Real Name: Oliver Jonas Queen
Class: Human technology-user, millionaire playboy, former public relations consultant, newspaper columnist, mayor of Star City
Occupation: Superhero
Group Affiliation: Justice League of America, formerly JLA
Known Relatives: Connor Hawke (Green Arrow II, son), Robert (son)
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Star City, formerly Seattle, Washington
First Appearance: Adventure Comics I #250 (July, 1958)
Powers: Green Arrow was an accomplished athlete, hunter, tracker and hand-to-hand combatant. He was the world's greatest archer, and in addition to normal arrows he often employed trick arrows such as explosive arrows, arrows that released knockout gas, net arrows and punching glove arrows. He also employed arrows with ziplines attached to travel city rooftops.History: Playboy Oliver Queen was never one for responsibility, and he never worked a day in his life.
(Green Arrow III #21 (fb)) - Oliver's girlfriend gave birth to their son Conner. He was ecstatic about having a child, but soon realized he couldn't handle the responsibility and abandoned his girlfriend and child.
On his travels aboard the ship Kristina he was beset by pirates and cast overboard, but he managed to swim to a nearby island. To survive he crafted a bow and arrow and hunted his own food, soon become adept with his weapon of choice. When the pirates landed on the island Queen used his new skills to capture them. Returning to civilization, he decided to make something of himself and created the superhero persona Green Arrow to fight crime.
(Adventure Comics I #250) - The Green Arrows of the World were an international team of crimefighting archers all inspired by Green Arrow. GA and Speedy invited them to America to celebrate their accomplishments, and the Arrows were happy to show off the trick arrows that made them famous crimebusters. Crook "Counterfeit" Carson, who'd promised to get back at GA for sending him to jail, got wind of the meeting, and knocked out the Bowman of Britain, took his costume, and crashed the party. He told GA he wanted him to try out his Big Ben arrow, which had a timer attached. GA feigned interest, but knew the Bowman was an imposter because he carried a wanted poster of a criminal he claimed to be after, and the reward was in dollars, not pounds. GA disarmed the Big Ben, which was rigged to blow, and the Green Arrows captured the imposter.
(Adventure Comics I #251) - On the anniversary of the start of their crimefighting career Green Arrow and Speedy received a number of gifts, including a plaque from the FBI and a Sherlock Holmes hat and pipe from Scotland Yard.. Men from the year 3000 acknowledged their importance by sending them a bundle of futuristic arrows. GA tried them out, a cloud-seed arrow broke the heatwave on the city, and a sonar shaft picked up the sounds of a robbery happening miles away. GA and Speedy, but GA dropped a hypnotic arrow, paralyzing the heroes. "Cougar" Cain, leader of the robbers, snatched up the arrows and went on a futuristic crime spree. During an armored truck robbery he threatened security with a paralyzing arrow, but GA was determined that his wits could beat Cain, and when he shot his arrow GA snapped it half with an arrow from the Battle of Hastings. GA and Speedy caught the crooks, and sent their new arrows back to the future, because they were too dangerous in the wrong hands.
(Justice League of America I #4) - The JLofA nominated Green Arrow as their new member when they received a message from the alien Carthan, who'd kidnapped the Arrow. He told the team he'd placed three engines of destruction around the world, and that it was up to them to disable them and free Arrow. Carthan was only posing as a villain, the tyrant Xandor had exiled him from his planet Dryanna, and the engines prevented him from leaving Earth. The JLofA disabled the engines and freed Arrow, but Carthan imprisoned the team in a hollow diamond so he could explain that he was not a villain. Batman, who wasn't trapped, knocked him into the control panel of his ship, and Carthan couldn't dissipate the diamond. He showed Green Arrow the stress point of the diamond, and the archer used his skills to shatter the prison with a diamond-tipped arrow. Arrow returned with the League to their hq to celebrate his induction into the team.
