Real Name: Graf Toren
Class: Extraterrestrial (Karaxian) technology-user
Occupation: Green Lantern, light monk
Group Affiliation: Green Lantern Corps
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Karax, Space Sector 424
First Appearance: Guy Gardner #11 (August, 1993)
Powers: Toren was learned in ancient texts and universal history. As a Green Lantern, Toren wielded a power ring capable of doing almost anything he could imagine as long as it was recharged by his emerald power battery once every 24 hours. Examples of its' powers include flight, phasing, creating giant objects formed of energy, and force fields. His power ring constructs tended to be spider-webs to represent his enmity with the Spider Guild.History: (Green Lantern / Sinestro Corps: Secret Files #1) - Graf was a light monk who dedicated his life to studying the light and combating the Spider Guild. He was inducted intoi the Green Lantern Corps.
Green Lantern was infected by Parallax and left several Green Lanterns, including Toren, for dead in his quest for the Central Power Battery.
(Guy Gardner: Warrior #20) -
Guy Gardner and Green Lantern Alan Scott wanted to learn why Green Lanterns were
turning up dead and stripped of their power rings, so Guy recruited his Justice
League America teammates to travel to Oa. Approaching Oa they spotted several
dead Green Lanterns, including Graf Toren, who was being put on a pyre by his
old ally Probert. On Oa the heroes were attacked by power constructs and
confronted by the source of the carnage, the power-mad Hal Jordan.
(Green Lantern IV #3) - Graf Toren and a number of other Green Lanterns had not really perished at Hal Jordan’s hand, but ended up in the clutches of the Manhunters.
(Green Lantern IV #11-13) - Tomar-Tu escaped the Manhunters and piloted a ship towards Earth, crash-landing at Edwards Air Force base. The Corps ministered to his injuries, and Hal hoped that the other Lanterns he seemingly killed were still alive. He still felt tremendous guilt over his actions under the influence of Parallax. Hal and Guy traveled to Biot, and found Graf and the other Lanterns being jailed by the Manhunters to power their technology. Hal revived the Lanterns he thought he’d killed. They attacked him, but Kreon realized something was wrong when he refused to fight back. He apologized for betraying them, convincing them he was on their side, and they learned of the presence of more Corps members taken by the Manhunters for information and a connection to the Central Power Battery, including Arisia. Cyborg unleashed his Highmasters on the Lanterns. Cyborg unleashed his Highmasters on the Lanterns, killing Kreon in the battle, and as the Lost Lanterns fought back Hal concentrated on freeing Arisia. Hal and Arisia took over a Highmaster unit and used it to destroy Biot and the Manhunters, although Hal was positive the Cyborg could have survived. The Lost Lanterns were returned to Oa, and they told Hal they were grateful that he’d saved them, but that didn’t change the past, and they should steer clear of each other.
Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special #1) - Graf and his space sector partner, a new
recruit named Vode-M witnessed the destruction of a light church by a Sinestro
Corps ring. Vode-M was angered, but Graf reminded her to keep a serene mind. Ion
helped them contain the ring, and brought it back to Oa. The Sinestro Corps
later made an assault on Oa.
Lantern IV #21) - The Corps began picking up the pieces after the assault on Oa,
and when Hal Jordan tried to attend to the wounded Tomar-Tu, Graf and the Lost
Lanterns told him to back off. They told him they’d see one of their own die
before asking him or any other human for help. Kilowog stepped in, reminding
them that now was not the time to keep opening old wounds. The Lost Lanterns
were sent to Qward to rescue Kyle Rayner from the Sinestro Corps.
Lantern IV #22) - The Lost Lanterns traveled to Qward to retrieve Ion, and found
Hal Jordan being overwhelmed by the Sinestro Corps. Parallax told Hal that the
GLC despised him and had abandoned him, but Ke’Haan said that although they
hated Hal they’d never abandon a fellow Lantern. Hannu had already forgiven
Hal, because as a light monk he looked at the past without feelings of pain or
anger, although he acknowledged that Hal had never forgiven himself. Parallax
killed Jack T. Chance, and Hal and the remaining Lost Lanterns retreated to
Qward’s underground catacombs. They split up, with Ke’Haan and his allies
attempting to locate the imprisoned
Ion, while Hal was joined by Graf Toren and Tomar-Tu in rescuing Guy and John
Stewart. They found their comrades, but were confronted by Lyssa Drak, keeper of
the Book of Parallax, who was in the process of breaking their friends and
making them give in to fear.
Lantern IV #23) - Hal defeated Lyssa Drak, and freed Guy and John Stewart, and
because his power ring was running low on energy he was forced to don a number
of Sinestro Corps rings, his time infected by Parallax gave him a limited
mastery over fear. Sinestro appeared and showed Hal he had no true understanding
of fear, but just then the remaining Lost Lanterns returned, having rescued Ion,
and saved Hal, Graf and Tomar-Tu from Sinestro, and fleeing back to the
positive-matter universe. The Guardians foresaw the Blackest Night prophecy
coming to pass with the rise of the Sinestro Corps, and did the unthinkable,
rewriting the Book of Oa. The first of their ten new laws stated that the Corps
power rings were authorized to use lethal force against the Sinestro Corps.
(Green Lantern IV #25) - The Sinestro Corps War raged on Earth, and while Graf, the GLC and an army of superheroes battled the Corps the Anti-Monitor prepared to unleash an anti-matter wave to destroy Earth. With Earth’s destruction, the entire 52 would fall, and he would once again rule all that was. The GLC ruptured the heart of Anti-Monitor’s Warworld, the Sinestro Corps central power battery, and created a shield around Warworld and the Monitor. The ensuing blast nearly destroyed the Anti-Monitor, and he was finished off by Superman-Prime, who betrayed him for having destroyed his home, Earth-Prime. GL Hal Jordan defeated Sinestro in personal combat, and the Sinestro Corps, lacking any leadership, fled Earth. The heroes rejoiced and began rebuilding the damage the Sinestro Corps did.
Comments: Created by Chuck Dixon & Joe Staton
Toren received a profile in Green Lantern / Sinestro Corps: Secret Files #1.
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