Real Name: Jason "Jay" Peter Garrick

Class: Human mutate

Occupation: Superhero, research scientist, director of Keystone Research Laboratories, Inc.

Group Affiliation: Justice Society of America, formerly All-Star Squadron

Known Relatives: Joseph Garrick (father, deceased),  Edgar Smith (cousin-in-law), Joan Williams (wife), Major Williams (father-in-law, presumably deceased), unnamed adopted son (deceased)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Keystone City, Kansas, 1940s' to present

First Appearance: Flash Comics #1 (January, 1940)

Powers: Flash could run at superhuman speeds, in his prime he could run at lightspeed, but over time he's slowed down. He possessed superhuman endurance and had an aura that protected him from friction heat. He could vibrate his molecules at superspeed, enabling him to phase through solid objects. By varying the vibration of his atoms he could travel to other dimensions or through time.

History: (Flash II #208 (fb, BTS)) - Jay’s father Joseph spent all his free time with his son, and was a father-figure to the neighborhood, organizing stickball games. When Jay turned 10 his father died fighting in WWI, and Jay kept his father’s helmet to remember him by.

<January 25th, 1940> While he was a student at Midwestern University Jay Garrick accidentally tipped over a beaker of experimental "hard water." The resulting fumes knocked Jay unconscious, and he spent all night breathing in the gas. As a result Jay gained the power of superspeed and took on the costumed identity of Flash to fight crime.

(Spectre III #20 (fb)) - Flash and several other mysterymen were battling a German fleet trying to cross the British Channel, but the fight was going against them until the Spectre arrived. He turned the tide, and every German soldier died screaming. The mysterymen were in awe at Spectre's power.

Flash was a founding member of the JSA and served with the All-Star Squadron during WWII.

(All-Flash #6) - Flash came upon honest officer Mike Moran arresting crooks Butch anmd Bully, but shockingly their personalities had been reversed. Mike refused to rat on the crooks, and Butch and Bully insisted on turning themselves in. Flash took them all to jail for their own good until he could get to the bottom of the mystery. He found that his new friends trhe Three Dimwits had unwittingly invented a Personality Ray. Flash was amazed by their invention, but worried about the implications of its use. He watched them use it on a husband and wife, and a socialite and chauffer, and decided that he had no right to interfere in other people’s decisions to alter their personalities, but the Personality Ray still didn’t sit right with him. Underworld figures Big Louie and Trigger Tom suddenly regretted turning down the Three Dimwits as hired help, and tried to recruit them. Flash sent them scurrying, and warned the Dimwits to stop getting mixed up in criminal enterprises. He sent them on a lecture tour at Columbine University, NYC to keep them occupied. Their lecture was interrupted by their clients, all of whom had decided that the grass was not greener. Louie and Tom took thew opportunity of the distraction to steal the Personality Ray. Flash, caught them, but worried he’d have to keep watching over the Dimwits his entire life, so he had his civilian identity’s girlfriend Joan Williams lend him her social case Red Grant, who operated the Personality Ray to give the Dimwit’s a bit of Flash’s bravery, morals and courage. Unfortunately, he didn’t know what he was doing, and a full personality switch took place. Louie and Tom stole the Ray again, and switched D.A. Belmonts’ personality with Louies’. They then switched the entire Keystone police forces’ personalities with the crooks in lockup, and set them loose on the city. Red helped switch Flash and the Dimwits back to their proper personalities, and Flash recruited the criminals of Keystonejails to jail the police that had their personalities. The Dimwits acquired a measure of bravado, and helped the Flash in his heroics. The Flash used the Personality Ray to switch everyone back to normal, and then smashed it so it could never be used for nefarious purposes again. Winky wanted to reinvent it, so the other Dimwits clobbered him, telling him it was too much of a headache.

(DCU Holiday Bash #2) - <December 24, 1944> Flash and the Justice Society put on the Justice Society Canteen for troops home for the holidays. They helped foil nazi saboteurs that tried to blow up the canteen, thanks to the help of Ensign James Gordon.

(JSA #18 (fb)) - <late 1944/early 1945> Flash the JSA and Scarab came to Sandy's rescue when the lad was kidnapped by Johnny Sorrow. Sorrow opened a gateway to the Subtle Realms and unleashed the King of Tears on Earth, then disappeared. The Spectre devoured the King then cried him out into a vial created by Green Lantern I, trapping the King's essence.

(Spectre III #20 (fb)) - <1945> At the end of WWII Flash and the Justice Society visited Auschwitz and learned the full extent of the Nazi's genocide. Spectre raged, and wanted to destroy every German in sight, but the Justice Society talked him down, telling him he had to rely on the justice of the Nuremberg war trials.

(Flash Comics #70) - Jay Garrick, accompanied by Joan, traveled to the Barnacle Beach Summer Resort to run chemical tests on the seawater, and they ran into the Three Dimwits, who’d opened up a hot dog stand. They admitted business was poor because of how far away from the beach they were located, and they’d foolishly chosen their location so they wouldn’t have to compete with vendors on the beach. Jay mentioned that seawater contained gold, and the Dimwits decided to become prospectors, bringing pans to the seashore. Noddy fell in the water and landed on a chest full of gold, but he wasn’t paying attention to his surroundings because he was panicked, so when he surfaced he assumed his pan was full of gold from the seawater. He showed his discovery to Jay, who recognized the gold pieces as belonging to a collection heisted by criminal Spots Cordon years ago. Spots had been released from prison, and planned on collecting his underwater stash, but was furious seeing Noddy with some of his coins. He threatened Noddy, but Jay went into action as the Flash. Flash fought off the crooks while the Three Dimwits fled, but the scarlet speedster slipped on a rock and cracked his head. Spots and his gang found the Dimwits hiding on their rowboat and tied them up, before boarding their scow to recover the loot. Flash recovered and sped to the scow, and when the crooks jumped overboard Flash showed them he could swim as fast as he could run and quickly knocked them all out with a few well placed punches.

(Flash Comics #71) - George Morris was a gambling addict whose girlfriend Minnie begged him to stop. He lost all the money he had to take her out except for ten dollars, and decided to try his luck one last time at a gambling club. While he was on his way Jay and Joan were getting ready for a date, but Joan got a call from the chief of police saying he needed the Flash and Joan resigned herself to the fact that she’d have to take another rain ticket on a date. The chief told flash gambling was rampant in Keystone city, but anytime they took down one gambling group, the crooks used a phone system to warn everyone else in the city to shut their games down. Flash could travel faster than phone, and raided the Put and Take, the same club George Morris was at, betting his last ten dollars on roulette. As Flash whizzed by him the roulette ball came up on 7 and he was $100 richer. Flash rounded up the club owners and cut their telephone lines before speeding to the racetrack. George Morris was at the track and bet all his money on the broken down Shelley Boy. Point men were watching for police, so Flash ran through the track at superspeed, using Shelly Boy to cover his arrival and netting Morris another big win as he took out the point men and the police shut the track down. Flash went to the waterfront to catch the last major gang, the Kobblestone Kids, while two of the Kids spotted Morris, and overhearing him brag about his luck invited him to the waterfront to make a bet. They bet him all his money that it would rain in five minutes, planning to activate sprinklers on the waterfront attacked to a water tower. Flash dumped the water tower on the other members of the Kids, and the police arrested them, while George found himself rich because there was no “rain.” He took the money to Minnie who said she was done with him even if he had a fortune because he was an addict. Flash ran by his apartment, and the money got blown out the window. George saw it as a sign and told Minnie he was done gambling forever.

(Flash Comics #72) - Joan Williams read the Three Dimwits the story of Pygmalion, and they immediately decided to carve their own statue of a woman in hopes of it coming to life and marrying them, despite Joan’s protests that Pygmalion was merely a legend. The Dimwits took a job at Ye Olde Wax Museum, and used left over wax to start their sculpture, which they named Myrtle. Flash caught Jinx, his right hand man, and his moll robbing a jewelry store, but they escaped after the moll whacked Flash with her handbag. They hid out in the wax museum, changing clothes with statues of Caesar, Napoleon and Myrtle. The Dimwits thought Caesar’s chin looked ugly, and tried to chisel it off until Jinx yelled at them. They caught Myrtle yawning, and convinced they’d brought her to life, asked her to marry all three of them. Jinx and company said they wanted to go on a night stoll, and robbed another jewelry store, telling the Dimwits it was okay, because nobody ever arrested a statue. Jay Garrick gave a lecture about the impossibility of creating artificial life, but the Dimwits interrupted him, saying they’d done just that. The crowd broke out in laughter, and Jay thanked the Dimwits for livening up his lecture, but they insisted he come to the wax museum to prove they had created life. The crooks had put the wax statues back in place and redressed them, and the unimpressed Jay said he’d see the Dimwits around. He later reconsidered because the Dimwits were always getting in improbable messes, and after changing into the Flash he saw the Dimwits leading the crooks on another night jaunt. Flash rounded up the crooks, and Jinx boasted he’d never find their stash, but Flash said crooks were never as smart as they thought they were, and easily figured out that Jinx had switched his loot with the costume jewelry and props in the wax museum.

(Flash Comics #73) - The Three dimwits invited Flash and Joan to see their new submarine, as they had decided to become undersea explorers despite knowing nothing about oceanography. Noddy showed them that it was powered by a perpetual motion device of his own invention, a generator suspended between two magnetic. Flash was incredulous at the idea of Noddy inventing a theoretically impossible device, but when they climbed aboard and started the machine it hummed to life. The sub lifted into the air and flew into space, with Flash calculating their trajectory and realizing they were headed to Mars. There was no way to stop the perpetual motion device, so once it landed on Mars Flash and company had to race outside, as the sub kept going, boring into Mars’ surface before disappearing entirely. A delegate of Martians met the dimwits, believing them to be geniuses who had discovered interplanetary travel, but their mental tests proved that the dimwits had not a brain cell amongst them. The Martians caged them and began musing that if all Earthlings were so stupid the planet would be ripe for invasion. Flash, hidden by his superspeed, whispered a plan to Noddy, who said he’d demonstrate his mental powers. Flash, still unseen because of his speed, bent the cage’s bars, and when a Martian pulled an atomic ray Flash disassembled it. Flash bowled over the Martians, who were now convinced Earthlings possessed powerful mental abilities. The sub drilled straight through Mars and emerged on the other side of the planet. Flash leapt towards it at superspeed, with his momentum dragging Joan and the Dimwits to the sub with him. The sub returned to Earth, at which point the “perpetual motion device” gave out due to air friction and fell apart.

