Real Name: Brute

Class: Dream

Occupation: Nightmare

Group Affiliation:

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: The Dreaming

First Appearance: Sandman I #1 (December, 1974)

Powers: Glob was a nightmare who was cunning and conniving..

History: Brute and Glob were nightmares created by Dream. During Dream's decades long absence from the Dreaming they manipulated Garrett Sanford into thinking he was Sandman, ruler of the Dreaming, and steered his life to fit their own goals.

(JSA #64) - Brute and Glob seized Sand's dreamself, brainwashed him and made him into their new Sandman in another attempt to control the Dream Stream. Dr. Fate and the JSA entered the Dream Stream to help Sandman, but Brute and Glob convinced their puppet that his old allies were really his archenemies, and he attacked them. Sandman was soon restored to his old identity after Brute and Glob s brainwashing was undone by Brainwave, Jr. Brute and Glob attacked Fate, their former Sandman, and bemoaned that after he failed them Dream captured them and subjected them to the torture of children s sweet and sentimental dreams. Fate defeated them and sent them back to their old prison.

Comments: Created by Joe Simon & Jack Kirby.

Bizarro-Superman wrote and illustrated the Without You, I m Nothing  comic book featuring Glob in Bizarro Comics #1.

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