Real Name: Unrevealed

Class: Human mutant

Occupation: Supervillain, thief

Group Affiliation: Fatal Five

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile, 30th Century

First Appearance: Legion of Super-Heroes III #24 (July, 1986)

Powers: Flare could manipulate light, using it to fly or shoot destructive power beams.

History: Little is known about Flare, except for the facts that she was a mutant and she stole on commission. She became a legendary thief and was recruited by Emerald Empress for membership in the Fatal Five. Flare and the Fatal Five battled the Legion of Super-Heroes, and after her team was defeated Flare was brought into Science Police custody for the first time in her life.

Due to the events of Zero Hour Flare's existence was erased from DC continuity.

Comments: Created by Paul Levitz, Greg LaRocque & Larry Mahistedt

Flare received a profile in Who’s Who Update '87 #2.

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