(Flash Comics #74) - The Three Dimwits answered a help wanted ad to watch after some cats and ended up at Carl Wendt’s Cat Farm, where they learned their charges would be tigers. The dimwits tried to quit immediately, but Wendt offered them a healthy bonus. Jay Garrick and Joan Williams were on a date when the police commissioner summoned Flash, and Joan said she was used to their dates being postpones. The commissioner told Flash there was a diamond smuggling enterprise making headway into Keystone City, but customs officials couldn’t find the source. Noddy nearly got mauled by a tiger and called Joan for help. She told Flash about the Dimwits dilemma, but he said they had to get themselves out of whatever trouble they’d gotten themselves in because he was after a smuggler ring, and gave a speech about how smugglers were ruining legitimate jewelers and diamond-cutters by flooding the market. At Joan’s insistence Flash saved the Dimwits from an angry tiger and the Dimwits realized some of the cats were stuffed and filled with diamonds and other jewels. Flash realized Wendt was smuggling precious stones using stuffed mounts and made quick work of Wendt and his men. While Flash was busy delivering justice Noddy showed his pals a new trick. He stuck his head in a lion’s mouth, and it appeared that the lion then bit his head off. Noddy was pleased with his trick, showing that he could fool the lion and his pals by pulling his neck into his collar.

(Flash Comics #75) - The Dimwits practiced an off-key song celebrating their admiration of the Flash while Noddy worked on his latest invention, Rudy Th’ Robot. Blinky and Winky rightly pointed out that Noddy knew nothing about robotics and robots needed machinery to run. Noddy acknowledged the second point, but not the first and shoved every piece of machinery he had laying around into Rudy until he caused a short-circuit. Whatever he did miraculously worked, and the now activated Rudy proved capable of thought and speech and immediately started imitating the Three Dimwits, singing their new song. Jay Garrick invented an electronic borer he believed would be invaluable to construction, and drove his invention to a science fair when he spotted the Dimwits in trouble. A police officer asked them nicely to stop singing and causing a disturbance in the neighborhood, prompting Rudy to pick a fight with the cop. Jay changed into Flash and broke up the fight, convincing the officer not to arrest the dimwits, saying their robot could be a boon to mankind. Flash convinced the Dimwits to enter Rudy in the science fair. Some crooks spotted the fair, and convinced the impressionable Rudy to help them steal the electronic borer and help them rob a safe. When Flash realized his invention and Rudy were missing he pieced together what happened, and had the radio station WHEW play the Dimwit’s song. Rudy Th’ Robot paused while breaking into the safe and broke out in song, getting Flash’s attention. Flash knew Rudy wouldn’t be able to resist hearing his buddies singing. The Dimwits were awarded the booby prize for wildest invention at the science fair, a phonograph. They tried to record their song with Rudy, who finally broke down, endlessly repeating “We likes da Flash!”

(Flash Comics #76) - The super-elixir that cured Worry Wart’s condition wore off and he returned to his old neurotic self, so he visited Jay Garrick and asked if the Flash could whip him up another batch. Jay gave him anti-worry pills, and told him to take one a month. Worry Wart figured two pills would be better than one, and overjoyed that he was no longer miserable after two pills he decided to swallow the whole bottle. Worry ?Wart was now completely carefree and ecstatic, giving off happiness-rays that spread across Keystone City. Everyone in Keystone gave up their responsibilities for revelry with banks throwing money at people and large groups of citizens singing in the streets. Jay and Joan laughed with each other, satisfied that they’d never have another worry in their life. Jay changed into the Flash to spread joy, but as he approached the city limits the happiness-rays wore off and he came to his sense, realizing happiness had to be earned and not taken for granted. Flash warned people about entering Keystone and made radio broadcasts warning any visitors to insulate their heads so they’d be immune to the happiness-rays. A group of crooks got the idea to insulate their heads and rob the carefree city blink, targeting jewelers, banks and other businesses. Flash made short work of them, ripping the turbans they were wearing on their heads so they’d become carefree like everyone else. Worry Wart visited a lighting works and almost fell into a generator, but Flash saved him. Flash said that if he’d hit the generator his concentrated happiness-rays would have turned the whole world carefree, completely halting human progress, so he hooked Worry Wart up to a device that drained the rays from his body and dissolved them in an acid solution. Worry Wart was back to his old miserable self, and Flash found that the citizens of Keystone were not grateful that they were back to normal. Instead everyone was depressed and angry that their brief happiness had come to an end, and Flash felt terrible, even if he knew he had to do what he did.

(All-Flash #25) - Joan’s cousin Alley Gates came to town to enter a jitterbug contest with Joan as his partner. He was a big jitterbug enthusiast, and wanted to meet the Flash, who he assumed was as hip as he was. Jay assured him that Flash was cultured, and liked classical music, and Alley was supremely disappointed. The jitterbug dance was robbed by Slapsy Simmons, who hated dances because he’d been laughed at his whole life because he was a terrible dancer. Jay changed to Flash and foiled the robbery, but as he spun Slapsy around and threw him across the room Alley got in his way. The impact could have killed him, so Flash tackled Slapsy, injuring his own back, and allowing the crook to escape. The injured Jay attended another dance the next day, and drove off Slapsy by hurling donated children’s toys at him at super-speed. Flash was recovered by the time of the next jitterbug championship, and impressively rounded up Slapsy and his gang on the dance floor. The judges were so impressed with his display that they wanted to award him the jitterbug championship. Alley Gates decided that Flash was one cool cat after all.

(All-Flash #25) - The Three Dimwits had dinner with Jay Garrick and Joan Williams, and told the couple they’d rescued a mermaid from a net while fishing, and she’d rewarded them with furniture made of gold. Jay and Joan were skeptical until Winky pulled out a golden spoon. They also said some “nice men” helped them load their furniture into their cottage. Jay correctly deduced that the “nice men” were criminals casing the joint and changed into Flash to check on the Dimwits cottage and found it being robbed by mobster Spike’s hoods. He send them to jail, but the next day Spike’s mouthpiece got them out, and both they and the Flash followed the Dimwits to their rendezvous with the mermaid. Flash stopped the crooks from taking the mermaid’s gold and told the Dimwit's the U.S. government forbid citizens from hoarding gold, so they couldn’t accept any more gifts. The Dimwits panicked about going to jail, and regretfully told the mermaid they could no longer accept her generosity. Flash took Spike to prison and he tried to get back at the hero by tipping off the police about the Three Dimwits’ stash. The police investigated, but all the gold had turned to seawater. The mermaid’s process of extracting gold from water left items constructed from the process only physically stable in the sea.

(All-Flash #25) - Jay gave a talk about atomic structures at town hall and met socialite Ted Raometer. They hit it off, which surprised Jay, because Ted had always seemed like such an introvert. Crooks kidnapped Ted, and Jay changed into Flash and followed them, but after a brief scuffle they escaped. The next day Flash saw Ted walking the streets and learned that the man that was kidnapped was a character actor impersonating Ted so he could retire from social life and catch up on reading. Ted arranged for a ransom drop for his double, and Flash followed the crooks to their headquarters and captured them.

(Flash Comics #77) - Bobby Horton’s father was a scientist who always warned him to stay out of his lab, but one day Bobby’s curiosity got the better of him and he discovered his father’s lightning-generating machine. He fooled around with the machine and a lightning bolt struck his legs, crippling him. He was confined to a hospital until adulthood and harbored an irrational hatred of laboratories and science. One day he found that not only could he walk, but he could leap great bounds because the lightning that struck him supercharged his legs. He vowed to wreck havoc in the scientific community and took the supervillain identity of the Leaper. He crashed the Science Congress on the Future of the World, ranting that the future was doomed unless scientific progress was halted. Flash was slated to talk at the convention since he’d been to the future a few times, to tell the world about the future World University and the bomb defense the Justice Society investigated. He confronted the Leaper, who knocked him out with a kick to the head. The Leaper assembled a gang, and laid out his plan to destroy the labs that had discovered a new way to make copper. Copper stocks had plunged, and they’d all but them up, because they’d soar again once the new scientific breakthrough was wrecked. Jumper handily destroyed the labs through arson and setting off explosives while his gang kept lookout. Jay Garrick didn’t understand the patterns of the Jumper’s crimes, but knew he targeted laboratories, so he announced his lab had discovered a sugar substitute. Jumper and his gang bought up sugar stocks and trashed the lab. Jay changed into the Flash to confront them, but Jumper knocked him out again. Flash almost perished in the lab fire, but waved his helmet back and forth to displace air and summon thunder, alerting the police, who rescued him. Flash finally tumbled onto the Jumper’s M.O. and investigated  who’d been buying up copper and sugar stocks. He visited Jumper’s apartment, guarded by one of Jumper’s gang, who spilled the beans that Jumper’s next target was the E-J Electrical Laboratories. Flash got the jump on the Jumper, who knocked into an electrical device, and the surge of electricity left him powerless. Flash brought him to prison.

(Flash Comics #77) - Johnny Thunder announced to his folks and Peachy Pet that he’d finally come up with a foolproof get rich plan, dressing up Thunderbolt, over his objections, as a mysteryman he named Hypochap and offering his services for a fee. Sockitaway Bank hired Hypochap to wash their windows, but while Hypochap was working the bank got robbed. Johnny said that for an additional fee Hypochap would catch the robbers, but before he could cash in Flash caught the crooks, and Johnny was sore that business was snatched from under his nose. The Fabulous Fur Corp. Hired Hypnochap as a night watchmen, and when their warehouse was robbed Thunderbolt said he did his job because he’d watched. Johnny tried to get extra money for Hypochap pursuing the thieves, but they were apprehended by Hawkman and Hawkgirl. A woman hired Thunderchap to rescue her kidnapped daughter, but the Ghost Patrol came to the rescue and kicked the tar out of the kidnapper. Johnny was fed up and visited the office of Flash Comics, telling the editor that if Flash et al. Didn’t stop messing with him he’d start interfering in their comic book stories.

(Flash Comics #78) - Jay and Joan prepared for their Halloween party with some help from the Three Dimwits. Jay cashed a check to pay for party favors when a gang of criminals robbed the bank. The crooks had been led by Brains before he was sent away, and were striking out on their own. Jay changed into the Flash and seemed to have the crooks well in hand before he ran into an exposed electrical wire and was knocked out. The crooks ran off and spotted the dimwits in their costumes, dressed as outlaws Dick Turpin, Jesse James and Captain Kidd. The crooks were convinced they were spirits raised up during Halloween, and when they were invited to Joan’s party they misinterpreted the invitation as a scheme to rob her. Flash recognized Joan’s unwelcome guests, and during the Halloween games he used the opportunity to smack them around. Brain got out of prison, and was infuriated, that his gang had taken up with the Nitwits, and knocked them cold with a slapjack. The Dimwits dreamed about imps trying to pull the tooth from a jack o’lantern, and suddenly realized what was actually going on when they woke up. They asked Flash to save the day, and he rounded up Brain and his men.

(Flash Comics #79) - Eel was released on parole, and deciding jail was for suckers he was determined to find a way to make a way by working with the law instead of against it. He met with his old gang, who lent him enough money to incorporate a new town Eeltown. He hired the Three Dimwits to serve as mayor, judge and chief of police and started posting advertisements extolling the low cost of living in Eeltown. Jay Garrick told Joan Williams he was running out of space for his lab equipment in his apartment, and Joan suggested he rent a house in Eeltown. With a number of people having moved into town eel set in motion his plan to start raking in cash. He wrote a number of ridiculous laws into the town by-laws, and had the Three Dimwits arrest a number of citizens and fine them for such violations as failure to install a telephone, failing to eat lunch at noon or not wearing a red tie on Monday. Jay changed into Flash to research the laws, and realized he couldn’t directly confront Eel and his gang because a bunch of the laws specifically targeted him such as laws against fighting or flinging people into the air. Flash caused a number of accidents like pushing one of the gang out a window, knocking a crook in the face with a door and unhitching a horse from the gang’s wagon until Eel and his crew could no longer stand living in their own town. Flash told eel the city would prosper without him and bid him goodbye.

