Real Name: Kent Newson, Sam Pomery, Cal Whitman
Class: Human technology-user
Occupation: Criminal, (Newson) explorer, (Pomery) actor, (Whitman) scientist
Group Affiliation: Analysts Club
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Gotham City, 1940s era
First Appearance: Green Lantern I #35 (November-December, 1948)
Powers: Gamma used a wooden cane that generated heat waves, making him appear to be located in a slightly different place than he actually was. The cane could shoot out a smaller cane as a projectile as well as sleeping gas.
History: (Green Lantern I #35) - New criminal Gamma stole the International Kilogram which decided weights worldwide from an exhibition, and Dr. Allenby of Gotham's amateur detective Analysts Club told GL and Doiby he suspected club member Sam Pomery. Pomery had gotten into a heated dispute with other members Kent Newson and Cal Whitman about whether a perfect crime could be considered a feat of human achievement. GL visited Pomery and used his power ring as a lie detector, asking him if he was Gamma. Pomery denied it, but seemed to be taunting GL, making him suspicious. Doiby used his signal-rocket to alert GL that Doiby was robbing the mansion of P.K. Kiffany. Gamma used the heat waves of his cane to create an illusion of himself, preventing GL's power ring attacks from landing, and knocked him out with his wooden cane. GL thought he'd figured out Gamma's identity and went to the Analysts Club telling them his suspicions that Newson, Pomery and Whitman were all using the same disguise to pose as Gamma. His clues were the various skills Gamma had demonstrated and the fact that gamma was the third letter in the ancient Greek alphabet. It was an intellectual exercise, and Pomery and Whitman intended to return what they'd stolen after committing a series of perfect crimes, but Newson, in desperate need of money, had no intentions of stopping his criminal career. He knocked out Pomery, Whitman and GL with sleeping gas from his cane, tied them up, and put them in a death trap in the Analysts' trophy room, with a number of weapons loaded and attached to his prisoners with threads so that if anyone moved they'd all e shot. GL directed them to all fall over backwards at the same time, avoiding the hail of bullets, and GL captured Gamma. Newson went to prison, and Pomery and Whitman received a reprimand from the police.
Comments: Created by John Broome & Irwin Hasen.
In the pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths DCU Gamma lived on Earth-2.
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