Real Name: Goro

Class: Extradimensional (Shokan)

Occupation: Warrior, prince of Shokan

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: King Gorbak (father, deceased)

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Outworld

First Appearance: (DC Comics) Mortal Kombat X #3 (January, 2015)

Powers: Goro was a masterful fighter who possessed superhuman strength and durability and had four arms. He was capable of projecting energy blasts.

History:  (Mortal Kombat X #6 (fb), 19 (fb)) - Shao Kahn and prince Goro conquered Outworld's Golden Realm of Osh-Tekk, slaughtering the citizens, and forcing ruler Kotal K'etz to bend to their will. He surrendered his title of emperor of Outworld in order to retain his people's Portal Stone. Shao Kahn, more interested in conquering new lands than ruling his subjects, invaded the Arnyek Islands to subjugate the insectoid Kyttin with the help of Reiko and Goro. Kyttin D'Vorah refused to run, instead pledging her service but secretly planning to strike out when the time was right. Quan Chin's manipulations led to the death of Shao Kahn, and Mileena took control of Outworld.

(Mortal Kombat X #6-8) - Mileena reigned as empress of Outworld until being ousted and driven underground by Kotal Kahn. Her ally Reiko guaranteed the aid of the Red Dragon clan, and Goro told her that if she restored the Shokan to their former glory he would kill Kotal Kahn for her. Kotal sent his father and a regiment of troops to find Goro and Mileena. K'etz told his son he'd bring them back in chains, and let Kahn eat their hearts in front of his adoring public. Kotal said he had no time for showmanship, and giving his father Shao Kahn's Wrath Hammer, told him to kill them quickly. Mileena's advisor Reiko leaked their location in the Golden Desert to give the Kotal a false sense of easy victory. Reiko was allied with the Red Dragon clan, and used Mavado's cloaking tech to dispatch Kotal's warriors. Goro fought K'etz in one on one combat, and snatched the Wrath Hammer form him, using it to shatter his skull. Kotal felt his father's death, and invoked the blood code to make himself a blood god. He now had the power to personally end Goro's life. Word got to Reiko and Mileena that Kotal was riding to confront Goro, and Reiko, having learned that Goro planned to betray Mileena if she reclaimed her throne, promised her he'd kill the victor of the battle. Goro had Rain blot out the sky to exploit Kotal's weakness towards darkness, but Kotal used his power to make the sun come through and send down a ray of light, burning Rain to a crisp. Kotal fought through Mileena's soldiers, killing them, and engaged Goro in combat. Goro bragged about living to conquer, but Kotal laid him low by chopping off his four arms. Goro begged Kotal to kill him, but Kotal preferred to see him suffer, and sent him back to Kuatan in disgrace.

(Mortal Kombat X #13, 18) - The mutilated Goro approached his father King Gorbak, and requested he kill him for falling in combat. Gorbak refused, telling his son the wounds Kotal inflicted on him hurt him as well, and he ordered a regiment of Shokan against Kotal and his forces, including Kintaro and Sheeva. The Shokan besieged Kotal's empire, and after hours of bloody warfare Kotal Kahn confronted King Gorbak, killing him by exploding his head. The Shokan retreated, but Kotal knew they'd be back. Kintaro informed Goro that when their war with Kotal was over they'd need to choose a successor, and Goro would not be eligible because he was crippled. Goro promised the Shokan would pay for rejecting him.

Comments: Created by John Tobias.

Goro was a character from the Mortal Kombat video game series, first appearing in the original Mortal Kombat. This entry covers only Goro's DC appearances. For a full history of the character see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goro_(Mortal_Kombat).

Goro had a cameo in Mortal Kombat X #3, 9.

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