(Flash Comics #80) - Flash saw some men about to enter a bank with their guns drawn and gave them a thrashing. The crooks told Flash he couldn’t prove they actually intended to rob the bank, saying it was his word against theirs. Young artist Bobby Gordon witnessed the scene, and showed Flash he’d made some sketches of the men before Flash spotted them. He promised to testify with Flash to put them behind bars. Bobby told Flash he was running away from home because he was confined to a wheelchair and felt like a burden. Flash brought him to the office of the Daily Review newspaper, and the editor was so impressed with bobby’s work that he commissioned news related art from him. Flash returned bobby to his parents and had a sit down with them. He told them how Bobby felt people, including his parents, were pitying him, and he encouraged them to treat Bobby more as an equal because he was more than his handicap. Flash told Joan about bobby and decided to commission a portrait, thrilling Joan. Moose, the brother of one of the robbers Flash picked up, decided to threaten Bobby, reasoning that he could scare him into silence before he was set to testify. They went to his home and threatened him, but Flash was present, and moved at superspeed so they couldn’t see him. He told bobby he could choose what to do and Flash would back him up. Bobby refused to be intimidated, and Flash roughed up the goons, sending them packing. Bobby had a renewed sense of confidence and started a successful career as an artist.

(Flash Comics #81) - Jay and Joan went to a football game, and Jay reminisced about how much he enjoyed playing college football, but he knew he could never go pro because his speed would give him an unfair advantage. Joan suggested they go to their alma mata Midwestern University’s homecoming day, and jay was excited about the prospect of seeing Midwestern play Lake university in football. On the train ride to Midwestern Jay overheard “odds” Henry’s men talking about getting a big payday by betting on Lake, kidnapping their players and replacing them with ringers. Lake’s ringers did predictably well, and Jay changed into Flash and rescued the kidnapped players from the Mine Hotel. He told the coaches what was going on, and asked to help Midwestern win the gang to spoil “Odds” scheme. The coaches agreed, saying they’d have a proper game afterwards. Underdog “All Thumbs” McGurk was put in the game for Midwestern, and Flash used his superspeed to help McGurk lead his team to victory. “Odds” crime was exposed, and he was arrested by the police.

(Flash Comics #82) - Joan’s cousin Edgar Smith from Cleveland came into an inheritance from his uncle and traveled to Keystone city, checking in at the hotel Monty. He was confused when the staff claimed he’d staid there before, saying his name was Walter Jordan. All of his suitcase had been replaced and had Walter Jordon’s initials on them. Smith was confused, but called Joan to say he was in town. The staff saw him talking to Joan and Jay and called their boss, Brain Guy, who sent thugs to kidnap them. Jay changed into Flash and fended off the kidnappers, while Brain Guy visited Smith and showed him a newspaper with his photo on it that announced Walter Jordon was wanted for murder. Smith thought he was losing his mind and Brain Guy told him to lay low. He told Joan he feared he was cracking up and Flash went to Cleveland to see if he could learn anything. He found that smith was on the train to Keystone at the time Jordan committed murder, so he couldn’t be Jordan and he couldn’t be a criminal. The Brain Guy’s racket was to offer criminals a fall guy for their crimes, driving them out of their minds with the help of the Monty staff until they were willing to confess to anything. The scheme relied on the fall guy having no friends or family, so he sent an assassin to rub out Joan and Jay. Flash easily captured the hired gun, who confessed everything he knew about the Brain Guy. Flash brought the DA to Brain Guy’s office, clearing Smith’s name and presenting enough evidence for the DA to order Brain Guy arrested.

(Flash Comics #83) - When Fred Handy was convicted for the murder of banker Jeffers he proclaimed his innocence and vowed to kill every one of the jurors that convicted him. A spectral Handy made his appearance, and the jurors did indeed start dying. Flash investigated and tangled twice with his ghostly antagonist, but couldn’t prevent him from killing jurors. He discovered the “ghost’s” hit list, and the order that he was killing the jurors, and stopped him from killing jury foreman Simon Biggs. “Handy's" ghost turned out to be Ed Zelon, one of the jurors. He revealed that Simeon had killed Jeffers to keep him from exposing him as a crook, and pinned the murder on Handy. He insinuated himself into the criminal trial and bribed his fellow jurors into voting Handy guilty. Zelon cracked from feelings of guilt, and started knocking off the jury. Simeon tried to kill Flash, but the hero defeated him. The whole case left him a bit shaken, and he took a vacation with Joan into the country to calm his nerves.

(Flash Comics #84) - Jay Garrick and several other police scientists discussed the curious case of Erik Razar, an inmate who’d received a jolt from his prison’s power center and gained the power to transform into any type of animal. Jay dubbed him the Changeling, and was determined to look into the matter. Jay spotted Changeling, who dove in front of an armored car before transforming into an elephant, shattering the car and taking it’s loot. Flash tried to fight him, but changeling flung him away with his trunk. Flash survived the fall by directing himself towards a water tower. Flash studied changeling’s prison records and realized he had a grudge against Topper Hull and his gang. Flash spied on Hull and his men, and Changeling was also peaking in on them. Hull’s gang took over a salvage ship to bring up the safe from a sunken vessel. Changeling went into action, changing into a shark and stealing the safe. Flash beat Hull and his men after a brief fight and confronted changeling. He battered Changeling, who was trying to turn into an octopus. The beating and the lack of oxygen finished off, and flash believed they were in a life and death struggle from which only one of them could have survived. He hope scientists could study changeling’s body to understand the secrets of his transformation.

(Flash Comics #85) - Joan called up Flash, asking him to come to the Royal Theatre. When he arrived he saw a ballet performance interrupted by a masked man in the audience firing on the stage and knocked him out with a punch. Joan told Flash she’d written a ballet called Crime Wave, and the man in the audience was an actor firing blanks. She just wanted to see Flash’s reaction to see how convincing the scene would appear. Jay attended the opening night performance with Joan and when the masked man showed up and opened fire Jay congratulated him on his performance. Jay and Joan realized the man was not the actor, who was tied up backstage, and he’d fired off live rounds, killing two of the ballet dancers. Joan realized she’d be forced to close her show, and introduced Jay to theatre critic Schuyler Van Wert, who’s taken an interest in her work. He suggested she change her ballet to an ice capades show. The show was a success, but the show’s producer Torg seemed terrified of another attack and suffered a fatal heart attack. Jay saw some goons in the audience who were startled, saying Torg wasn’t supposed to die. Jay changed into Flash and investigated Torg’s backstage room, finding a letter from the Impresario, who demanded protection money or else he’d kill Torg. Flash realized Impresario and his gang were running a protection racket on local theatre companies and decided to tail the goons. They lost him in the theatre’s basement where they shot pipes full of freezing chlorine gas, disabling Flash. Flash came up with a plan; if a show protected by the Impresario had something happen to ruin it the producers would stop paying and Impresario would be forced to make a move. Flash created gale force winds by spinning around outside a theatre company, keeping anyone from entering. The producers were so infuriated that they didn’t have a single customer that they refused payment to Impresario’s men. Impresario realized Flash was responsible and told his men they’d have to kill the hero. They ambushed Flash and Joan outside another theatre and tied them up. Impresario revealed himself as Van Wert, and told the story of how his acting career was ruined by a case of stage fright, forcing him to destroy the theatre. Flash called him a failure as an actor, hoping to goad him into a mistake. Impresario said he’d give a demonstration of his abilities, and after changing costumes he began performing Macbeth. Flash taunted him until he lept at the hero with a knife. Flash dodged, and the knife cut his bonds. Flash easily defeated Impresario and his gang, saying he’d have a starring role as a prisoner for the rest of his life.

(Flash Comics #86) - Jay and Joan investigated a meteor crash site, and after taking some meteor fragments they discovered a dinosaur footprint and made a plaster cast of it. Shockingly they were attacked by a dinosaur that tried to eat them, and after freeing themselves from its’ jaws they fell to the ground and were knocked out. They woke inside a natural history museum next to a dinosaur skeleton and a meteor display. The display case was cracked open and Jay had possession of the display’s meteor. Museum guards detained them and brought them to curator Professor Lang. Jay sometimes worked as a consultant with the museum, and when he told Lang his story Lang said he must have cracked from the strain of his work. Jay was arrested, but determined to get to the bottom of things he put a dummy in his cell and exited as Flash. He returned to the museum to encounter crooks stealing the meteorite display. Flash foiled them, and had to change back into Jay when Lang visited him in jail to authenticate the fragments. Lang handed the fragments to museum security who drove off with them, but Jay followed them as the Flash and witnessed the guards, who he recognized as the robbers that targeted the museum, handing over the fragments to wealthy collector Mr. Sleek. Flash realized Lang was selling off the museum’s collection and replacing the museum displays with replicas. Lang held Flash and Joan at gunpoint, brought them backed to the museum, and wrapped them up in bandages and putting them in an Egyptian sarcophagus that he was putting up for auction. Flash escaped and pursued Lang to the basement where he was confronted with the dinosaur he’d been attacked by earlier. Flash created a gust of wind by running around the dinosaur, knocking it over and revealing it to be a robot. Flash realized Lang had sent the dinosaur after him and Joan to frame him for stealing from the museum.

(Flash Comics #87) - Joan went on a vacation, visiting Bayou Town. She heard bells ring out and an Clara Craig, an old woman rushing into the woods. Her brother Mark explained that the bells came from a hoiuse that burned down 50 years previously, and once the phantom bells started ringing it marked one of the Craigs for death. The whole town was frightened of the bells, but Joan shamed them, saying she’d go rescue Clara herself if no one was willing to help. The townsfolk joing Joan on her search, and they found Clara desperately looking for the source of the bells in the burned down house to no avail. Joan returned to Keystone City, and told Jay about the situation. Jay said he’d scientifically prove there was no phantom bell, and went to the burned down house, using detector devices that proved no metal was present. Two masked men didn’t want them snooping around and dropped a boulder on Jay, who changed to Flash to confront them. They threw Joan down towards some jagged ruins and he flung them off using a tree branch and rescued Joan. Jay and Joan visited the Craigs and Clara toldd the story of how her brothers left for the South Seas to be pearl divers twenty years ago. She barely recognized them when they returned, but shortly thereafter the bell rang for the first time and Jack disappeared, seemingly swallowed by quicksand. The bells rang out again and Mark left a note saying he was going to sacrifice himself to save Clara. Jay left Joan behind with Clara and changed into Flash to investigate. He found Mark’s hat in a pool of quicksand, but was suspicious because of footprints leading away from the pool. He found “Mark” and “Jack” in their sailor ship. They were sailors who’d killed the Craig brothers and impersonated them, creating the story of the bells so that when they killed Clara there would be no suspicion on them and they’d claim her fortune. They hit Flash with an anchor, tied him up, and set the ship on fire. Flash escaped and prevented them from killing Clara and Joan. The phantom bell turned out to be a bell set in a suit of knight’s armor in Clara’s house, and Flash debunked the death curse. Clara was saddened by the loss of her brothers, but happy that she no longer needed to fear the phantom bell.

