Real Name: **Q
Class: Extraterrestrial ((CR)dx)
Occupation: Galactic coordinator
Group Affiliation: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: (CR)dx, 30th Century
First Appearance: Superboy & The Legion of Super-Heroes #245 (November, 1978)
Powers: The Galactic Coordinator was a skilled bureaucrat and politician, and a supreme expert in coordinating important events.
History: (Who's Who in the Legion of Super-Heroes #2) - The Galactic Coordinator was the senior member of the council which oversaw all United Planets' treaties, elections and changes of leadership. He was responsible for coordinating all formal ceremonies to ensure they went off without a hitch. The Coordinator's natural diet was considered illegal and immoral by the U.P., so he was forced to remain in orbit before ceremonies and fasted while performing his duties on-planet.
(Legion of Super-Heroes III #11) - The Galactic Coordinator oversaw Mojai Desai’s inauguration as President of Earth. President Desai gave a speech, promising to make Earth’s star rise in the U.P. and promising policy changes that would shake up the government, the economy, law and the lives of each and every citizen.
Comments: Created by Paul Levitz & Joe Staton.
The Galactic Coordinator received a profile in Who's Who in the Legion of Super-Heroes #2.
The Galactic Coordinator's appearance in Legion of Super-Heroes III #11 was reprinted in Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #336.
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