLA had a responsibility to nay innocents in danger, and Superman said that handling the Peacemaker was a preemptive measure, because he could eventually target Earth, so the JLA traveled to Kylaq. Batman, who objected to the mission, staid behind and received a call from General Wells of the Pentagon demanding that Batman return Faith to their custody, but he refused to comply. On Kylaq the JLA defeated the Paciforce and arranged peace talks between the Kylaq and the Peacemaker. The Kylaq introduced the JLA to their minister of defense Kanjar Ro. Peace talks broke down and the JLA fended off another assault by the Paciforce, but the JLA had to deal with the ruthless Kanjar Ro’s plan to enact a coup. They spread video footage of him torturing captured Paciforce members, and the Kylaq rejected his place in their government. The JLA sent Kanjar offworld.

(JLA #80-82) - The commune Safe Haven, an organization protected by metahumans, was at a standoff with government forces A.T.F. and D.E.O. that wanted to investigate the commune when the JLA intervened. Faith and the JLA heard the case of Shepherd, who ran the Haven, and wanted to act as intermediaries. This went south when tensions led Haven members and government agents to fire at each other. An explosion seemingly killed everone at the Haven, and the JLA were blamed. Superman, Major Disaster and Faith were all convinced that they were responsible, but Batman later examined the scene and found that no one had died. Axis America, led by Shepherd, aka Ubermensch, appeared to battle the JLA and revealed themselves as agents of Mr. Manson, the government operative behind Safe Haven who sacrificed it and used the metahuman the Mouth to convince the JLA they were responsible for hundreds of deaths. All this was so Manson could reclaim Faith for the U.S. government. Faith recognized the setup and forced Manson to leave her alone for the time being, and Axis America retreated.

(JLA #84-89) - A wave of fear and remorse washed over the inmates of Arkham Asylum, the prisoners of Blackgate and President Luthor. Faith and the JLA investigated, and when Martian Manhunter, who’d rejoined the team after Scorch healed him of his fear of fire, tried to fix Luthor’s mind, he was assaulted by a powerful psychic force. Hostile nations and hate groups started feeling remorse and killing themselves. Firestorm’s powers were taken away, and realizing it was connected to world events, Manitou Raven guided the JLA to Vandal Savage’s mountain stronghold. Vandal recognized the world events as the attack of the Burning, a Martian he killed 20,000 years ago. He presented the Burning’s head to the JLA, and they brought Savage and the head to the Watchtower, only to discover Superman, who’d been attacked and bonded to the JLA meeting table. They freed Superman, but the revived Burning defeated the JLA and would have killed them if Major Disaster didn’t use evac protocols to teleport them to Superman’s Fortress of Solitude. Superman suspected that the Burning was actually Martian Manhunter, and in preparation of combating him they entered the Phantom Zone to ask the White Martians for aid. The Burning was already in the Zone and had slaughtered the Martians. The Burning again defeated the JLA, but they were saved and spirited away by Green Lantern John Stewart, who’d been brief on the Burning and how to deal with it by the Guardians of the Universe. The Burning was a dangerous, chaotic race that the Guardians genetically modified to become Martians, and gave them an innate fear of fire so they couldn’t access the powers of the Burning. When Manhunter overcame his fear of fire, his race memory turned him into the Burning, who needed fear and fire in multitude to asexually reproduce. Batman contacted the amnesiac Plas as his backup plan and convinced him to confront the Burning while Manitou contacted Martian Manhunter on the spiritual plane and found his soul dominated by the Burning. Burning unleashed nuclear attack to create the chaos and flames he’d need to asexually reproduce, but the JLA stopped the bombs, except for one that hit Chongjin, North Korea, but Flash evacuated the population. Plas fought Burning to a deadlock because his mind was non-organic and not vulnerable to telepathy. Thanks to Manitou Martian Manhunter separated himself from the Burning, and Scorch sacrificed herself to sap the Burning’s flame. Manhunter confronted the Burning and destroyed him with his Martian-vision.

(JLA #90) - Wonder Woman, struggling with her feelings for Batman, asked Faith what she thought of Romance. Faith said she loved the concept but admitted to being terrible at it.

(JLA #94-99) - Faith-was going to spend the night ast home cooking when she encountered Superman, who was in the thrall of the vampire Crucifer. Crucifer knew Faith’s powers would pose a problem to his plans to bring his vampire lords in the Tenth Circle back to Earth, so Superman brought her to Castle Cruciferand Crucifer bit her, leaving her near death. The JLA and Doom patrol defeated the Tenth Circle, and Chief wanted to study Faith’s powers, so she left the JLA to go with the Doom Patrol.

(Doom Patrol IV #1, 2) - Faith and the Doom Patrol responded to a disturbance at the abandoned penitentiary where the Chief kept old DP villains. Wormhole had freed Barrage, Megalith, and Snake, and they allowed themselves to be possessed by vampire masters of the Tenth Circle. Nudge and Faith teamed up to expel the vampires from their host bodies, exposing them to sunlight and destroying them.

(JLA #100) - Manitou Raven sensed a disturbance in the Earth, and there were several volcanic eruptions, the hole in the ozone layer opened further, and other geothermal events signaled an extinction level event. Gaea, speaking through the earth-powered Major Disaster damned humanity for their abuse of her and their failure to get along. Sister Superior of the Elite v.2 had also realized that Gaea was ready to destroy humanity, and proposed a plan to Faith and the JLA, and although they doubted her trustworthiness they agreed. The Elite stormed Washington, demanded all governments dissolve and declared themselves rulers of Earth because humanity had proved themselves unfit to rule. After UN meetings and a staged defeat of the JLA by the Elite, every nation on Earth put aside their differences to tackle the Elite. Gaea once again believed in humanity, seeing them unite against a common enemy, and held back her wrath.

(Doom Patrol IV #3, 4) - Chief sent the DP to the Soames Lake Project in the South Pole, but left Faith behind to finish her training of Nudge. Nudge was frustrated at missing out on the action, but showed Faith she possessed telekinesis.

(Doom Patrol IV #5) - Faith felt she’d taught Nudge as much as she could, cheered Nudge up by reminding her that her teammates respected her abilities, and left to rejoin the JLA.

(JLA #112, 113) - Faith was called in as a JLA reservist when Qwardians threatened to destroy Earth with their doomsday weapon Erdammeru while the Crime Syndicate of Amerika tried to take control of Earth. Faith helped battle the Qwardians around Earth’s orbit, and once the Qwardians learned that Krona, not Earth, was responsible for Qward’s temporary destruction, they returned to the anti-matter universe.

(Villains United: Infinite Crisis Special #1) - The Society massed in Metropolis, and Faith and an army of virtually every hero on Earth confronted the villains and engaged in an epic battle with them.

Comments: Created by Joe Kelly & Yvel Guichet

Faith received a profile in JLA / JSA Secret Files & Origins #1. She received a profile in JLA-Z #2 under the JLA (Current) entry.

Faith was featured in Superman’s subconscious therapy session in JLA #83. Superman envisioned President Luthor going to war with Quarac because they supposedly had W.M.D.s, and the American public felt betrayed that the U.S. declared war before they had proof. The JLA didn’t stop Luthor because Superman couldn’t make up his mind as to the justness of the war, but in the end Luthorproved to be a villain.

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