Real Name: Beatriz Bonilla DaCosta

Class: Human mutate

Occupation: Superhero, formerly spy, model, webcam star, government agent

Group Affiliation: formerly Global Guardians, Justice League International, Super Buddies, Checkmate

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: Green Flame, Green Fury

Base of Operations: New York City, New York, formerly Brazil

First Appearance: DC Comics Presents #46 (June, 1982)

Powers: Green Flame could breathe a spout of green flame up to half a foot away and had total control over its' temperature and intensity. Fire could transform her entire body into living green flame, and in this form she could shoot blasts of fire and fly.

History: As a spy for the Brazilian secret service Beatrice was sent to recover Pyroplasm, an experimental incendiary. When she came in contact with Pyroplasm she gained superpowers and took on the identity of Green Fury. As Fury she joined the Global Guardians, where she met Icemaiden II ad the two became fast friends.

She changed her name to Green Fire and joined JLI, along with her friend Icemaiden. Her powers were upgraded during Invasion, and she changed her name to Fire.

(Action Comics #650) - Flash bragged to Fire and his JLI teammates about beating Superman in a race, and Martian Manhunter told him his bravado was unbecoming. He gave Flash a rundown of Superman's rich history serving with the Justice League.

(Green Lantern III #1) - Green Lantern visited Fire and the Justice League and they offered him a spot on the team, despite Guy Gardner's objections. Lantern turned them down, telling them he was trying to get away from superheroics and reconnect with his human side.

(Green Lantern III #4) - Fire and the Justice League investigated the disappearance of Evergreen City from the face of the Earth, but couldn't come up with any leads.

(Green Lantern III #25) - Fire and the Justice League were on hand to watch Hal Jordan and Guy Gardner battle to determine who'd become Earth's one Green Lantern. The League initially wanted to interfere, but the Green Lantern Corps held them back, saying the fight was necessary Corps business. Hal won, and the Justice League rejoiced.

(Martian Manhunter II #10 (fb)) - Fire and Martian Manhunter worked on cases in Brazil, defeating Doctor Samedi and saving a judge from a drug cartel armed with hi-tech battlesuits. Fire saw that when they worked together the authorities only talked to Manhunter, passing her over because she was a woman.

(Showcase '93 #3) - Blue Devil and his alien friend Morty escaped the planet of Maldor using a teleportation tube that sent them to the Justice League hq. They were confronted by Guy Gardner, who was none too happy about their arrival. Guy didn't like Blue Devil's demonic look, leading to a fight between the Justice League, including Fire, and Blue Devil. The Ironmongers of Maldor pursued Blue Devil and Morty through teleportation, and when they engaged the Justice League in combat Blue Devil and Morty took the opportunity to escape. The League defeated the Ironmongers, who teleported back home.

(Showcase '93 #8) - Fire and Ice were hired by Harroway to model his clothes on the lip of an active volcano. They traveled to Honeycreeper Mountain in Haaii for the shoot, but the volcano erupted and they had to go into action to save the village below. Villagers Daniel Hokuto and Sherri Meilani Toshiro were so grateful that they invited Fire and Ice to their wedding.

(Guy Gardner: Warrior #17) - Ice returned from her homeland, and after doing some serious thinking decided she didn’t want to be with Guy anymore. She talked things over with Fire, who told her she’d finally come to her senses, and decided to break up with him when the time was right.

(Final Night #1, 3) - Superman organized a summit of superheroes, including Fire, to listen to an alien named Dusk. She'd seen the Sun-Eater snuff out the sun of countless planets, and she was there to warn the heroes that the Sun-Eater was headed towards Earth. Fire and a team of heroes used their powers to create a smaller second Sun. It drew the Sun-Eaters' attention, and it absorbed it, but was still after Earth's real sun. The Eater engulfed the sun, leading to worldwide freezing. Ray nearly killed himself generating light and heat for a South American village, but Fire and Zatanna saved his life.

(Green Lantern III #81) - Coast City; Fire was among the heroes who attended a memorial service for Green Lantern Hal Jordan.

(JLA #27) - Fire was called in as a JLA reservist to battle Amazo. Amazo was programmed to acquire the powers of the JLA, so when Fire and a number of other heroes temporarily joined the JLA to battle him it just made Amazo more powerful. Amazo decimated the JLA reservists, and was only defeated when Superman officially disbanded the JLA, leaving Amazo powerless.

(Martian Manhunter II #10) - Cameron Chase pretended to be a magazine columnist so she could interview Fire about Martian Manhunter. Fire discussed their working relationship, and told Chase she was bitter that he often got more respect than her when they went on missions in Brazil. She described how Manhunter comforted her by appearing to her as Ice after Ice’s death. He’d seen her at her most vulnerable, and this led to her resenting him. When Chase revealed she was investigating Manhunter for the D.E.O., Fire told her she’d just made an enemy.

(JSA #76) - Fire and Metamorpho went to JSA hq to break the news of Blue Beetle’s death to Power Girl. They were still looking for his murderer, with Booster Gold leading the search. Fire told Power Girl her life was never the same after Ice died, and she hated seeing Booster Gold lose his best friend too.

(Villains United: Infinite Crisis Special #1) - When the Society broke out virtually every incarcerated supervillain around the world Martian Manhunter sent a telepathic S.O.S. asking every available hero to stop the breakouts, and Fire was among the heroes who responded. The Society massed in Metropolis, and Fire and an army of virtually every hero on Earth confronted the villains and engaged in an epic battle with them.

(52 / WWIII Part Four: United We Stand #1) <Week 50, Day 7> Fire became part of the secret government organization Checkmate, and discussed a plan of action as Bialya's neighbors prepared to war over her remains after WW III.

(Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman-Prime #1) - An army of Earth’s heroes, including Fire and Ice, appeared to take Superboy-Prime down during the Sinestro Corps invasion of Earth. The heroes focused on wrecking his armor, because after a year on Oa, and away from a yellow sun his Kryptonian body still wasn’t at full strength, and his armor collected sunlight. Superboy bragged that once the sun rose on Earth he’d be at full power. Superboy was battered by Wonder Girl and Wonder Woman, who blamed him for Superboy’s death, as well as Supergirl and Power Girl, who blamed him for the death of the Superman of Earth-2. As the fight went against him, Superboy broke down in tears. He tried to wipe them away, saying that it was impossible foir boys to cry, and then whining that no one ever thanked him for sacrificing his Earth to save the multiverse. The battle lasted until dawn, and he flew into the sunrise. As he achieved full power he declared himself the one, true Superman. The Guardians arrived with Sodam Yat, the new Ion, and pitted him against Superboy-Prime.

Comments: Created by E. Nelson Bridwell & Romeo Tanghal

In the pre-Crisis DC Universe there was a version of Green Fury that lived on Earth-1A. This Green Fury was introduced in the Super Friends title before the mainstream, Earth-1 Green Fury made her debut in DC Comics Presents.

Green Flame received profiles in Who’s Who Update '88 #1 and Who's Who in the DC Universe #1. She received a profile in Who’s Who in the DC Universe #7 under the Justice League America entry.

Fire had cameos in JLA #117, 119 and Justice League of America II #1.

In Martian Manhunter II #24 Martian Manhunter told a story about Fire, the JLI and his addiction to choco cookies. This may have been part of Fire’s history, but more than likely it was just an anecdote Martian Manhunter found funny.

Sandman II #2 showed an image of Fire when Dream thought about his upcoming visit to the Justice League.

Aquaboy downloaded pictures of Fire from the internet in Sins of Youth: JLA, Jr. #1.

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