Real Name: Drew McFee

Class: Human mutant/mutate?

Occupation: Supervillain

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: unnamed mother

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Keystone City, Kansas

First Appearance: Flash II #130 (October, 1997)

Powers: The Fashioneer could send people and objects hours or weeks into the past or future.

History: (Flash II #130, 131) - The Fashioneer made a name for himself as a rogue being hired by fashion companies, and then taking their rivals' designs and sending them to his clients in the past so they would have a jump on the market. The Suit had a use for Fashioneer's powers so it possessed him, seemingly killed the Flash and sent his "corpse" into the past with a message to let Flash know his death was inevitable. The Suit drained its' hosts' life force, and the Fashioneer soon died from being used by the Suit, so it possessed another victim.

Comments: Created by Grant Morrison, Mark Millar & Paul Ryan

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