(All Star Comics I #36) - At a JSA meeting Flash and the JSA learned of formerly respectable men were creating a nationwide crime-wave, and the team split up to capture the men. Flash went to Snow City where he fought Mr. X, who was blackmailing political candidate Rex Gardin. Gardin knocked out Flash and tied him up, leaving him on a path where toboggans ran, and hoped one would crush Flash. Flash escaped and took down Mr. X with the help of Calvin Stymes, who shot Mr. X's gun away from his hand. Flash received a message from Wonder Woman and brought Mr. X to JSA hq. Green Lantern learned the criminals were turned evil by Calvin Stymes, who exposed them to Koehaha, the Stream of Ruthlessness. Calvin wanted to see the men in jail or dead, so when the JSA brought the criminals to the Stream, Stymes set off an explosion. The JSA survived and a landslide crushed Stymes. The JSA knew the effects of the Koehaha would wear off and offered to testify at the criminals' trials so they would be found innocent by reason of temporary insanity.

(All-Flash #30) -

(Flash Comics #88) - Jay Garrick attended the annual Science Research Society, surprised that his friend chemist Homer Brown was absent, because he’d told Jay he had a startling discovery to announce. A messenger from the post office had a latter for Jay, and goons tried to steal it, but Jay changed into the Flash to get his letter back. Brown, who’d gone missing a month before, reiterated that he had a startling discovery to announce. Flash decided to investigate Brown’s boarding house, and Professor Garant, the head of the Research Society, asked to accompany him. As Flash checked Brown’s room Garant shot Flash with a light gun. Flash found himself back as Jay Garrick, discussing chemical prices with Joan as they prepared to restock his lab for the year. Jay realized he’d been thrown back in time a year, back to 1946, and theorized that Homer Brown had befallen the same plight. Flash found Brown, who didn’t yet know what discovery he was going to make because of the effects of time travel. Flash grabbed him and ran faster than the speed of light to return to 1947. Brown remembered that he’d worked with Professor Garant, helping him create his light gun that seemingly disintegrated matter, and feared he’d use it for destructive purposes. The mayor of Keystone City announced that Mr. X was in charge of the city, and Flash learned that X was really Garant, having used a light gun to apparently disintegrate an entire city block, demanding control of the city. Flash and Brown broke into Mr. X’s lab as he had his light gun at Washington, D.C. planning to disintegrate it and take control of the entire United States. Flash apprehended him, exposing the true nature of the light gun. Flash told Brown that within the year the missing Keystone block would reappear, and suggested they investigate beneficial uses for Garant’s discovery.

(Flash Comics #89) - Flash got a call at the police station from debuting criminal Thorn, who warned him she was going to rob Mid-Town Bank. Flash dismissed it as a crank call until a report of the robbery came up over the police wire. Flash rushed across town to the bank, and beat up Thorn’s gang. Thorn, appearing in a whirlwind of thorns that slashed Flash, said she just wanted to meet him and prove to herself that she was his master. The whirlwind dissipated, and Flash met Thorn’s supposed sister, Rose. She claimed that her sister had been turned evil by being pricked by a jungle rose during their time as scientific assistants in Tashmi, and she just wanted to help her. Flash brought Rose to his girlfriend Joan William’s house, promising to help Thorn. Thorn was actually rose’s split-personality, and she left Joan’s place to plan her next big heist. There was a diamond shipment coming in, and Thorn eavesdropped on Flash’s discussion of the shipment’s security measures with the chief of police. A sand barge was bringing in the diamonds, and Thorn flew in on a plane, bombing it and hitting Flash with an explosive thorn. She made her getaway on a speedboat, but Flash caught up to her and she hitched a ride on an ocean liner. She threw another explosive thorn at Flash, and the blast caused her to fall into the water. The rest of her explosive thorns went off, and Flash believed she died in the ensuing blast. Flash and Joan broke the news of Thorn’s “demise” to Rose, who sobbed and said it might be for the best.

(Flash Comics #90) - Jay Garrick met the Bobtails baseball team when a stray ball during practice hit him on the head. He blew up and immediately regretted it, offering to act as the team’s batboy. Joe Stanton led the team to multiple pennants, but he was hospitalized and his daughter Ginger took over as manager with help from her kid brother Larry. The team was on a losing streak, and Joe’s health was failing. Ginger knew the team just needed it’s confidence back, and knew her dad’s best chance for a recovery was to see the Bobtails win the pennant. Flash used his superspeed to help the Bobtails win all their games, sending them to the pennant. Gangster Chips Chuggo had all his money on the Hawks, so he planned on making sure the Bobtails didn’t make the pennant. Flash couldn’t allow the Bobtails to lose by default, so he played against the Hawks by himself and won the ballgame. Chuggo was furious and tried to have his men gun down flash, but the Scarlet Speedster dodged the bullets and captured the crooks. One the Bobtails were freed they agreed to play the Hawks again for the pennant and won, much to the delight of ginger and her father.

(Flash Comics #91) - Jay and Joan read newspaper accounts of a serious of robberies on wealthy socialites. Flash investigated and found that fortuneteller Madame Corinne had her parlor micced, and while she pumped her wealthy clients for information about their assets her partner gangster Big Pete robbed their homes. Flash interrupted Pete’s gang while they robbed Mrs. Gaytree’s husband of his railroad bonds, but Pete escaped by emptying a barrel of tar, causing Flash to temporarily get stuck. Corinne started to despise Pete, who was skimming money and constantly threatening her with violence. She rattled him by predicting his death, saying “The arrow of Sagittarius shall stir the sting of Scorpio.” Flash impersonated wealthy eccentric Thaddeus M. Bensen, telling Corinne he kept all his money at the Tower Club. As Flash he confronted Big Pete at the Tower Club, but the villain took Joan hostage. Pete tied Joan to an airplane and parachuted out. Flash guided the plane to safety, saving Joan, but a stray bolt of lightning struck Pete, killing him. Corinne claimed the arrow of Sagittarius was the lighting and the sting of Scorpio was the shock that killed Pete. Flash knew she was a phony, saying she could twist her prophecy to mean anything she wanted it to.

(Flash Comics #92) - 400 years ago the knight Black Templar claimed land in the New world, founding Buckton City. His descendant put on a suit of knight armor, declared himself the new Black Templar and with a band of knights and the wizard Merlin took over Buckton city, declaring himself the ruler. He cut the city’s communications, cut the power and imprisoned hundreds of citizens underground, making Buckton resemble a medieval city. The Templar then build a wall and moat around the city to keep it isolated. Flash fought the Templar and beat him, but the black Templar threatened to execute the prisoners he held if Flash didn’t leave. Jay and Joan read a newspaper report of an emergency Congressional meeting to decided on bringing in the National Guard to take back the city. Flash decided to make another attempt at defeating the Black Templar, challenging him to a duel. Merlin told the Black Templar Flash was too fast to be seen when he ran at superspeed, so he gave him the magic gem the Flame of Buckton so that he could always see flash’s shadow. During their joust Flash was caught unaware, surprised that the Templar could see him and was struck with the knight’s lance. Joan read of Flash’s defeat in the newspaper and went to Buckton to plead with the Templar, saying his prisoners would die without fresh water and medical treatment. The Templar cared little for his prisoners, and threw Joan in with them. The Templar’s knights lowered the bound Flash into a well with a hungry octopus they figured would finish him off, but Flash escaped. He met Joan in the prisoners’ quarters and drilled into the ground to provide them with fresh water. The Black Templar was prepared to pull a flood control switch to drown the  prisoners, but Flash was too quick, knocking him out and ending the Templar’s reign.

(Flash Comics #93) - Fiddler and his gang committed a robbery, and when Flash showed up he was surprised, saying he thought Fiddler was at the bottom of the river, but Fiddler replied that was exactly what he wanted flash to think. Flash tussled with fiddler’s goons, giving the villain enough time to escape in his violin-mobile, and after Flash dropped the criminals off at the police precinct Fiddler started shadowing him. Flash was late for yet another date with Joan Williams, and she was frustrated that he was always blowing her off, reminding him he wasn’t a one-man police force. She told flash he should consider retiring because it might make him realize the world could get along without him. Flash pursued robbers, and tried to rescue a bricklayer when he was in danger of being run over by them, but the bricklayer said he could handle himself. The bricklayer tossed bricks at the crooks, causing them to crash, and told Flash he wasn’t as fast as he used to be. Flash then came across criminals trying to take little kids hostage, but before he could intervene the kids knocked out the crooks with a few well placed marbles. Flash went after crooks in a motorboat, but their boat crashed into him, knocking him out, and a nearby fisherwoman had to rescue him. Flash wondered if he might actually be slowing down and in need of a vacation. Joan started ignoring Flash’s calls, and when he went to her apartment she said she didn’t want to see him again. Flash made the momentous decision to retire and announced it to the press. With Flash retired Fiddler went on a citywide crimespree, and Joan couldn’t help but feel responsible. She dressed up as the Flash, and using a trick Flash once taught her created an optical illusion using miniature mirrors sewed onto her costume that made it appear as though she had superspeed. She surprised Fiddler in the middle of a railway robbery, but after his initial shock at his foe being back he used the vibrations from his violin to knock her out. Fiddler was surprised at seeing a female Flash and was disappointed his scheme to force Flash to retire had failed. He’d overheard Flash’s argument with Joan and staged phony crimes with the “victims” saving themselves played by members of his gang. He prepared to run the railway car over Joan when the real Flash decided to come out of retirement and saved her. The panicked Fiddler fell from the elevated railway tracks to his apparent death. Joan asked for Flash’s forgiveness and begged him to never retire again.

(Flash Comics #94) - Dr. Maria Flora was charged with the murder of her associate Prof. Lexon and Joan Williams was irritated with Jay Garrick when he said there was nothing he could do to help their friend because she’d already confessed. Dr. Flura woke up in prison with no recollection of what had happened to land her on death row, and she begged the warden to call Jay to see if the Flash could help her. Jay was happy to help as the Flash, but he was disturbed when he saw Joan had a look of hate in her eyes and tried to stab him. Flash disarmed her, but Joan suddenly disappeared. He ran to the Keystone City jail at superspeed, but Joan was waiting for him there and tried to shoot him. The warden witnessed the whole thing, but flash insisted there had to be an explanation for Joan’s murderous actions and asked that she be kept in a jail cell for her own safety. The D.A. took Flash to the prison’s movie hall and showed him a tape of Flura’s confession, but Flash was determined to prove her innocence. He talked to flora about the last time she’d seen Lexon. A while back Flash and Dr. Flura visited the hidden Secret City, where the natives had perfected an image projection machine to make copies of themselves that seemed real. Flash convinced the ruler of the Secret City to use his technology for good instead of evil, but when Flura told Lexon about the adventure he said they had to find a counter-measure in case the ruler of the Secret City went against his work. Investigating Lexon’s lab Flash found the professor alive. He’d duplicated the image-projector and intended to use it for nefarious purposes. To keel anyone from getting suspicious he used the image-projector to fake his own death and have Flura’s image confess. He knew Jay was friends with the flash so he kidnapped Joan and used the image-projector to create a fake Joan to eliminate him. Flash set Joan free and proved Dr. Flura’s innocence, and Lexon was arrested.

