Real Name: Ganthet

Class: Extraterrestrial (Guardians of the Universe)

Occupation: Guardian

Group Affiliation: Quintessense

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Oa

First Appearance: Green Lantern: Ganthet's Tale (1992)

Powers: Like all Guardians Ganthet needed neither sleep nor rest, possessed superhuman intelligence, could control great energy with his mind, and was virtually immortal.

History: (Green Lantern IV #19 (fb)) - The Oans called a meeting, and Ganthet presented the Book of Oa which he hoped would protect them from the emotional spectrum born out of life's sentience. A tribe of women thought it was blasphemy to cleanse themselves of emotion, and left Oa, searching for a home for billions of years before settling on Zamaron and becoming the Zamarons.

(Secret Origins of Super-Villains 80-Page Giant #1 (fb)) - When Green Lantern Prohl Gosgotha died on the planet Korugar, Ganthet took interest and went to the scene. He found Sinestro, who had used Prohl s power ring to defeat the Qwardian Weaponer that initially injured Prohl. Ganthet let Sinestro keep the ring, appointing him a full-fledged member of the Corps.

(Green Lantern III #100) - Ganthet and the Guardians were held hostage by Sinestro, but freed by Green Lantern Hal Jordan and time-traveling Green Lantern Kyle Rayner. The Guardians were displeased with the idea of a future Lantern in their own time, and demanded Kyle allow them to send him to his own time. Hal and Kyle convinced them to let them defeat Sinestro first, although Ganthet disliked Kyle's mouth. Kyle was tempted to tell Ganthet that he would be the one to bestow him with a power ring 10 years in the future, but decided against it.

(Green Lantern III #63, 64) - Parallax came to Kyle Rayners' apartment and asked for his power ring back, telling him no one could replace him as Green Lantern. Although Ganthet didn't want Kyle to have the ring he definitly didn't want Parallax to have it back so he teleported away to get help. Ganthet gathered former JLAers Aquaman, Flash III, Green Arrow, Hawkman and Martian Manhunter and confronted Parallax, who had just defeated Kyle and reclaimed his ring. Parrallax defeated the heroes and when Ganthet summoned Superman Parallax bested him too. Kyle finally talked Parallax down and he gave up the ring. Ganthet then merged with Parallax and they flew off.

(Day of Judgment #1, 5) - Ganthet and the Quintessence met to discuss Asmodel / Spectre having brought Hell to Earth, debating wether or not to take action. Before the debate concluded Asmodel confronted them and cut them off from traveling to Earth. Afterwards the Quintessence observed the aftermath of the Day of Judgment, with the formation of the Sentinels of Magic, and Green Lantern Hal Jordan becoming the Spectre's new host.

(Secret Origins of Super-Villains 80-Page Giant #1) - Spectre asked Ganthet to tell him how Sinestro was chosen to be a member of the Green Lantern Corps. Ganthet related the story and told Hal Sinestro s appointment was the Guardians most grevious error, and he believed that if the Guardians could have owned up to their mistake earlier Sinestro would not have been able to cause so much suffering.

(Green Lantern III #150) - Green Lantern Kyle Rayner used his godlike Ion power to reignite the Central Power Battery on Oa and resurrect the Guardians of the Universe. The newly born Guardians were infants of both sexes, and Kyle entrusted them to Ganthet to raise. Ganthet set about making a daily schedule and structuring an education system for the Guardians.

(JLA #29, 31) - Ganthet and the Quintessence, five immortals that held a constant vigil over all creation, watched the conflict between Lkz, an invader from the 5th Dimension, and the 5-D genie Thunderbolt. Their battle threatened all reality, but Shazam assured the Quintessense that his champion Captain Marvel would save the day. Marvel delivered, convincing Lkz and Thunderbolt to merge into one being, ending their war.

(JLA #86) - When Martian Manhunter got over his fear of fire he unlocked the mental blocks the Guardians placed on Martians to keep them from becoming the Burning. Ganther saved GL John Stewart s life after an encounter with the Burnung, filled him in on their history and gave him the knowledge to defeat it.

(Green Lantern: Rebirth #2-6) - Kyle Rayner told Ganthet he learned the truth about Parallax being the yellow impurity in the Central Power Battery and being responsible for the corruption of Hal Jordan. Ganthet charged him with retrieving Hal s corpse from the center of the sun, and Kyle brought it to Earth. Kilowog, possessed by Parallax, tried to destroy it, but Ganthet held him off while Kyle fled with Hal s body to the JLA Watchtower. Ganthet was faced by Guy Gardner and John Stewart, but he freed them from Parallax s influence just as he had done with Kilowog. Parallax took over Hal s soul and attacked Ganther, but Ganthet summoned some of Earth s greatest heroes to battle him. Parallax was weakened to the point where the Spectre-Force could separate him from Hal, at which point Hal s soul reinhabited his own body, returning to life. Parallax took over Ganthet s body, and prepared to spread fear throughout the universe. Hal, Kilowog, Guy, Kyle Rayner and John Stewart combined forces to drive Parallax from Ganthet and trap him in the Central Power Battery. The Guardians summoned Ganthet back to Oa.

(Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special #1, Green Lantern IV #21) - The Guardians interrogated Cyborg Superman, and found that he klnew Earth was the secret to the stability of the 52 parallell universes, if it was destroyed, the entirwe multiverse would perish as well. They resolved that no one else learn of this, but Sayd feared that the Cyborg Superman was a sign that the Blackest Night would soon be upon them, and quoted the forbidden chapter of the book of Oa, the chapter written after Abin Sur visited Ysmault. Sayd and Ganthet pleaded with the Guardians to use the other powers of the emotional spectrum such as hope and compassion, but their words fell of deaf ears. The other Guardians also forbade them from telling the GLC about the Blackest Night, seeing as it was foretold by their enemies in the Empire of Tears they chose to see it as lies. Ganthet and Sayd asked why the Guardians even wrote the forbidden chapter if they chose to ignore it, and the Guardians responded that they did the unforgibvable, and fealt fear. A Guardian burned the forbidden chapter from the book. After the Sinestro Corps attack on Oa Ganthet and Sayd secretly appeared to Hal Jordan, warning him that the Sinestro Corps War signaled the beginning of the end, and asked him to be their beacon and burn brighter than ever. Hal pointed out that the Guardians had only asked that of him and Sinestro, and they both failed. They told him to find Kyle Rayner, who d been infected by Parallax, and confront the one fear he never faced.

(Green Lantern IV #22) - Ganthet and Sayd were present when the Guardians divided the remaining active Corps members between defending Mogo from the sentient planet Ranx and preparing Oa for another assault.

(Green Lantern Corps II #15, Green Lantern IV #23) - Ganthet and Sayd were disturbed that the Sinestro Corps were assaulting Mogo, the heart of the GLC, with the aid of Ranx and the Children of the White Lobe, further confirming the prophecies of the Blackest Night. Their fellow Guardians decided that they must combat the prophecy by nbot showing emotion and fear, by rewriting the Book of Oa. When Ganthet and Sayd protested against rewriting the Book, the Guardians banished them, citing their forbidden love and giving into emotion as the reason. Thje Guardians announced to the GLC that ten new laws would now be enacted, and that the first was that lethal force against the Sinestro Corps was authorized.

(Green Lantern IV #24) - After Hal, Guy and John Stewart removed the Parallax parasite from Kyle Rayner Ganthet and Sayd appeared and split Parallax s essence into four pieces, imprisoning each one in a GL lantern. Guy, John, and Hal were now responsible for containing Parallax s essence, and after Kyle stepped down as torchbearer at Ganthet s request and accepted a GL ring he was given the fourth GL lantern.

(Green Lantern IV #25) - Ganthet and Sayd showed Hal, Kyle, Stewart and Guy a vision of the Blackest Night prophecy, with Lantern Corps arising from the other colors of the emotional spectrum, and waging war against each other. They told the heroes they would be expected to end the Sinestro Corps War and prevent the Blackest Night from coming to pass, and left them to find a suitable planet to found their own Blue Lantern Corps.

(R.E.B.E.L.S. #23) - Vril, Blackfire, Sardath and the R.E.B.E.L.S. welcomed Honor Lantern John Stewart to Rann, and after a public handshake and media coverage they went behind closed doors for negotiations. Their talk quickly broke down, with Stewart demanding he let the GLC do their job, and Vril claiming his rhetoric hadn't influenced the Vegan people to turn against the GLC and demands that they vacate their sector. The Citadelian Liberation Front announced that they had a singularity module, and were going to implode the Vegan sun unless the GLC left the Vegan system. Stewart suspected that Vril orchestrated the affair, but Vril said he had no proof. Stewart sent GL's Admos and Gorius to handle the situation, but after taking out the Gordanians they couldn't figure out how to defuse the module. Stewart said he had faith in them, and refused Vril's offer of L.E.G.I.O.N. assistance. Vril reminded Stewart that his arrogance destroyed the planet Xanshi, and Stewart's temper started to flare. Stewart had called in Ganthet, Soranik Natu, and Kyle Rayner to back up his rookie Lanterns, but Gorius figured out how to destabilize the bomb, cracking its shell and causing an explosion, but preventing it from opening a black hole. Ganthet promoted the rookies to full GL status, and Vril was forced to maintain peace with the Corps, at least in public.

Comments: Created by John Byrne.

Ganthet had cameos in Green Lantern III #0, 55, 145.

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