Real Name: Gothodaemon

Class: Demon

Occupation: Demon

Group Affiliation: None

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Gotham City

First Appearance: Demon III #43 (January, 1994)

Powers: Gothodaemon was an immense batlike demon, and like all demons the Gothodaemon was virtually immortal and possessed powerful magical abilities. His whispers turned people criminally insane and uncontrollably violent.

History: (Demon III #43-45) - Every city had it's own demon, and Gotham City spawned the Gothodaemon, born 500 years ago when the first citizen of Gotham strangled his wife in a drunken rage, built from Native American bones and fed by the blood of slaves. He relished modern Gotham, full of crime and vicious murders. Asteroth became a crimelord in Gotham and performed ritual sacrifices for the Lodestar Daemonique rite to summon the Gothodaemon, looking forward to the streets running red with blood. The Demon Etrigan learned of his plan, and hired Hitman to help him kill Asteroth. Etrigan sowed discord among Asteroth's troops by telling Reverend Frukker, who commanded Asteroth's Choirboy Commandoes, that Asteroth was a demon. Asteroth prepared St. Jack's Cemetery for the final sacrifice, and was protected by the Choirboy Commandoes, forcing Hitman and Etrigan, who were on the scene, to lay low. Frukker confronted Asteroth, who snapped his neck, making him the final sacrifice to raise the Gothodaemon. The risen Gothodaemon spread his madness across Gotham, turning people into homicidal or suicidal maniacs. Hitman noted that the Gothodaemon resembled Batman, and Etrigan replied that such things were not to be discussed. Asteroth was weakened by the ritual, and Etrigan and Hitman used the opportunity to slaughter the Choirboy Commandoes with hellfire and gunfire. Etrigan cornered the weakened Asteroth, mutilating his face and ripping out his tusks while mockingly acting reverent towards an archfiend of Hell. Tweedledee and Tweedledum relished the chaos, cheering on the brutality. The Gothodaemon absorbed Etrigan, planning on feeding off his pain, but the demon was a mere 500 years old, while Etrigan had over 1000,00 years of experience, and after chiding the stripling burned the Gothodaemon alive from the inside out. Etrigan returned to Asteroth and spent hours torturing him before sending him back to Hell.

Comments: Created by Garth Ennis & John McCrea.

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