(Justice League of America I #5) - A gang of criminals escaped imprisonment, and the JLofA were challenged by them. Wonder Woman, Flash and Green Arrow confronted King Clock, Professor Menace and Captain Cold in an ice palace. After avoiding Clock's quicksand clock trap they forced the villains to flee. On the verge of capturing them Green Arrow shot arrows that caused an explosion, and his teammates thought he purposely sabotaged their capture. Aquaman, Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern dealt with the Getaway Mastermind, Electric Man and the Puppet Master, who caused deadly weather to slow down the heroes. As they pursued the villains plane, Green Arrow arrived, show more arrows that caused an explosion and knocked out the Leaguers. At hq the League accused him of being a traitor. He told them that he observed that Captain Cold, King Clock and Menace were robots rigged to explode, so he destroyed them before his teammates got in range. The Getaway Mastermind's ship had an explosive forcefield, so he activated it before the JLofA could reach it and be killed. The exonerated Arrow had already captured all the villains, but told the League he knew there was a real traitor among them. Green Lantern had been captured by Dr. Destiny and replaced by him, so they subdued "Green Lantern" and took him to the police. They walked into Destiny's trap, as he had a ship nearby that hit the League with an anti-gravity and will-deadener ray. He prepared to put them aboard a rocket ship, and with their wills gone they'd be helplessly floating in space forever. His prisoner Green Lantern escaped, because using the will-deadener on the League sapped power from the ray aimed at him. The League apprehended Destiny and closed the case.
(Justice League of America I #6) - Green Arrow and the other members of the JLofA had an incident of bad luck on standard cases, but didn't realize their difficulties were caused by Prof. Amos Fortune, who was testing his Stimoluck that caused either good or bad luck in anyone it was aimed at. Letters to the JLofA came in requesting the League's help, and they found two worthy causes. Flash, Green Arrow and Martian Manhunter handled one case in which Hazel Deeping sought the fortune on her farm hidden by her grandfather because she needed the money to aid her grandparents. The grandfather left a clue in the form of a poem, but by the time they realized the treasure was in the farm's antique gateposts Fortune, with his luck boosted by the Stimoluck, had purchased them from Deeping. Fortunately the League had also found a valuable painting by Gilbert Stuart and a reservoir of oil on the farm. Aquaman, Green Lantern and Wonder Woman went to Sea Dunes to solve a series of robberies to a museum. The museum was built from an old castle and impenetrable, but the custodian Charles Hobart was using a fishing reel to steal pieces from the barred window. The put him in custody, but spotted Fortune taking off with other pieces Hobart had stolen and hidden in a cliff face. They pursued him, but Fortune managed to capture all the members of the JLofA through sheer luck, and he tied them to a Wheel of Misfortune that would destroy the human glands that gave people good luck and would cause the League to forever after have bad luck. The Wheel only affected human physiology, so Martian Manhunter was able to escape, disable the machine and defeat Amos Fortune.
(Justice League of America I #15) - Stone giant Untouchable Aliens stole military weapons and tried to eradicate Brasilia, Tokyo and Central City, but were foiled by Green Arrow and the JLofA. Green Lantern probed their minds and brought the League to their world, an Earth separated from ours because it existed one minute into the future. The Aliens set off a cobalt bomb at the same time our Earth tested a nuclear bomb, weakening the barrier between world. The Alien's cities were going to merge with the three Earth cities they tried to destroy, because two objects occupying the same time and space would be disastrous. They could not move their own cities because the cities were rigged to explode if tampered with, a failsafe against invasion. Green Lantern used his ring to completely separate the Alien's Earth from ours, preventing catastrophe.
(Justice League of America I #117) - The Equalizer infected Thanagar with microbes that made everyone average, with no one smarter, stronger or more capable than anyone else. Hawkman found he no longer had the power to be a law enforcement agent, and pursued the Equalizer, who was heading towards Earth, in his Thanagarian ship. Hawkman knew he’d need help, so he contacted Green Arrow and the JlofA, and they met him on Mars. The Equalizer’s microbes averaged out the JlofA’s powers, and let Hawkman share in some of them. He didn’t have time to explain his situation, and the JlofA were baffled and thought their loss of powers were an attack by their former ally. Hawkman managed to defeat them, and left them on Mars while he continued to chase the Equalizer. The League focused their reduced willpower on Green Lantern’s ring, allowing them to catch up to Hawkman, who was at a standstill with the Equalizer. After Hawkman explained the situation the League aided him, but the Equalizer countered any attack they mustered. They realized that he also equalized his emotions in response to theirs, so they focused their thoughts on hate to make him give a loving response. The Equalizer realized how much they despised him, so he cured the League of the microbes infecting them and either self-destructed or returned to his home galaxy. Hawkman realized he couldn’t return to Thanagar for fear of being reinfected until he found a cure, and asked for readmission to the League. The JlofA voted him back in, and he shed a single tear of gratitude.
