Membership: Accomplished Perfect Physician, August General in Iron, Celestial Archer, Ghost Fox Killer, Immortal Man in Darkness, Mother of Champions, Seven Deadly Brothers, Shaolin Robot, Socialist Red Guardsman, Thundermind

Base of Operations: Great Wall of China, Beijing, China

First Appearance: 52 #6 (June, 2006)

History: The Great Ten were China's government sponsored superhero team. They were assembled to become China;'s version of the Justice League, and fearlessly defended their country from threats within and without.

(52 / WWIII Part Four: United We Stand #1) <Week 50, Day 7> Black Adam arrived in China, and prepared to destroy the entire country for their government's role in his family's death. He defeated China's superhero team the Great Ten before China allowed the American superhero community to square off against him. Black Adam was a god with nothing left to lose, and each punch he threw was intended to kill. His savagery was winning the day until Martian Manhunter reappeared and flooded his brain with his own loss, the death of the entire Martian species. Black Adam was distracted long enough for Captain Marvel to hurl a Shazam bolt at him. Theo Adam was powerless, and left with amnesia. He staggered away unnoticed from the end of WWIII.

Comments: Created by Grant Morrison & J.G. Jones

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