Real Name: Flaw

Class: Magical construct

Occupation: Minion

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Gemworld

First Appearance: Amethyst II #15 (June, 1986)

Powers: Flaw was made of Gemworld jewels, making him superhumanly strong, virtually indestructible, and resistant to magic.

History:  (JSA #42 (fb, BTS) - Flaw was created by Cutter of Gemworld, but Lord of Chaos Child took control of him and turned him toward evil.

(Hawk and Dove III #2) - Barter found a shard of Flaw and bought it for his trading shop. When he needed intel on Hawk and Dove he offered the shard to Child, who could rebuild  his servant from the fragment.

(Hawk & Dove III #14-17) - Child regrew Flaw and together they aided Lord of Chaos M'Shulla in conquering the dimensional realm of Duspa Tau. Hawk and Dove opposed M'Shulla, and Flaw and Child tried to restrain Dove. Dove sliced off Flaw's arm and promised to destroy him if Child didn't back off. Child retreated, but promised revenge for Flaw's injury. Flaw went in search of his arm, and when he couldn't find it he started smashing the hillside while Child berated him for being mindless. Barter, who'd brought Hawk and Dove to Tau, found the arm and took it with him. Flaw and Child witnessed M'Shulla's final battle with Terratya, Lord of Order for control of Tau, but Child was bored because there wasn't enough bloodshed for his liking. When he spotted Hawk and Dove on the scene he sent Flaw after them, but Hawk shattered his servant to bits. Child came across Ren Takamori, Hawk's girlfriend, and intended to kill her. Barter owed her a favor, and attacked Child with Flaw's arm, sending him flying off a cliff.

(JSA #41-43) - Under Mordru's orders Flaw met Dr. Fate (Hector Hall) in Gemworld and introduced him to Child, who had disguised himself as Cutter. Cutter and Flaw told Fate that he could awaken his sleeping wife Lyta Hall using the skull of Lord Wrynn. In truth the skull dispelled the illusion Mordru cast on Dove to make it appear that she was Lyta Hall, and the confusing revelation made Fate vulnerable to Mordru usurping the power of Fate s helm and amulet.

(JSA #49, 50) - Mordru gave Flaw and Child the task of guarding the prison that held Arion s soul. Power Girl, Hawkgirl and Dove freed Arion and Power Girl shattered Flaw. Child bemoaned the fact that it would take an incredibly long time to piece Flaw back together.

 Comments: Created by Keith Giffen, Mindy Newell & Ernie Colon.

Flaw received a profile in Who's Who Update '87 #2 and Who s Who in the DC Universe #8.

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