(Flash Comics #95) - Joan convinced Jay that they should go sailing so he could relieve some stress, and came across a freighter whose crew was all dead. The only survivor was a woman hiding in the sea chest, and Jay changed into Flash to rush her to Keystone Center Hospital. Over Joan’s objections Flash returned to the freighter to search for clues about the woman’s identity and what happened to the crew but a bomb that had been planted on the ship exploded, and Flash was lucky to survive, having been hurled underwater by the blast. The woman disappeared form the hospital, and Flash and Joan watched a news broadcast from the Federal Research Lab where scientist Miss Craig, who was a dead ringer for the missing woman, said she’d made an extraordinary discovery in India and knew crooks would be after it so she sent her twin sister aboard a decoy ship to preserve her discovery. Flash and Joan rushed to the research lab, where Vain Vance and his crew, who’d attacked the freighter and killed its’ crew demanded Craig hand over her discovery. Flash made quick work of the crew and grabbed Vance by the belt he’d looted from the freighter, turning both of them to gold. Craig admitted to Joan that she never had a sister or a decoy ship, she’d concocted the story to lure in Vance, who didn’t realize the belt he had, which could turn anything to gold, was the find she made in India. Joan and Craig both wept, and Craig blamed herself for costing Flash his life, saying the belt’s effects couldn’t be reversed. Flash vibrated his molecules until both he and Vance returned to normal, and Joan was overjoyed that he was safe.

(Flash Comics #96) - The police gave up searching for Thorn’s body, declaring her dead, and Jay Garrick visited rose to give his condolences. Rose said she planned to return to Tashmi and Professor Hollis’ jungle laboratory, and plucked a rose for Jay so he would have something to remember her by. He tried to pick one for her, but cut himself on the thorns, and when he asked why she hadn’t cut herself she replied that she was used to handling dangerous flowers. Back in his lab Jay couldn’t help but suspect that Rose had the same immunity to thorns that her sister did, and wondered if she could secretly be the Thorn. Thorn was alive, and Jay changed into Flash after hearing a radio broadcast about her robbing a bank. Rose showed up at the lab and was hurt when Flash said he had to leave to catch Thorn. Rose said it was unbearable for him to not like her, and after she left she changed into Thorn. Thorn created a giant thorn-stalk in Grimes Square, foiling the police’s attempts to catch her. Flash used his superspeed to avoid the thorns and get her down, but she immediately started whipping thorns at a group of onlookers and escaped after turning into a whirlwind. Thorn changed into Rose, who begged Flash to stop going after her “sister” saying she was too dangerous and would end up killing him. The people hit by the thorns ran amok, and Flash had to round them up. The effects would wear off after a few days but the police and Flash worried about Thorn turning the entire city upside down by using her thorns on the populace. Flash used Thorn’s conceitedness against her, placing an ad in the newspaper saying he’d confront her on Main St. And arrest her. Thorn arrived, allowed Flash to take her to jail, and then locked him in a cell with exploding thorns. Flash vibrated through the thorns, and his foe was furious that he wasn’t dead. She fled by jumping into an open manhole, but her thorns caused an explosion. Jay later told Rose he was sure her sister was dead this time, but admitted no body was ever found.

(Flash Comics #97) - Joan Garrick told Flash she was convinced she’d killed someone, and wanted to turn herself in to the police, but he insisted she share her story before she made any rash decisions. The night before Joan was looking through an old school yearbook highlighting scientists investigating Joan and her friend Rita Stevens’ claims that they shared an ESP connection and being unable to disprove it. She then fell asleep and dreamed of going down an old road leading to a lighthouse. When she entered the lighthouse a man appeared and drew a gun, threatening to kill her. He chased her to the top of the lighthouse, but Joan pulled a knife and stabbed him, causing him to fall into the sea below. Joan was shaken by the nightmare, and was shocked when she woke up to find a knife in her room. She concluded that she’d murdered while sleepwalking or under the influence of a hypnotist, but Flash remained unconvinced. He told her they’d see her old friend Rita to see if she could shine light on the matter, and Rita’s new place turned out to be the lighthouse Joan had seen in her dream. When they entered they were confronted by the same man Joan had dreamed about, and he had a bandage where she dreamed she stabbed him. The man’s goons got the drop on them and tied Joan and Flash to the lighthouse beacon and set a bomb before speeding away in a boat. Flash spun around fast enough to spin the beacon from its’ axis, flying him and Joan clear of the explosion. They caught up to the crooks and Flash made short work of them, discovering Rita aboard their boat. Rita said the men were smugglers using the lighthouse to store their wares, and when she tumbled upon their scheme the lead smuggler tried to kill her, with the rest of the events playing out as they had in Joan’s dream. The smuggler survived the fall to the sea and took her captive, so she sent an ESP message to Joan’s dream, hoping she could save her. Joan was still puzzled about the knife in her room until she learned that her landlady’s husband had forgetfully left it there while cleaning her apartment.

(Flash Comics #98) - Jay and Joan acted in a play for charity, playing a poor couple that was lifted out of poverty by a good fairy that rained pennies from Heaven on them. Afterwards Jay complained about the unrealistic nature of the story and Joan shushed him. A rich man in a limo spotted them walking to the cast party, and thinking they were poor because of their rags told them he was giving them a million dollars, wondering if they could spend it in one night. Jay wasn’t sure what he was up to, but decided to play along. He drove them to his mansion and fitted them in fine clothes from his niece Louise and brother Michael’s wardrobe, saying he was taking them to the exclusive Mine’s Pit club, but once they got in the limo again Michael and Louise knocked them out and they locked the limo and pushed it off the edge of a pier. Jay recovered, changed into Flash and vibrated out of the car. He created a water spout to lift the car back onto the pier and returned to his lab with Joan to examine the million dollars, suspecting it would give him a clue as to why the trio tried to kill them. After a few phone calls with the Treasury Department he had the case solved, but refused to explain it to Joan, annoying her to no end. Joan and Jay hit the town, giving out $1,000 tips in hopes of drawing out the trio. They went to the Miner’s Pit to spend more money, but the table they were at, a converted elevator lift, went into operation and dropped them in a mine under the club. They were again confronted by the wealthy man, Michael and Louise, who tied them to dynamite that was set to go off if they moved, and fled the mine. Jay again changed into Flash and vibrated them out of the situation before catching up with the trio and apprehending them. They were counterfeiters wanted by the Treasury Department, and hoped to throw them off their trail by killing Joan and Jay and connecting them to a counterfeit million. Flash spotted the forgery because they’d used nylon instead of silk in the bills, and was angered that he and Joan had specifically been targeted because the counterfeiters thought no one would miss two dead people in poverty.

(Flash Comics #99) - At his research lab Jay showed Joan his graph of crime statistics and was puzzled by the fact that there had been no crimes committed in Keystone City for the past week. He wondered if the underworld was up to something big and decided to offer up the Flash as bait. Joan arranged a charity performance by the Flash at the children’s hospital, where he demonstrated a flagpole escape trick. Flash had himself chained up on the flagpole and spun himself around at superspeed. He disappeared and Joan wondered if it was part of the act or if the underworld had taken Flash’s bait. The criminals of Keystone had put together the Tommies, a week long awards ceremony patterned after the Oscars. Bugle Boy Boyler was about to win the Tommy for best abduction when Gadget floyd burst in, bragging that he’d kidnapped the Flash using his suction gun. Flash vibrated off the suction gun, but the crooks started shooting, and when Flash tried to escape by a side door he found it was rigged with shotguns. He managed to avoid getting shot but tripped and knocked himself out against a wall. Boyler and Floyd argued over who should get the award, so the host of the Tommies tasked them with destroying the Keystone police’s fingerprint files to see who was the better crook. Flash recovered and made short work of the crooks present and then sped to the police station where he surprised Floyd and Boylar by hopping out of a cabinet containing the fingerprint files. Flash sped back to the children’s hospital, presenting the captured crooks as the finish to his act.

(Flash Comics #100) - Jay accompanied Joan, who was doing a story for the Keystone City Starabout a captain and his crew who’d found an old treasure ship filled with priceless Spanish doubloons. Mr. Blazo, who owned the revolutionary Blazo’s Television Newsreel, which televised events in real time, offered to boat them out to the treasure ship. As they arrived the ship swiftly sunk beneath the waves. Blazo’s crew rescued the captain and his men, but when Jay changed into the flash and dove underwater he was shocked to find no sign of the treasure ship. After some thinking Flash dove in again and drilled himself into the river bed, finding the treasure sip, which had been sunk into the mud. Blazo and the sea captain had conspired to sink the ship so Blazo would have attention-grabbing footage of the ship sinking and they could keep the doubloons for themselves. Blazo and the captain didn’t want the flash exposing him and attacked, but he made short work of them.

(JSA #82) <March 21, 1951> Jay promised to watch over Carter Hall’s artifacts he’d stored in the Metropolis warehouse district. Jay fought off a gang of thugs hired by the Gentleman Ghost to steal Hall’s treasures.

(JSA #68) - <October 13-15,1951> Flash and the Justice Society appeared before HUAC, where they were accused of having ties to the reds because they'd associated with a communist to bring in saboteurs. HUAC demanded they prove themselves good Americans and reveal their secret identities. They all refused, and Green Lantern teleported them out of Washington. At JSA hq they discussed the fact that they'd be wanted men and women if they didn't reveal their identities. They decided it was for the best to disband the Society.

(JSA #72) - <October 30, 1951> Flash and the rest of the Justice Society were convinced into coming out of retirement by the time-traveling JSA. They had to team up to stop Per Degaton, who was going to assassinate President Truman and put the blame on the Justice Society, forever ending their legacy. The teams defeated Degaton, who fled into the timestream. The resulting time distortion caused Flash and the other Society members to forget their adventure with the JSA.

(JSA #25 (fb, BTS)) - <after WWII> Flash learned that he and his wife Joan couldn’t have children so they adopted a young boy. After two weeks the child caught pneumonia ad passed on.

(JSA #75 (fb)) - Atom introduced Flash and the Justice Society to his young godson Albert Rothstein, and they let him sit at the Society meeting table.

Jay met he successor Flash II (Barry Allen) when they freed Keystone City from the control of Shade, Fiddler and Thinker I.  Jay was confident that this new hero would do a fine job continuing the Flash legacy.

