Real Name: Gaea / Maya

Class: Goddess

Occupation: Earth

Group Affiliation: Titans of Myth

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Earth

First Appearance:  New Teen Titans #11 (September, 1981)

Powers: Gaea was the living embodiment of Earth, and could create natural disasters and regulate her environment. She could create avatars representing her various elements.

History: Gaea was the living embodiment of the planet Earth.

(Spectre III #21, 22) - Spectre caused immense damage to the Earth, and Naiad stirred in the water, sensing her presence was needed. Naiad killed Mr. Kasek, the head of Shogun Oil, flooding his body with water, and after killing everyone else from Shogun associated with her death she flooded the entire building. Her vengeance unsatisfied she decided to destroy Tokyo. Spectre intervened, and told the elemental she was abusing her power. They could not harm each othe ron the physical plane, so Spectre entered her soul, only to find that it was missing, her soul had only been a template for Gaea to exercise her power. Gaea appeared to him and said she was very unhappy. In destroying Vlatava Spectre had caused immense environmental damage, but Gaea admitted that Naiad was off-balance, and asked Spectre to help her find her center. The US government had rediscovered the Spear of Destiny, and entrusted it to Superman to control or destory the Spectre. Superman wounded Naiad with the Spear, also injuring Gaea. Spectre tried to make Superman realize he could badly damage the Earth by hurting Naiad, and told him to back off. The curse Adolf Hitler imprinted on the Spear began to affect Superman, giving him a sense of megalomania, and he attacked the Spectre. Spectre showed him a vision of what would happen if he continued to wield the Spear, with Superman declaring himself sovereign ruler of Earth and after being fully corrupted killing all his superhero friends. Superman renounced the Spear, and Spectre promised him he would not repeat the mistake he made in Vlatava. To satisfy Naiad Spectre collected the debris and pollution his destruction of Vlatava caused, and created a tomb for the Spear of Destiny with it before tossing it into space.

(Final Night #3, Spectre III #47) - The Sun-Eater engulfed Earth's sun, slowly freezing the planet. The Spectre used his power to keep Gaea warm enough so that she could survive the assault on the planet. Spectre's bond with Gaea made him realize the enormity of what he'd done when he destroyed Vlatava, and wondered how he could go on. Gaea told him that living meant changing as well.

(Spectre III #60) - God disappeared form Heaven, and the Spectre sought answers, and when the Source told him to seek within he eventually came to Gaea to seek her help. She did not know where God was either. She bemoaned humanity rapidly killing her, and Spectre said his God ordered humanity to subjugate nature. She replied that she was subdued, and did not deserve to be slaughtered. She told Spectre that she thought the Source meant for him to look within himself for answers

(JLA #100) - Gaea s patience with humanity was at an end, she was sick of the gift of Earth being abused, and the final straw was humanity s inability to cooperate and propensity for wars. She signaled an extinction event with several volcanic eruptions, widening the hole in the ozone layer, and causing other geothermal events. Gaea, speaking through the earth-powered Major Disaster of the JLA damned humanity for their abuse of her and their failure to get along. Sister Superior of the Elite v.2 had also realized that Gaea was ready to destroy humanity, and proposed a plan to the JLA, and although they doubted her trustworthiness they agreed. The Elite stormed Washington, demanded all governments dissolve and declared themselves rulers of Earth because humanity had proved themselves unfit to rule. After UN meetings and a staged defeat of the JLA by the Elite, every nation on Earth put aside their differences to tackle the Elite. Gaea once again believed in humanity, seeing them unite against a common enemy, and held back her wrath. The Elite allowed themselves to be defeated, and the cover story was that the JLA had them imprisoned on the moon.

Comments: Adapted to comics by Marv Wolfman & George Perez.

Gaea had a cameo in Spectre III #52.

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