Real Name: G. Nakko

Class: Human

OccupationSmuggler, wealthy dilettante

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile

First AppearanceSea Devils #3 (January-February, 1962)

PowersG. Nakko had an immense fortune at his disposal.

History(Sea Devils #3) - G. Nakko made an immense fortune using an underwater smuggling ring and by gaining the friendship of criminals worldwide. He started styling himself as the modern day Nero, and even assumed the garb and manners of the ancient Roman emperor. He threw extravagant parties for his criminal friends, and made sure the world knew how rich and opulent he was. He invited the Sea Devils to perform for his latest party, and when they refused he was furious enough to have his goons kidnap them. He forced the male members to perform in underwater gladiator contests against his men. The events were timed, as Sea Devil Judy Walton was in a glass case slowly being filled with water. The Devils triumphed, and used a swordfish to free Judy and return to the surface. They teamed up with the coast guard to put an end to Nakko’s ring and arrest the so-called modern Nero.

Comments: Created by Robert Kanigher & Russ Heath.

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