Real Name: Gordred

Class: Demon

Occupation: Demon

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: NYC, NY

First Appearance: Constantine: The Hellblazer #6 (January, 2016)

Powers: Gordred was a demon capable of possessing others.

History: (Constantine: The Hellblazer #6) - Gordred was a demon that had a few run ins with magician John Constantine, and ended up being friends with him. Gordred made his way to NYC and possessed a boy in Park Slope. Constantine was performing exorcisms to pay the bills, and when he realized it was Gordred inside the boy he coaxed him out so they could have some drinks and catch up on old times.

Comments: Created by James Tinion IV, Ming Doyle & Riley Rossmo.

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