Real Name: Fujin
Class: God
Occupation: Warrior
Group Affiliation: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Sky Temple, Earthrealm
First Appearance: (DC Comics) Mortal Kombat X #3 (January, 2015)
Powers: Fujin was a god who could control lightning.
History: (Mortal Kombat X #3, 4) - Raiden visited Scorpion, having given him the cursed Kamidogu dagger for safekeeping. He warned him that after the Neatherrealm war the boundaries between worlds was weak, and a silent demon had made his way to Earthrealm. He said a champion would be needed to vanquish the demon, and although Hanzo knew Raiden was a liar, it was a fact that people died after he visited. Raiden returned to the Sky Temple to meet Fujin, and used the Kamidogu of Order to clear the cloudiness that prevented him from fully seeing the demon. He saw a vision of the future, and realized events had already been set in motion. Raiden saw Cassie Cage, daughter of Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade, as the harbinger of the fall of Outworld and Earthrealm.
(Mortal Kombat X #22) - Fujin traveled to the Neatherrealm, and found the barriers he'd constructed with Raiden untouched. He warned Raiden that Shang Tsung's island was the probable location of a weak point where Quan Chi could launch an incursion. Raiden told Fujin that ever since he accessed the blood majik the jinsei rejected him, and he said they needed to contact Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage, who were sailing to Shang Tsung's island with Kotal Kahn.
Comments: Created by
Fujin was a character from the Mortal Kombat video game series, first appearing in Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero. This entry covers only Fujin's DC appearances. For a full history of the character see http://mortalkombat.wikia.com/wiki/Fujin
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