Class: Terrestrial species
Known Representatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Krynn, Earth-TSR
First Appearance: Dragonlance #20 (June, 1990)
Powers: Frost Giants were enormous humanoids that lived in cold climates and were typically armed with an ax.History: (Dragonlance #20) - During the Second Dragon War the sorceress Ravenna plunged Krynn into an endless winter, allowing the Thanoi to thrive. Knights of Solamnia Wistan Dawnbringer, Collum and Hagen were on a quest to slay Ravenna, but were ambushed by a Frost Giant. Hagen lured the giant onto thin ice, and he crashed through into the freezing water, but before he drowned the Giant seized Hagen, dragging him underwater.
Comments: Adapted to comics by Dan Mishkin & Dave Hoover.
Frost Giants were a race from TSR's AD&D role-playing game adapted to DC Comics.
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