Real Name: Gilean
Class: God
Occupation: God of neutrality
Group Affiliation: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Az-Araz-Zar
Base of Operations: Krynn, Earth-TSR
First Appearance: (DC Comics) Dragonlance #13 (November, 1989)
Powers: Gilean was the god of neutrality, and a powerful sorcerer and a shapeshifter.
History: (Dragonlance #13, 15, 16) - The council of wizards chose Myrella as an initiate, and she'd have to locate the Tower of High Sorcery to complete her training. Myrella journeyed to the Forest of Wayreth where the Tower appeared to her. It was under siege by Draconian magic-users, and she managed to save councilmember Az-Araz-Zar from them. He told her the Draconian attack came without warning, and they'd seized control of the Tower's teleportation power. Some wizards managed to escape, but they passed by a dead black magician, and Myrella said better him than a red or white mage. Az-Araz-Zar scolded her, reminding her that order depended on good, neutral and evil to function. Az-Araz-Zar and Myrella suspected Raistlin was behind the attack, and they were soon overwhelmed by the Draconians. Az-Araz-Zar used the last of his power to teleport Myrella away to Que-Shu. She met Que-Shu's leaders Goldmoon and Riverwind, telling them she needed to find Raistlin and save the Tower, but they told her Raistlin was dead. Dunbar Mastersmate helped end the threat to the tower, and Justarius, head of the red robes, insisted on leading Myrella through her trial, despite the fact that Dunbar would normally shepherd a hopeful white-robe. Myrella found herself in another dimension, where she met Kalthanan, who helped her fend off Al-Araz-Zar and a group of Draconians. Al-Araz-Zar rejoined the council watching Myrella, and they mulled over whether or not Myrella could reconcile Kalthanan's competing good and evil natures to pass the test. They fought off the elementals, and withstood Spyranus' attempt to divide and conquer them. Ladonna realized Spyranus was bonded physically to the tower, and reluctant to separate himself from the source of his power, and Kalthanan tried unsuccessfully to goad him out. Spyranus extended the temple through a portal to Krynn, preparing to destroy it, when Myrella figured out how to defeat him. She summoned the Mindbender artifact, forcefully separating Spyranus from the temple, and with his connection severed he became a gibbering madman. She placed Kalthanan's soul in the Tower, and freed from his physical being his dark and light nature could exist without conflict, making him a neutral force and at peace with himself. Al-Araz-Zar revealed himself as Gilean, god of neutrality, and praised Myrella for passing the test. She would join the red-robes as a force for neutrality and a mediator between good and evil.
Comments: Adapted to comics by Dan Mishkin & Michael Collins.
Gilean was a character from TSR's AD&D role-playing game adapted to DC Comics. For more information see
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