Real Name: None
Class: God (New Gods)
Occupation: Inventor, singer
Group Affiliation: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Supertown, New Genesis
First Appearance: New Gods I #5 (October-November 1971)
Powers: Fastbak had aeropads in his boots that allowed him to fly at superhuman speeds. He has made improvements on his aeropads over the years to increase their speed and efficiency. Fastbak's body was resistant to the adverse effects of moving at superhuman speed.History: Fastback is one of the youngest New Gods, residents of the world New Genesis. Fastbak is a talented inventor, and his claim to fame are the aeropads that allow him to fly at superhuman speeds. Highfather, the ruler of New Genesis, once had his hands full with Fastbak, trying to discourage him from flying at top speeds through the city lest he hurt someone. Since then Fastbak has matured, and reins in his use of the aeropads.
(New Gods III #22 (fb)) - Fastbak patrolled the space around New Genesis and found that Steppenwolf was about to attack Supertown, breaking the pact between New Genesis and Apokolips. He flew to Highfather to warn him.
(New Gods I #5) - Fasbak tested out his new aero-pads, zooming across Supertown, and was pursued by Monitors worried for the public safety as well as wanna-bes who had devices similar to the aero-pads. Highfather drained Fastbak's aero-pads of power as he had often done in the past so Fastbak could sing for him, and encouraged him to pursue song instead of defying authority.
(New Gods I #8) -
Fastbak went looking for young Esak, who was missing from New Genesis, but as he
approached Apokolips he saw the Black Racer on his tail. The Racer proclaimed
that whoever reached Esak first would claim him, and now Fastbak knew that if he
failed Esak would die. Fastbak barely outraced the Racer and saved Esak from an
Apokoliptan magna-target that had ensnared him.
(New Gods III #16) - Metron and Fastbak explored the Caverns of the Old Gods on Apokolips and Fastbak was eager to learn about their history and how they perished from Metron. They came across a broken sword that thrummed with energy. Metron told Fastbak that it was too dangerous to leave on Apokolips, and told him to take it to Highfather. Darkseid became aware of the sword, and sent his minion Infernus to fetch it. Infernus overtook Fastbak, but he managed to open a Boom Tube and send the sword to Earth. Fastbak recovered, and reported to Highfather, after which they arrived via Boom Tube on Earth and reclaimed the sword from John Hedley, who was using its’ power inappropriately.
(New Gods III #27) - Fastbak made a patrol of Earth and found Anne Flaherty, a woman pursued by Darkseid for possessing a piece of the anti-life equation, so he reported back to Highfather.
Comments: Created by Jack Kirby
Fastbak received profiles in Who’s Who Update ’87 #2 and Who's Who in the DC Universe #4.
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