Real Name: Gabriel

Class: Angel

Occupation: Angel

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Heaven, mobile on Earth

First Appearance: Teen Titans I #45 (December, 1976)

Powers: As an angel Gabriel was an immortal who carried out the will of God, and was capable of blessings and miracles, as well as great devastation.

History(Hellblazer #43) - Gabriel was God's angel and messenger, who took care of business on behalf of his creator on Earth. John Constantine was dying of lung cancer, and after humiliating the First of the Fallen he dared not die. In desperation he sought out his old acquaintance Gabriel, who he’d nicknamed the Snob for his elitism. He found the Snob conducting business in the Cambridge Club with John’s old enemy Charlie Patterson. John forced an audience, and when the Snob told him he’d never understand humans, John quipped that it was funny that demons understood humanity, while God’s angels didn’t. John demanded an explanation for his situation, and the Snob said he was dying because of his bad habit, and he was damned because he had to pay for using his friends as sacrifices, and for disobeying the ten commandments. John was enraged, reminding Gabriel of all the good he’d done in the world. He said the angels only saw in black and white, another reason they’d never “get” humans. John told Gabriel that Charlie worked for the National Front, and threatened to tell his “dad” what he was up to.

Comments: Adapted to comics by Bob Rozakis & Irv Novick.

For information on the biblical Gabriel see

Gabriel had a cameo in Demon III #50.

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