(All-Star Comics I #58, 59) - Brain Wave informed the JSA that he was going to cause disasters in Seattle, Washington, Peking, China and Capetown South Africa that would cause a chain reaction that would destroy Earth. They split up, with Wildcat and Flash trying to stop a volcanic eruption in Peking. They found themselves unable to deal with the disasters, although youthful heroine Power Girl stopped the eruption. Similar circumstances averted the disasters in Capetown and Seattle, with new heroes helping the JSA. Power Girl suggested that Brainwave set them up to fail but didn’t foresee the interference of the new heroes, whom Power Girl dubbed the Super Squad. The JSA and Squad confronted Brain Wave aboard his space station, and learned that he'd sapped the willpower of the JSA that they displayed in averting the disasters to return will and youth to Per Degaton. When the JSA had the villains on the ropes, Brain Wave used his mental powers to send Earth on a collision course with the sun, demanding they submit or see the planet die. Power Girl sent Brain Wave's space station toward the sun, overheating it and causing the villain to pass out. The JSA decided to take in the Super Squad so they could learn from each other.

(All-Star Comics I #60, 61) - During a lazy afternoon at JSA hq Vulcan attacked the team. Vulcan once idolized the JSA, but blamed his inhuman condition on his attempts at heroics, and now wanted to kill his former idols. He set their hq ablaze and left. Flash and the JSA watched firefighters put out the blaze Vulcan started at JSA hq. Joan Garrick was worried that Flash was past his prime and couldn't handle Vulcan, so she convinced him to come home with her.

(All-Star Comics I #62) - Flash returned to the JSA when he heard Fate was deathly ill after being injured by Vulcan. Flash and Green Lantern traveled to Egypt to try and find a way to save Dr. Fate's life.

(Justice League of America I #172) -

(Spectre III #54 (fb)) - The JSA pursued Spirit King in Flash's body to Stonehenge, where he emerged, and jumped from one hero to the next to defeat them, ultimately taking Dr. Fate as his host, and allowing Flash to flee, and putting the idea in his head to seek Spectre's aid. Spirit King brought the heroes to Fate's Tower to punish them with hellish torments, and he animated Mr. Terrific's rotting corpse for his own amusement. Flash arrived with Spectre, and Spirit King revealed that his whole plan was to draw in the Spectre, his prize. His master was Shaitan, and he opened up a portal to Hell to consume the Spectre. Mr. Terrific's spirit arrived, and helped Spectre send Spirit King to Hell, closing the gate. Terrific said he always felt outclassed by his teammates, but he knew he was the hero that day, and the JSA said he made upo for his lack of powers with heart and guts.

(Spectre III #20) - Prof. Nicodemus Hazzard interviewed former members of the Justice Society to learn more about the Spectre after the Wrath of God had threatened to judge the world

(Green Arrow III #16 (fb)) - Flash attended Oliver Queen's funeral.

(Superman: The Man of Steel #57) - Flash asked Joan what she wanted for their upcoming wedding anniversary when he heard reports about twisters hitting Smallville. Flash ran to Smallville, and with the help of Superman he dissipated the twisters.

(Impulse #10) - Jay, XS, Johnny Quick, Iris Allen and Linda Park visited Max Mercury in the hospital. Savitar's avatars attacked them, but the speedsters powers returned thanks to the actions of Flash and Jesse Quick. They defeated the avatars, and the speedsters, joined by Impulse, went to confront Savitar.

(Flash II #110) -

(Impulse #11) - Jay and the speedsters destroyed Savitar's avatars and destroyed his castle, but Johnny Quick lost his life during the confrontation. Savitar vowed to go after the speedster's loved ones.

(Final Night #2) - When the Sun-Eater attacked Earth's sun Flash, Wildcat and Liberty Belle suited up to deal with the panic caused on the ground. They offered Ted Knight the chance to join them, but he felt it was more important for him to keep studying the Sun-Eater through his observatory.

(Flash II #130-132) - Jay Garrick and Max Mercury told Flash the Suit was loose, and he'd led them to Flash's apparent corpse from one hour in the future with a note saying his death was inevitable. Flash confronted the Suit, and told Jay and Max to go to the morgue and make sure they didn't perform an autopsy. The Suit froze Flash just as his future self woke up. He raced to his past self and countervibrated his molecular structure, sending him into a death-like coma. The Suit caused a number of explosions and thought they killed Flash, so he sent him an hour into the past, creating a time loop. Flash was hit by debris caused by the explosions after faking his death, and had to break his run, but ended up breaking both his legs. While Flash was recovering Jay, Impulse and Max posed as him to confuse the Suit. The Suit fought them off, possessed Max and broke all the supercriminals out of Keystone Jail. Flash connected to the Speed Force and created a suit of armor from it. While Jay and Impulse put the supercriminals back in jail Flash unraveled the suit, freeing Max. The Suit reformed and took possession of Jay, so Flash offered himself up in trade. When the Suit possessed him Flash vibrated at superspeed, destroying it.

(Spectre III #62) - Corrigan decided to give up the mantle of the Spectre, at last seeking peace in death. Craemer arranged for his bones to be buried in a small grave, and performed a funeral service, with all of the friends Corrigan met as the Spectre attending, including Flash. The Spectre-Force vanished and Jim ascended to Heaven.

(Flash II #139-141) - Jay, Impulse, Max, Jesse Quick and Flash celebrated Iris Allen's wedding anniversary. Jay and Flash went on patrol in San Francisco and Flash told Jay he was ready to propose to Linda but was worried about dying in the line of duty and making her a widow. Jay told him their job was like being a policeman, and that the risk shouldn't stop him from getting married. The Black Flash seemingly claimed Linda Park's life, and Jay attended her funeral. Flash took time off, and Jay and Jesse Quick defeated Weather Wizard, Captain Boomerang and Captain Cold, who were holding Keystone ransom. The Black Flash returned to claim Flash’s life, and Jay, Jesse and Max fought him, but in the end it was Flash who defeated him and returned Linda from the Speed Force.

(JLA #28-31) - The 5th Dimensional invasion began, with genie Lxz causing havoc around the world. Flash summoned the Justice Society to team-up with the JLA and find J.J. Thunder, who was in possession of the 5-D genie Thunderbolt. Because Flash mistakenly gave him the pen Johnny Thunder used to hold the genie as a memento. Lkz tried to stop them by animating the buildings of Keystone City and killing citizens. The heroes fought him off the best they could, but it still came down to J.J., who, after some prodding, summoned the Thunderbolt, who began a titanic battle with Lkz. Qwsp revealed himself as the instigator of the battle between Lkz and Thunderbolt, a battle that threatened to throw the 5th Dimension into chaos and destroy Earth. Representatives of the 5th Dimension arrested Qwsp, because only mischief was allowed in the 3rd Dimension, and he’d gone way past that. Captain Marvel and Green Lantern convinced Thunderbolt and Lkz to merge into one being, ending their war.

(JSA Secret Files #1) - Speed Saunders sent a fax to Flash I, Wildcat I, Sentinel and Hippolyta to break the news of Sandman I’s death. Flash and his fellow JSA members passed the news on to several other heroes and asked them to come to the funeral.

(JSA #1) - Flash and several other superheroes attended the funeral of Sandman. As the service drew to a close the Sons of Anubis attacked the heroes. After the battle Scarab appeared and told the heroes that a threat to Earth’s existence was approaching, and they must reform the Justice Society of America to combat it.

(JSA #2) - Flash and the newly reformed JSA found out why Scarab needed their help. A new Dr. Fate was about to be born, and Mordu was trying to locate and kill the Fate-Child. The JSA were charged with finding the child before Mordu. Flash traveled to Venice with Starman VII and Black Canary II. They encountered and defeated the Sons of Anubis, but did not find the Fate-Child in Venice.

(JSA #3, 4) - Mordu abducted the Fate-Child and defeated the JSA, but the battle lasted long enough for the Fate-Child to transform into Dr. Fate and trap Mordu inside his amulet. The JSA returned to their hq and named Sand their first chairman.

(Day of Judgment #1) - Flash and the JSA were moving into their new hq when they were attacked by demons. Asmodel / Spectre had unleashed Hell on Earth, and the JSA and JLA teamed to fight him, but were defeated.

(Day of Judgment #3, 4) - Flash and the JSA went to Fate's Tower, seeing him as the only one capable of dealing with Asmodel. Fate appeared to them and told them Earth needed a doctor. Dr. Fate charged the soul of Green Lantern Hal Jordan with mystic energy, enabling him to become the Spectre's new host.

(JLA #38-41) - Flash was among the legion of heroes summoned by the JLA to quell worldwide outbreaks of warfare that were incited by Mageddon.

(Young Justice: Sins of Youth #1) - At Star-Spangled Kid’s insistence Flash and the JSA attended Young Justice’s Justice for All rally in Washington, as did Old Justice, the Titans and JLA. It was interrupted by Klarion, who magically de-aged Flash and most of the heroes into children. Doiby Dickles pulled out an extraterrestrial aging gun to return the heroes to their proper age, but another of Klarion’s spells intercepted his shot. The result was that the younger heroes present were aged to adulthood, but the other heroes remained children.

(Sins of Youth Secret Files #1, Sins of Youth: JLA, Jr. #1) - The de-aged Flash and JSA had a dispute with the de-aged JLA that resulted in them brawling for hours. Once they made up the JSA and Doiby Dickles went aboard the Steel Eagle so they could travel to Myrg so Doiby could find another aging gun to reverse Klarion's spell.

(Sins of Youth: Starwoman and the JSA (Junior Society) #1) - Flash, Doiby and the JSA battled Prince Marieb on Myrg, retrieved an aging gun, and returned to Earth.

(Young Justice: Sins of Youth #2) - Doiby tried using his new raygun on Flash and the other heroes affected by Klarion’s spell but it had no effect. Since the heroes’ ages were skewed by a combination of magic and science, they would need Klarion’s cooperation to undo the transformation. The heroes attacked Agenda’s headquarters in Alaska, where Superboy, Superman, Wonder Girl and Wonder Woman were being held hostage. The hq was defended by the Junior Injustice Society, but the heroes prevailed, forced the Agenda to flee, and freed the prisoners. They then forced Klarion to team with Doiby and return everyone to their proper age.

(JSA #11) - Hourman III sensed that Extant was adversely manipulating the time-stream. Flash and half the members of the JSA boarded Hourman’s timeship to search the time-stream for Extant.

Flash was sent backwards in time when he opened a hole in the space time continuum after punching out Johnny Sorrow at lightspeed.

(JSA #21, 22) - <ancient Egypt, 19th Dynasty> Khufu, Adam and Nabu showed Flash the remains of a crashed Thanagarian spaceship as well as the Claw of Horus, a weapon they had forged from the Nth metal that once powered the Thanagarian ship. Nabu told Flash that Khufu was about to be reincarnated in Flash’s time as a new Hawkman, and gave him the Claw to pass on to Hawkman. Adam then lent Flash some of his superspeed so that Flash could return to the modern era.

(JSA #23-25) - Flash and the JSA learned that Hawkgirl had been taken to the planet Thanagar, and resolved to follow her there. A number of JSAers were involved in other cases or otherwise unavailable, so Black Adam offered to accompany them. Flash suggested they allow him to, since their mission to Thanagar reminded him of the prophecy he learned about from Adam and Khufu in ancient Egypt. Dr. Fate used Fate’s Tower to transport them to Thanagar where they witnessed the resurrection of Hawkman I. Flash was overjoyed to see his old teammate again and gave him the Claw of Horus. The JSA and Hawkman battled Sin-Eater and his Dark Wingmen who had conquered Thanagar. The JSA were defeated and imprisoned. They escaped and once again battled Sin, with Hawkman ultimately being the one to defeat him and free Thanagar from his rule. The JSA returned to Earth and welcomed Hawkman as the newest member of the JSA.

