Real Name: Gigi Cusimano

Class: Human technology-user

Occupation: Science Police chief

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: unnamed grandfather

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Metropolis, formerly Hedon, Mars, 30th Century

First Appearance: Legion of Super-Heroes II #301 (July, 1983)

Powers: Gigi Cusimano was a skilled investigator and Science Police officer. On occasion she wore Science Police battle armor, giving her enhanced durability and the ability to fire energy blasts.

History: (Who's Who in the Legion of Super-Heroes #5) - Gigi Cusimano excelled in academics from an early age, and dreamed in following in her grandfather's footsteps and becoming a member of the Science Police. She became the youngest cadet to ever be accepted into Science Police academy, and while studying on Hudon, Mars she fell in love with fellow cadet Gim Allon. While on vacation sand-skiing Gim was hit with a meteor that gave him superpowers. He would go on to join the Legion of Super-Heroes as Colossal Boy.

 (Legion of Super-Heroes III #5) - The Legion of Super-Villains invaded Orando, and warped it to a space between dimensions, hoping to finds new worlds to conquer where they wouldn’t be bothered by the Legionnaires. They had inadvertently warped Legionnaires Phantom Girl, Ultra Boy,
Shrinking Violet, Chameleon Boy and Element Lad with them. The rest of the Legionnaires waiting in the space where Orando once was were met by Gigi Cusimano, who recalled them to Earth by orders of the Science Police, and Brainiac 5 protested that the order was irrational. Gigi flirted with Sun Boy, and negotiated with Dream Girl, who convinced her to allow Brainiac 5, Sun Boy, Shadow Lass and Mon-El to stay put should Orando return. The Legionnaires trapped on Orando defeated the Legion of Super-Villains, but the villains killed Queen Projecta’s consort Karate Kid, and she decided to take Orando to another dimension where they’d no longer be bothered by the evils of the universe, leaving the remaining Legionnaires stranded in limbo.

(Legion of Super-Heroes III #8) - The Legion and Gigi Cusimano and Shvaugn Erin in their new Science Police battle armor, cornered the remaining members of the Legion of Super-Villains on the planet S’cardas IV. The Science Police attached an intensifier to Sun Emperor, giving him feedback from his own power, and blasted Spider Girl unconscious. Wildfire defeated Cosmic King while Blok took out his former teammate Neutrax, saying he was more confused than dangerous. White Witch used a dispersal spell to reveal Chameleon Chief, who was trying to hide by disguising himself as a rock, and Lightning Lass accidentally stepped on Micro Lad, putting an end to the evil team. The Science Police loaded the LSV on a ship to Takron-Galtos, and Erin asked Wildfire if he’d like to join them and say hello to all the criminals they’d put away. Wildfire said he’d seen quite enough of Takron-Galtos lately and told Erin to make sure the Science Police started doing a better job keeping their prisoners locked up. Erin shed a tear, asking Wildfire to find Element Lad and the other missing Legionnaires and promising to personally throw away the keys to the prison planet.

(Legion of Super-Heroes III #12) - The Science Police relaxed in their rec room, with Smyt noting that the new crimewatcher program now did most of their work. Roon Dvron told his fellow officers he still had no leads on Laurel Kent’s would-be killer, but said he’d surely solve the case, although his fellow officers weren’t so sure of his abilities. Gigi Cusimano wanted to put money on who’d be the new leader of the Legion, and asked Shvaughn if she had the inside scoop, but Shvaughn swore she knew as much as Gigi did.

Comments: Created by Paul Levitz & Keith Giffen.

Chief Cusimano received a profile in Who's Who in the Legion of Super-Heroes #5. She received a profile in Who's Who in the Legion of Super-Heroes #5 under the Science Police entry.

Gigi Cusimano's appearance in Legion of Super-Heroes III #5, 8, 12 was reprinted in Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes #330, 333, 337.

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