Real Name: Diana
Class: Amazon / god (New Gods) hybrid
Occupation: Warrior, soldier
Group Affiliation: None
Known Relatives: Diana (Wonder Woman, mother), Rublon (half-brother, deceased), Steppenwolf (father)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Amazonia, Earth 2
First Appearance: Earth 2 #8 (March, 2013)
Powers: Fury was an extraordinary armed and unarmed combatant, and military strategist. She was armed with a sword and a whip. As an amazon she was virtually immortal and possessed vast superhuman strength, speed, reflexes and durability.
History: (Earth 2 #8 (fb, BTS) - Diana was the daughter of Wonder woman, and she was taken from her mother by Steppenwolf at an early age. Steppenwolf would go on to murder Wonder woman during Darkseid’s invasion of Earth, and Steppenwolf trained Diana in Apokoliptian combat and weaponry.
(Earth 2 #8) - Steppenwolf traveled to the nation of Dherain, seeking sanctuary. He was stranded on Earth after Batman shut down Darkseid’s boom tubes, and Dherain’s King Marov had aided Steppenwolf in the past, betraying humanity to assist Darkseid’s invasion in exchange for Apokoliptian technology. Marov had negotiated a peace treaty with the World Army in which Dherain was cut off from the rest of the world, but he would not be put on trial for war crimes. Steppenwolf and Marov acted cordially towards one another, but Steppenwolf revealed that he knew Marov was trying to lull him into a false sense of security and planned on betraying him. Steppenwolf’s daughter fury was the last of his troops still loyal to him, and she’d learned Marov’s army had orders to kill Steppenwolf when ordered. Marov admitted he planned on taking whatever new Apokoliptian tech Steppenwolf might have to offer and turning him in to the world Army. His betrayal didn’t sting, since Steppenwolf only came to Dherain because he wanted to be the nation’s new monarch. Fury tore through Dherain’s army while Steppenwolf engaged Marov in combat. Marov had an exoskeleton based on Parademon schematics, but it did him little good in fierce fighting, and Steppenwolf killed him. Steppenwolf presented the people of Dherain with Morov’s head, saying that although Marov was a worthy leader and kept the wolves from the nation’s door, he would no longer be able to protect them. The people accepted Steppenwolf as their new ruler, and Steppenwolf commissioned a memorial statue of Marov to make himself seem more like a worthy successor and less like a dictator. Steppenwolf confided in fury that Dherain was only the beginning, he still wanted to rule the entire world for himself.
(Earth 2 #11) - Steppenwolf learned that Mister Miracle, who’d escaped Apokolips a year ago was hiding in Earth 2’s Gotham City alongside his companion big Barda. Steppenwolf ordered fury to go to Gotham and retrieve them. She asked him why he didn’t want her by his side when the World Army was clearly coming for him soon. Steppenwolf replied that she had trained Dherain’s armies well enough that they could stand up to the World Army without her, and he approved of what an amazing job she did whipping them into shape.
Comments: Created by James Robinson & Yildiray Cinar.
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