(JSA Secret Files #2) - Flash and Joan Garrick invited J.J. Thunder over for dinner so they could get to know him better. Flash grumbled as J.J. summoned the Thunderbolt and started making a mess of the Garrick household while he and the Thunderbolt played hide-ad-go-seek.

(JSA: Our Worlds at War #1) - During the Imperiex War Flash, the JSA and the JSA reserves were given a mission by President Luthor to disrupt Imperiex’s link to his ship’s power supply. The JSA not only cut off Imperiex from his power, but they managed to blow up his ship as well.

(Flash: Iron Heights) - When Murmur unleashed the frenzy virus on the population of Iron Heights Flash I and Flash III were called in to help. Flash III was sent to Iron Heights to obtain a sample of the virus while Flash I worked at superspeed in a laboratory to find a vaccine. Flash brought Jay a sample of Murmur’s blood, which contained antibodies that would ward off the frenzy virus, and Jay had Flash add his speed to a vaccine made from the blood so it would work within seconds. Flash I and Flash III cured every surviving person afflicted with frenzy.

(JSA #29) - Flash, Sentinel and Wildcat went off to deal with a rash of attacks by Jokerized supervillains and left Star-Spangled Kid and J.J. Thunder behind to watch over JSA hq.

(JSA #35-37) - The Ultra-Humanite used Johnny Thunder’s Thunderbolt to conquer the world, and imprisoned Flash and virtually every superhuman on Earth in stasis tubes, only reviving them when he needed mind-controlled slaves to serve in his personal guard the Thunderfront. Flash served as a member of the Thunderfront when they attacked the JSA, the only heroes not under the Humanite’s control. The JSA used a device that disrupted the braincaps Humanite used to control the Thunderfront, leaving them unconscious but freed from Humanite’s mental domination. The JSA later defeated the Humanite. Flash and the JSA attended the funeral of Johnny Thunder, whose body gave out after he was freed from the Humanite’s control.

(Flash II #181, 183) - Joan was exposed to radiation by Fallout while Flash was in India giving out Christmas presents to children. She was diagnosed with leukemia and Flash and Joan told Flash Wally West they’d be in Denver for a few months to get Joan treatment.

(Flash II #189) - Flash III visited Jay to make sure he, Joan and Impulse were hanging in there.

(JSA #44) - Flash and the JSA threw a party to welcome back Mr. Terrific, Hawkgirl and Captain Marvel, who’d been lost in time.

(JLA / JSA: Virtue and Vice) - Flash attended the first annual JLA and JSA Thanksgiving celebration when the teams were called to Arusha, Tanzania to stop Doctor Bedlam from disrupting the Pan-African Conference on World Hunger. The JLA and JSA defeated Bedlam, but the attack was a ruse on the part of Johnny Sorrow to give him the opportunity to have Despero possess President Luthor, who was at the conference, and to have the Seven Deadly Sins possess members of the JLA and JSA. The possessed heroes destroyed JSA headquarters and incapacitated the unpossessed JLA and JSA members. Flash was among the heroes banished to Odin’s Ragnarok in Limbo by the possessed Mr. Terrific. Flash and the others figured out a way to retun to Earth, and then the JLA and JSA helped Shazam re-chain the Deadly Sins in the Rock of Eternity, defeated Johnny Sorrow and freed Luthor from Despero. Luthor graciously built the JSA a new hq.

(JSA All-Stars #1, 8) - Flash and the JSA intercepted the Injustice Society, who had just freed Icicle II from D.E.O. custody. The Injustice Society used arcane devices created by their leader Legacy to transport Flash and the other founding members of the JSA into a prison in a pocket dimension. Flash and the other founders were rescued by the second-generation members of the JSA, and together they defeated Legacy.

(JSA #45) - Flash and the JSA provided security for the trial of Kobra for terrorist acts, which was necessary because hundreds of Kobra cultists were swarming the district court building where Kobra was being tried. Under Kobra’s orders the cultists threatened to activate bombs implanted in their bodies, killing themselves. Rather than allow the bloodshed the judge and Director Bones of the D.E.O. agreed to let Kobra go free for the time being. Black Adam and Atom-Smasher were outraged, and both agreed Kobra should have been killed for his crimes then and there. Flash and the rest of the JSA vehemently opposed their viewpoint, so the duo quit the team. “Dr. Fate” then removed his helmet and revealed he was really the JSA’s nemesis Mordru.

(JSA #46, 47) - Mordru tore into Flash and the JSA and after Mordru grievously injured J.J. Thunder and Mr. Terrific Flash sped them to the JSA infirmary. Eclipso greeted him there, so he grabbed the JSA’s doctor, Dr. Mid-Nite and brought him and his injured teammates to Mid-Nite’s lab in Portsmouth. Flash returned to new York and forced Eclipso to flee from the JSA hq.

(JSA #49-51) - Flash and the JSA battled Kobra cultists who were launching terrorists attacks against Philadelphia after the Princes of Darkness pulled the moon from its’ orbit and Kobra declared the event signaled the impending end of the world. After putting down the cultists in Philly Flash ran around the world to subdue other cult strikes in Paris and Calcutta. Mordru attacked Flash and the JSA, but was weakened by J.J. Thunder and Arion the Immortal, weakening Mordru to the point that he could no longer keep Dr. Fate imprisoned in Fate’s amulet. Fate imprisoned Mordru in the Rock of Eternity.

(Flash II #198-200, JSA #52) - Joan Garrick’s cancer went into remission, and the Garricks moved back to Keystone. Flash III and Linda Park announced to the Garricks, Impulse, and Iris West that they were going to be parents. The Flashes were called away to deal with a collapsing building, and fought Zoom, who beat Jay unconscious because he didn’t want him interfering with the trial he ha planned for Flash III. When Jay recovered he lent his speed to Flash to help him fight Zoom. After Zoom’s defeat Flash sent Impulse away to join the Teen Titans and offered Jesse Quick a job as the JSA’s business manager, which she accepted.

(Flash II #208 (fb, BTS)) - When the world forgot Wally West was the Flash thanks to the Spectre, the Sectre appeared to Flash and Kid Flash and chose not to alter their memories.

(JSA #53) - Flash looked in on his teammate Power Girl, who was being treated by Dr.Mid-Nite after Crimson Avenger II had shot her. Wildcat told Flash that the Crimson Avenger attacked him because he’d framed Charles Durham for a murder he didn’t commit because Durham was responsible for a rampage killing Wildcat couldn’t prove. Flash was disappointed in Wildcat, and knew he had good reason to beat himself up for such a slip in judgment.

(JSA #54) - Flash, the JSA and JLA celebrated Thanksgiving at JSA hq. Kulak and the Warlord of Ys ruined the Thanksgiving meal, but were quickly defeated by the heroes. The JLA and JSA settled for ordering out, and had pizza for Thanksgiving.

(Superman / Batman #4) - President Luthor blamed Superman for a kryptonite asteroid approaching Earth and sent a number of heroes and villains against Superman, who was aided by Batman. A fight in Tokyo nearly destroyed the country, and Flash and the JSA believed Luthor would use this against the entire superhero community, so they sent Hawkman and Captain Marvel to bring Superman and Batman into custody.

(JSA #55) - Flash, Wildcat, Green Lantern and Hawkman made their annual Christmas Eve visit to Londonderry, New Hampshire to see Ma Hunkle, the former hero Red Tornado. She was playing Santa Claus at Dugan’s Department Store, and they helped her apprehend some robbers dressed in Santa masks. Back at Ma’s home they discussed their Christmas plans, and Flash told them that after speeding to every toy store in America and a few in Japan he got everything from Impulse’s wish list, and was going to spend the holiday with the boy and Joan. Flash and the others invited Ma to be the new JSA Museum curator, and she accepted.

(Hawkman IV #23)- Flash and the JSA attended a party for Hawkman in St. Roch, but the celebration ended when they heard a news report about Black Adam's conquest of Khandaq.

(JSA #57, Hawkman IV #24, JSA #58, Hawkman IV #25) - Flash and the JSA traveled to Khandaq in the Steel Eagle with the intention of taking the members of Black Adam’s superteam, their former allies, back home before Adam completely turned them into villains. Black Adam destroyed the Steel Eagle, and the team was scattered across Khandaq. Flash and the JSAers had to battle Adam’s teammates Eclipso (Alex Montez), Nemesis and Northwind. The true Eclipso took over Alex Montez, killing Nemesis and himself. Flash questioned Hawkman’s leadership, telling him their battle was escalating into a war, and they resolved not to lose anyone else on the mission. Flash and the JSA fought Black Adam to a standstill. Atom-Smasher and Captain Marvel brokered a peace pact between Black Adam and the JSA. The JSA promised not to interfere further in Kahndaq as long as Black Adam and his team remained within the country’s orders and didn’t try conquering any surrounding nations. Back in the U.S. Flash talked it over with his teammates, and they agreed that Hawkman should step down from the JSA for the time being.

(Flash II #205, 208) - Flash and Kid Flash helped Flash III defeat Abra Kadabra, Plunder, Tar Pit and Trickster II, who were trying to disrupt a parade honoring Flash. Flash and Kid Flash told Flash III that when the Spectre made the world forget his secret identity they were exempt. The heroes then took a tour of the newly opened New Flash Museum.

(JSA #59) - Flash was concerned about Captain Marvel’s relationship with Stargirl, not realizing Marvel was actually a teenager like Stargirl. Marvel didn’t want to reveal his secret to Flash, so he quit the JSA. The time-traveling Per Degaton appeared to Flash and told him he’d just come back from the future after witnessing Flash’s death. Flash tried to fight him, but Degaton vanished into the timestream.

(JSA #60-62) - Flash and Green Lantern celebrated the original Hourman’s return to the present by spending all night hunting down bad guys. They took down Deathbolt, Red Scare and Rag Doll. Despite Flash and Green Lantern’s insistence that he see his wife one last time, Hourman insisted he’d rather be doing his job than bringing her grief. Flash went into the forensics lab after learning that two of Dr. Mid-Nite’s assistants had been shot. Stargirl was his pupil, but not in much of a mood to spend time with Flash after his talk with Captain Marvel resulted in Marvel dumping her and quitting the JSA. The killer turned out to be Louis Snipe, one of the souls damned by Spectre Jim Corrigan that the Spirit King raised from the dead. Flash and the JSA fought the army of the dead, but knew it was the Spectre who had to return them to Hell. The Spirit King possessed Flash, and under his control he nearly killed Mr. Terrific before Spectre banished the undead army and destroyed the Spirit King. Flash and Green Lantern contacted Batman to tell him they were keeping an eye on the Spectre, and asked Batman to give him a second chance, but Batman told them Hal had already blown his second chance.