(Justice League of America I #119) - The Adaptoids decided that the entire human race was viral, spreading too fast and destroying the planet Earth. They were no longer satisfied with forcing superheroes to leave Earth, they promised to exterminate the human race to save the planet, and broadcast their intentions on a TV transmission. Batman, Atom, Elongated Man and Green Arrow tried to defeat hem, but were bested and teleported back to the JlofA satellite alongside their fellow beaten Leaguers. Hawkman returned from Thanagar, along with Hawkgirl, and teleported the Adaptoids to their satellite. The League questioned his motivations, but his plan soon became clear. Hawkgirl’s Equalizer Disease gave the JlofA the edge over the aliens, enabling them to defeat the Adaptoids and imprison them on an abandoned planet halfway between Earth and Thanagar. Atom ran medical tests on the heroes and concluded that they were immune to the Equalizer Disease after their previous exposure, and Hawkgirl had been cured. Hawkman was glad to have his companion back on Earth, and vowed to work with her to find a way to cure his people.
(Justice League of America I #120, 121) - The JlofA foiled a mad scientist on New Guinea who tried to wipe out the southern hemisphere with an aqua-bomb. Batman, Atom and Green Arrow tried to contact their teammates from the JlofA satellite after the case, but couldn’t find them. Their teammates had been transported to Rann by Kanjar Ro, who was manipulating Adam Strange and reviving old Rannian threats in order to destroy the League. When the Leaguers on Rann were seemingly disintegrated by the robot Borg, Adam Strange traveled to the JlofA satellite to gather the rest of the League to avenge their comrades and deal with the mastermind behind the attacks. Green Arrow was furious and tried to attack Adam, blaming him for any harm that might have befallen Black Canary. Before the League could form a plan of action they were alerted to a freak electric storm in Long Island, and left their satellite to respond, with Adam staying behind because Earth’s surface was poisonous to him. The storm turned out to be a Cloud Creature, another revamped threat from Rann, and it defeated the League. Kanjar confronted Adam Strange and explained his schemes, but Adam responded by stealing the energi-rod he’d used to recreate the Rannian menaces and zeta-beamed back to Rann. Sardath used the brain waves on file from Kanjar Ro’s time as a prisoner on Rann to allow Adam control over the energi-rod. Adam correctly reasoned that Kanjar’s ego demanded that he destroy the entire JlofA in one fell swoop, so the seemingly murdered Leaguers must have been in captivity on Rann. In an ice cave he found the five black spheres that Kanjar had turned the League into, and undid the transformation with the energi-rod. He found an additional black sphere, and it turned out to be Alanna. She told Adam that Kanjar kept her alive as insurance to have leverage against Adam if his plan failed. The JlofA returned to Earth and defeated the Cloud Creature. Without his energi-rod Kanjar was easy pickings, and Black Canary knocked him out with a karate chop. The League went to Rann with Adam and attended his wedding to Alanna.
(Justice League of America I #127) - The Anarchist kidnapped several world leaders in the name of bringing chaos to the world’s governments, and challenged the JlofA to stop him from kidnapping a group oif U.N. delegates. Superman, Green Arrow, Flash and Red Tornado responded, but the Anarchist and his cronies fought them to a standstill and snatched the delegates, leaving the U.N. furious with the Justice League. Clark Kent covered a performance by Simon Elis, faith-healer, and was convinced that he was the Anarchist. The JlofA followed Elias, but he foiled them with a burst of energy, and managed to teleport away with League members Batman, Black Canaery and Elongated Man. Green Lantern told Superman that someone was mind-controlling him, forcing him to recharge his power ring and siphoning off the energy, and they deduced that the Anarchist was the culprit. The next time the Anarchist tried to make GL recharge, GL convinced Superman to knock him out with a punch. The JlofA tracked down the Anarchist, and he revealed that he was using Green Lantern’s powers and creating chaos so that he could restore the world order as Simon Elis and become a dictator. Without GL’s power to draw off, the Anarchist and his cronies were easy pickings for the League.
