Real Name: Garv

Class: Extraterrestrial (Dryad)

Occupation: Peacekeeper

Group Affiliation: L.E.G.I.O.N.

Known Relatives: Rocky (son), Strata (wife)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Cairn

First Appearance: L.E.G.I.O.N. '90 #15 (May, 1990)

Powers: Garv was a silicon-based lifeform who possessed superhuman strength and durability.


(R.E.B.E.L.S. #8, 9) - Starro The Conqueror usurped the L.E.G.I.O.N. from Vril Dox, who responded by forming the R.E.B.E.L.S. to combat him. Starro tracked down former L.E.G.I.O.N. members, and sent droids to kill them. Garv escaped with his son Rocky, and Strata joined the R.E.B.E.L.S. They met up again on Voorl, which had become a refuge for various races whose planets had been taken by Starro. Garv reunited with Strata and made it clear he didn't like the idea of Vril coercing her again, and telling Vril that the worlds he'd trapped near Maltus with his forcefield were furious at being in Starro's path. Vril said he never was one for popularity contests. Tribulus, always a good watch dog, snarled at Garv, but Vril told him to back down. Captain Comet and Adam Strange had gotten word of Starro's exploits, and used the Zeta Beam to reach Vril and offer his help. He told them to go to Dhor to retrieve the Gamma Gong, but the Vanguard were already there and had smashed the gong, so they rescued Kanjar Ro, it's inventor. Vril was not pleased, and said he could still use the metal from the gong for his plan. He would split the team to Dhor, Kalanor and the Dominator homeworld to retrieve the three items he needed to defeat Starro. Garv suggested they call themselves the R.E.B.E.L.S, and the members of the team that were part of the original team mocked Vril for the acronym he came up with. Garv had a change of heart, and convinced Strata to slip away with him and Rocky, saying their main priority was their son, and they had no reason to be loyal to Vril. Vril's son Lyrl Dox found them, and said he'd lead them to a spaceport if he could come with them. The High Vanguard arrived to kidnap Lyrl.

(R.E.B.E.L.S. #10, 11) - Strange and Comet caught Vril up with the events of Blackest Night, which they'd first heard about from the JLA com channel. Lyrl Dox agreed to come willingly with the Vanguard, but only if Strata and her family were left unharmed, claiming they were his slaves. Vril was furious with them for letting his son get caught, and he directed the R.E.B.E.L.S. to fly offworld. He correctly predicted that Starro would unleash his son's 12th-level intelligence and disable the forcefield around Maltus. He suggested they go to Earth to seek aid from their superhero community when they flew into the middle of a battle between the Sinestro Corps and the Black Lantern Corps, and Wildstar was left behind on Voorl. Black Lantern Corps member Harbinger destroyed the R.E.B.E.L.S. ship, and the resurrected Stealth wanted to kill Vril, who told her that even in death she was insufferable. When Sinestro Corps member Narok was killed by Harbinger his ring sought out the nearest being who could inspire great fear, and it chose Vril Dox, who found the newfound power exhilarating. Strange and Comet brought the R.EB.E.L.S. to the planet Kandato, except for Amon Hakk, who remained in space to repair their ship, and was aided by Wildstar, who'd found her way off of Voorl. Stealth and Harbinger pursued them, and during their battle a transmatter portal opened, the creation of Lyrl for Starro. Lyrl, Starro, and High Vanguard members that had become Black Lanterns poured through. Vril tried to remove Lyrl's Starro spore, but his son told him to get away, and asked Vril to save his master Starro, shocking his father. Lyrl said he would be referred to only as Brainiac 3, and Vril used his power ring to push the Black Lantern's Vril, and Starro back through the portal to Maltus. The ring demanded Vril go to Korugar to join the rest of the Corps, and when he refused the ring flew off his finger for insubordination. Vril told the R.E.B.E.L.S. he was tired of waiting for Starro to slip up, and it was time to take the fight to him. It was clear he was taking it personally that his son had chosen a monster over his flesh and blood.

(R.E.B.E.L.S. #12) - Garv and Strata had Vril drop them off at Port Slarvit, unwilling to go on what they saw as a suicide mission when they had their son to think of.

Comments: Created by Keith Giffen, Alan Grant & Barry Kitson.

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