(JSA #63, 64) - Sand’s astral self was trapped in the Dreaming, and had to be reunited with his body to restore him, so Dr. Fate sent Flash and other JSAers to the Dreaming. They encountered Sand, who’d come under the control of Brute and Glob and become their new Sandman. Sand attacked the heroes, but Dr. Fate disposed of Brute and Glob, allowing Sand’s mind to be restored to his body. The JSA threw a party to celebrate.

(Superman / Batman #13) - Flash and the JSA were among the heroes invited to Paradise Island to welcome Superman's cousin Supergirl into the superhero community.

(JSA #65, 66) - Flash and the JSA defeated Solomon Grundy, who was running amok in Central Park. Hourman III appeared to the JSA, and brought Flash, Dr. Mid-Nite, Mr. Terrific and Hourman I to Time-Point to save the life of Hourman II. Dr. Mid-Nite performed emergency surgery on the grievously wounded Hourman II, but in the process Hourman I’s allotted hour at Time-Point ran out. A door to the past opened, and he prepared to go back in time, but his son refused to let him. Hourman II jumped into the past, intending to be the one Extant killed. Hourman III stopped him, set up a holographic field, and took Hourman I’s place as the one murdered by Extant. The JSA returned home with the remaining Hourmen.

(Identity Crisis #1) - Flash was among the number of heroes who attended Sue Dibny’s funeral.

(JSA #67) - Flash asked Joan to not leave the house for a while in the wake of Sue Dibny’s murder, but she told him she couldn’t stop living her life. Flash used his superspeed to watch Dr. Mid-Nite perform the autopsy on Sue and watch over Joan at the same time. Flash was feeling ragged and not up to his usual niche of inspiring the rest of the JSA to be strong.

(Green Lantern: Rebirth #1, 2) -Flash and the JSA quarantined Warriors after Guy Gardner lost control of his powers and destroyed the bar. The only thing standing was a statue of Green Lantern, leading the heroes to worry that Hal Jordan was involved and had returned to the dark side. Both Flash and Alan Scott refused to believe it though.

(Green Lantern: Rebirth #4-6) - Ganthet summoned Flash and the JSA and a number of other heroes to battle Parallax, who’d completely taken over Hal Jordan. They weakened him enough for the Spectre to separate Hal from Parallax, allowing Hal’s soul to return to his body, resurrecting him. Parallax took over Ganthet, defeated the JSA, and prepared to spread fear throughout the universe, but Hal banished him to the Central Power Battery.

(Flash II #220, 223-225) - On his way to a JSA meeting Flash was attacked by Zoom, who said he needed Jay to teach Flash III more about tragedy. Zoom used Jay’s speed to power the cosmic treadmill and pluck Reverse-Flash from the timestream. Jay and Kid Flash battled Zoom and Reverse-Flash, but the villains snatched Flash III and used the treadmill to flee into the past. Flash and Zoom’s battle caused a ripple in time that led to Linda becoming pregnant again in the present, and Jay and Kid Flash witnessed the birth of Flash and Linda’s twins.

(JSA #76) - Flash and the JSA were set to testify at the trial of Atom-Smasher, who’d surrendered himself to the authorities. Atom-Smasher pled guilty to violating international law, so the JSAers were dismissed. An OMAC attacked the JSA, and nearly killed them before Atom-Smasher interceded, chasing off the OMAC before he returned to police custody. He told his teammates he believed in justice, and had to pay for his actions.

(Supergirl V #1) - Flash and the JSA battled Solomon Grundy, who was on a rampage. JSAer Power Girl's powers suddenly went haywire, and the JSA solved the problem by separating Power Girl and Supergirl. Mr. Terrific determined that because their origins were so similar Supergirl's presence was somehow making Power Girl's powers go berserk.

(JSA #78-80) - Flash and the JLA located Fate’s Tower, and found Fate’s helm, but no sign of Fate. Sand put on the helm, awakening Nabu. Nabu told them Spectre did something to Fate, but he didn’t know what. He opened a portal to the 5th Dimension so the JSA could rescue J.J. Thunder. Only Hourman, Terrific and Stargirl made it through before Mordru attacked the rest of the JSA, breaking Nabu’s concentration and sealing the portal. Mordru defeated the JSAers and crushed Fate’s helm. Nabu repaired and animated the helm, and told Mordru it was time to settle their conflict. Nabu weakened Fate, and when Terrific, Stargirl and Hourman returned with J.J., he used the Thunderbolt to banish Mordru.

(Flash II #228-230) - Jay and Kid Flash investigated the disappearance of Flash after visiting a new church and found that the church worshipped Vandal Savage. Savage defeated the speedsters and kept them captive. Savage had Flash shackled next to the other speedsters, but they escaped their bonds by vibrating until they were invisible, tricking their guards into unlocking the shackles. Savage used the Summoner to set an asteroid on a collision course with Earth, and while Jay and Kid Flash dealt with panic in the city Flash defeated Savage and told Jay and Kid Flash he was ready to retire soon to spend more time as a husband and father.

(JSA #81) - Flash and the JSA were called to Philadelphia when Liberty Belle lost control over her powers after an attack by the Society. Stargirl showed her that her daughter Jesse was there, and was worried about her mother. This allowed Belle to focus and regain the use of her powers.

(Teen Titans III #32) - Superboy Prime confronted Superboy because he wanted to take his place, and was willing to kill him to do it. Flash and the JSA and the Teen Titans were called in to combat Prime. There were casualties, but Flash Jay Garrick, Flash and Kid Flash took Prime out of action by running him into the Speed Force.

(52 / WWIII Part One: A Call to Arms #1) - <Week 50, Day 1> Black Adam declared war on humanity after the death of his family, starting WWIII. Flash and the JSA visited Bialya after Adam killed millions there, and prepared to confront him. Wildcat pointed out that it wasn't the first war the JSA fought in, and it probably wouldn't be their last.

(52 / WWIII Part Three: Hell Is For Heroes #1) - <Week 5, Day 5> Flash and the JSA went into action after Black Adam decimated Pisa, Italy, aiding the survivors.

(52 / WWIII Part Four: United We Stand #1) <Week 50, Day 7> Black Adam arrived in China, and prepared to destroy the entire country. He defeated China's superhero team the Great Ten before China allowed Flash and the American superhero community to square off against him. Black Adam was a god with nothing left to lose, and each punch he threw was intended to kill. His savagery was winning the day until Martian Manhunter reappeared and flooded his brain with his own loss, the death of the entire Martian species. Black Adam was distracted long enough for Captain Marvel to hurl a Shazam bolt at him. Theo Adam was powerless, and left with amnesia. He staggered away unnoticed from the end of WWIII.

(JSA #83-87) - <one year later> Joan told Flash she’d been startled by a vision of her dead father. Flash and the JSA had their first get-together in many months, and many of the members recounted recent encounters with the ghosts of loved ones. Gentleman Ghost appeared to the JSA and told them the ghosts they saw were his warning to them that they would all soon die by his hand. Later the Ghost attacked Flash and Green Lantern, leaving Lantern in the hospital. Flash brought Joan to JSA hq to make sure she was safe from the Ghost. Some of the JSAers went to London to pursue the Ghost, but Flash stayed behind to make sure the JSA’s loved ones were safe. An army of ghosts loyal to the Gentleman Ghost attacked JSA hq and leveled it, but when the JSAers in England destroyed the Gentleman Ghost his army faded. Flash wondered if the destruction of the JSA hq was a sign they should retire, but Joan told him they were an institution, and still needed by the world. Flash and the other JSAers started cleaning up the rubble.

(Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman-Prime #1) - An army of Earth’s heroes, including Flash and the Justice Society appeared to take Superboy down during the Sinestro Corps invasion of Earth. The heroes focused on wrecking his armor, because after a year on Oa, and away from a yellow sun his Kryptonian body still wasn’t at full strength, and his armor collected sunlight. Superboy bragged that once the sun rose on Earth he’d be at full power. Superboy was battered by Wonder Girl and Wonder Woman, who blamed him for Superboy’s death, as well as Supergirl and Power Girl, who blamed him for the death of the Superman of Earth-2. As the fight went against him, Superboy broke down in tears. He tried to wipe them away, saying that it was impossible for boys to cry, and then whining that no one ever thanked him for sacrificing his Earth to save the multiverse. The battle lasted until dawn, and he flew into the sunrise. As he achieved full power he declared himself the one, true Superman. The Guardians arrived with Sodam Yat, the new Ion, and pitted him against Superboy-Prime. 

(Green Lantern IV #25) - The Sinestro Corps War raged on Earth, and while Flash and an army of superheroes battled the Corps the Anti-Monitor prepared to unleash an anti-matter wave to destroy Earth. With Earth’s destruction, the entire 52 would fall, and he would once again rule all that was. The GLC ruptured the heart of Anti-Monitor’s Warworld, the Sinestro Corps central power battery, and created a shield around Warworld and the Monitor. The ensuing blast nearly destroyed the Anti-Monitor, and he was finished off by Superman-Prime, who betrayed him for having destroyed his home, Earth-Prime. GL Hal Jordan defeated Sinestro in personal combat, and the Sinestro Corps, lacking any leadership, fled Earth. The heroes rejoiced and began rebuilding the damage the Sinestro Corps did.

(Superman I #684) - Nightwing and Flamebird asked Flash for assistance in their quest, to keep his eyes out for something they were hunting for. He agreed to help, promised to keep quiet to Superman for the time being, and warned them they had a hard road ahead.

(Titans II #38) - Flash, the Justice Society and the rest of the superhero community attended the funeral of Atom Ryan Choi

Comments: Created by Gardner Fox & Harry Lampert

Flash received profiles in Who’s Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #8, Flash Secret Files #1 and JSA Secret Files #1. Flash received profiles in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #12 and JLA-Z #2 under the Justice Society of America entry. Flash (as the Golden Age Kid Flash) received a profile in Sins of Youth Secret Files #1 under the Junior Society of America entry. Flash was featured in the Crisis on Parallel Earths and Zero Hour entries in JLA in Crisis Secret Files #1.

In the pre-Crisis DC Universe Flash I lived on Earth-2.

Flash's appearance in Flash Comics #90 was reprinted in 80 Page Giant Magazine #4, Flash Comics #94 was reprinted in Flash I #232..

Flash had cameos in Aztek: The Ultimate Man #8, Flash II #193, Impulse #44 and JLA #99.

Flash II #186, 211 showed a picture of Flash in the Flash Museum. Flash II #196 showed a bust of Flash in the Flash Museum.

A portrait of Flash was shown in the JSA hq in JSA #73.

In Bizarro Comics #1 Mr. Mxyzptlk gave Bizarro-Superman a crash course on battling villains, and afterward Bizarro had images of various heroes and villains, including Flash, fighting inside his mind.

Flash was pictured on the cover of JSA #28, JSA #69 and Titans #18.

JSA #38 showed a photo of Flash and the rest of the Justice Society of America in Hourman II’s JSA brownstone apartment.

A portrait of Flash and the original JSA was seen on display in the JSA Museum in JSA #32.

Flash had cameos in DC Comics Presents #25, 30, JSA #56, 77, Spectre III #21, 24, Spectre Annual II #1.

JSA #67 showed a HUAC poster of Flash and the Justice Society of America declaring them enemies of the state.

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