Real Name: Clete Jenkins

Class: Human technology-user

Occupation: Mercenary

Group Affiliation: Symbolix

Known Relatives: unnamed mother

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Marietta, Georgia

First Appearance: Damage #1 (April, 1994)

Powers: Flak wore battle armor that gave him superhuman strength and durability, and the armor was outfitted with shoulder-mounted guns.

History: (Damage #1-3) - Flak and Megafire, employees of Dathan Wahrman and Symbolix, went to retrieve Subject Telemachus, a boy named Grant Emerson whose superpowers recently developed. Wahrman tried to inject him with nanites to temporarily block Grant’s powers, but he broke free and fled. Flak and Megafire pursued and he battled them until Wahrman called them off because they were attracting too much attention in the neighborhood. Grant broke into Symbolix to find his parents, but when he released them from a cell they attached a device that neutralized his powers onto his back. He learned the Emersons were not his real parents right before Dr. Wahrman killed them to cover his trail. He left Grant with Flak and Megafire, and Grant once again lost control of his powers, exploding and destroying the Symbolix building. Flak survived the explosion and ditched his armor so that the fire department would think he was an ordinary Symbolix worker.

(Damage #4, 6) - Flak recovered in his hospital bed and watched a fight between Damage and Troll outside his window. Flak thought Damage was pursuing him, so he stole an ambulance to get away. He drove right into a fight between Damage and the New Titans. He flipped out and handed himself over to the police.

Comments: Created by Tom Joyner & Bill Marimon

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