Real Name: Guilotina

Class: God (New Gods)

Occupation: Warrior

Group Affiliation: Female Furies

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Apokolips

First Appearance: Hawk & Dove III #21 (February, 1991)

PowersAs a New God Gilotina was immortal and invulnerable. She could channel energy into her hands, enabling them to slice through virtually and substance.

History(Hawk & Dove III #21) - Gilotina, Malice Vunderbarr, Bloody Mary and Speed Queen, a B-Squad of Female Furies, went to Earth in hopes of earning a spot on Granny Goodness' main team. They played a game to see who could kill the most people, with superheroes being worth the most points. Hawk and Dove battled them, minimalizing the loss of life. Hawk's friend Rodger, who portrayed the hero Black Russian for a boys club, was nearby, and Malice mauled him with her demonic cat Chessure. With Malice as the winner they returned to Apokolips, and Gilotina looked forward to being tortured by Granny to pay for her failure.

(Superman / Batman #9, 11, 12) - Darkseid wanted someone to replace Big Barda as head of the Female Furies, but Granny couldn't produce any worthy candidates. The closest Granny came was a girl named Precious, who challenged Gilotina and the Furies to combat, but was slaughtered by them. Darkseid told her he wanted Superman's cousin Kara Zor-El, who'd recently landed on Earth, and warned that if she failed he'd have the Furies kill her. Kara was brought to Apokolips, and Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Big Barda followed to rescue her. The Furies engaged Wonder Woman and Barda in combat, were victorious, and planned to present Wonder Woman to Darkseid as a possible new leader for the Furies. Wonder Woman threatened to strangle Granny with her lasso, forcing the Furies to release them.

Comments: Created by Barbara Kesel, Karl Kesel & Steve Erwin

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