Real Name: Unrevealed

Class: Human technology-user

Occupation: Bounty hunter

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Hollywood, CA

First Appearance: (cameo) Beast Boy #1 (January, 2000), (full appearance) Beast Boy #2 (February, 2000)

Powers: Fear wore an empathic stimulator that caused victims to feel intense fear, and she was armed with a shotgun and swords.

History:  (Beast Boy #1, 2, 4) - Fear and Loathing were a bounty hunting team hired by Gemini to help her destroy Garfield Logan, who she blamed for the death of her mother Madame Rouge. When Gar first arrived in Hollywood Fear and Loathing used their empathic stimulators to cause a riot, and Gar was caught in the center of it. Gemini later framed Gar for murder, but he managed to escape police custody. Fear and Loathing arrived at the apartment he was staying at with his cousin matt and attacked him head on. Their fight destroyed the apartment, much to Matt's chagrin, but they were only there to delay Gar until the police responded. The police did arrive, and after the bounty hunters escaped Gar was returned to prison. Gar was able to prove his innocence, and in a showdown with Gemini she had her henchmen there for aid. They were defeated by Gar and his ally Flamebird.

Comments: Created by Geoff Johns, Ben Raab & Justiniano.

Fear had a cameo in Beast Boy #3.

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