Real Name: Mike Delany
Class: Human technology-user
Occupation: Criminal
Group Affiliation: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: NYC, New York, WWII era
First Appearance: Star Spangled Comics I #5 (February, 1942)
Powers: Ganesha was dressed like his elephant-headed Indian god namesake. His enormous elephant head functioned as a protective helmet.History: (Star Spangled Comics I #5) - Siva, a self-styled warlord of crime who patterned himself after the Indian god of destruction, called a meeting of Mike Delany and NYC's other top crimebosses. He offered his advanced technology to them in exchange for half their profits on jobs. When one crimeboss objected Siva killed him, and the rest fell in line. Mike Delany rankled at the idea of having a boss, but realized he had no choice. He became Siva's first test case, and Siva created the identity of Ganesha, Indian god of luck for him, and equipped him with an elephant outfit. He gave Ganesha an anti-gravity craft that suked up armored trucks with a skybeam. The police were helpless to stop Ganesha's crimes until the Tarantula investigated. The police arranged to have a decoy car filled with sandbags and g-men that they hoped would lure in the crooks. When the skybeam sucked up the car Tarantula followed and found himself on an anti-gravity craft. The craft landed at Ganesha's hq, where a giant mechanical hammer was waiting to bust open the car. The FBI made their move, and captured Ganesha's men, while Tarantula went after their boss. After some fisticuffs the hammer caught Ganesha, crushing his body.
With his dying breathe he revealed himself as Delany, and warned Tarantula that all his scientific gadgets had been designed warlord of Crime Siva, and Tarantula would die for his meddling.Comments: Created by an unnamed writer & Harold Sharpe.
In the pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths DC Universe Ganesha lived on Earth-2.
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