Real Name: Gabby Maguire

Class: Human

Occupation: Sidekick

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives:

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile, 1930s-40s

First AppearanceNew Adventure Comics #28 (July, 1938)

Powers: Gabby was a plucky sidekick and skilled hand-to-hand combatant.


(Adventure Comics I #41, 42) - Col. McAlister of the British government called Desmo and Gabby to deal with native uprisings in Jeddur. The colony seemed deserted, the mayor was nowhere to be seen, and the telegraph operator was murdered. Natives attacked Gabby and Desmo, calling in reinforcements to take them down, but Desmo set off explosives so he'd have time to flee. The uprisings were the work of the Thugs cult, and native Stashu told Gabby he could lead him to one of their religious ceremonies. Gabby liked the idea of playing the hero and single-handedly taking them down, so he went along. Gabby and Stashu were captured the second they neared the Thug's castle. Their leader Abdul Hassan had Gabby tossed into a cobra pit, but allowed Stashu to flee. Stashu alerted Captain Desmo to his sidekick's dilemma, and they returned to the fortress, with Desmo telling Col. McAllister to send reinforcements if they didn't return soon. Desmo put up a brave fight against the Thugs, but was overwhelmed, and Hassan ordered him decapitated. Gabby shot a number of the cobras before finding a hidden exit from the pit, rescuing Desmo. They got the drop on Hassan, and the calvalry was on its way, but Hassan had already sent a group of his men to ambush them. Stashu sounded his bugle, alerting the British troops, who crushed the Thugs and the revolt.

Comments: Created by Ed Winiarski.

In the pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths DCU Gabby Maguire lived on Earth-2.

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