Real Name: Unrevealed

Class: Human mutate

Occupation: None

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Venice, CA, Earthrealm

First Appearance: (DC Comics) Mortal Kombat X #3 (January, 2015)

Powers: Frost was a skilled hand-to-hand combat, and could project blasts of intense cold.

History: (Mortal Kombat X #4, 5) - Frost fought in deathmatches on a club circuit, and was undefeated. She was paired up against Cassie Cage, daughter of legendary fighters Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage . Frost was arrogant, but Cassie surprised her with her fighting skills, and knocked her out with a headscissors. The crowd booed when she refused to kill Frost, and security put a gun to her friend Jacqui's head. Cassie was prepared to break Frost's neck to save her friend's life, but the situation was defused when Black Dragons Jarek and Tasia burst into the club, and started cutting people to ribbons. Cassie dragged Frost to safety, but the Black Dragons turned their attention to Cassie and Jacqui, pursuing them, capturing them, and taking them to Outworld.

Comments: Created by

Frost was a character from the Mortal Kombat video game series, first appearing in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. This entry covers only Frost's DC appearances. For a full history of the character see

Frost had a cameo in Mortal Kombat X #3.

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