(Green Arrow III #33 (fb)) - Green Arrow and Speedy foiled a Kobra arms deal. Speedy still hadn't forgiven Arrow for how he'd treated him when he was hooked on drugs, and made it clear he'd no longer work with Arrow. As a sign of their split Green Arrow used the Arrowcar's remote control to seemingly blow up the car. The remote control actually jammed and the car survived, but the arms exploding in the Kobra warehouse made Arrow think the car was gone.
(Joker #4) - Joker stole a bus and traveled to Star City, where he met Dinah Lance. He fell for her and determined to have her or kill her. He kidnapped Dinah and bragged about stealing the giant star over the bridge leading to Star City. Green Arrow tried to stop him, but Joker escaped using his laughing gas. Unbeknownst to anyone Joker replaced the star with a counterfeit one filled with laughing death radiation. Joker hoped it would kill enough people to block up the bridge and keep the police from interfering when he went after porcelain clown figures in a museum. Green Arrow again confronted him, and Joker threw Dinah from the bridge, but Arrow saved her. In the tussle Joker fell from the bridge into the waters below.
(Identity Crisis #3 (fb)) - The Secret Society switched bodies with the JLA. They took time to document the JLA’s secret identities. After being defeated Green Arrow and the JLA erased their memories with Zatanna’s help.
(Identity Crisis #2, 6 (fb)) - Arrow and the JLA defeated Hector Hammond, an then received a distress call from Sue Dibny from the JLA satellite. They found Sue being savaged by r. Light and quickly defeated him. Elongate Man took Sue to the hospital, but Light threatened the rest of the JLA, telling them he’d find their loved ones and do to them what he did to Sue. Hawkman proposed that they mindwipe Dr. Light and make him less of the threat, but Arrow sided against him. After the deciding vote was cast Zatanna used her magic to erase Light’s memory, but in trying to alter her personality she magically lobotomized him, making him a minimal threat. Batman saw what they were doing and tried to stop them, so they decided to erase his memory of what they did to Light.
(Catwoman III #50 (fb)) - The Justice League of America went behind Batman's back, and kidnapped Catwoman, who was quite close to him even though she was a criminal. Zatanna, reluctantly taking orders from Hawkman, planted a seed in Catwoman's mind to turn her from villain to hero.
(Flash II #215 (fb))- Flash came to Arrow and the JLA and asked Zatanna to brainwash Top, one of his most dangerous foes, and make him into a hero. The League debated the morality of once again having Zatanna alter someone’s mind, an Arrow thought it was too dangerous, but Zatanna agreed to help Flash because she thought it would be to Top’s benefit to be reformed.
(Green Lantern II #124) - Arrow attended the opening of the New Age Museum dedicated to space travel along with Green Lantern. Sinestro destroyed the museum, and Lantern was ready to pursue him. Arrow asked to accompany him, but Lantern held fast to the idea that dealing with Sinestro was his personal business. Arrow left and told Lantern they shouldn’t have adventures together for a while.
(DC Comics Presents #20) - Oliver Queen was following up stories in Metropolis, and tried on the new costume Dinah made for him in his hotel room. He thought there was no need for heroics in Metropolis with Superman on the job, but he witnessed the assassination of Fred Garmer, an employee of industrialist Bo Force, who he hd dirt on. Green Arrow went to Bo’ property in the southwest to investigate, but was beaten by Bo’s goons. Bo revealed that he had access to the waters of Thors Geyser that contained a cocktail of chemicals that could replace gasoline. Bo’s men had Green Arrow tied up over the geyser, and Bo explained that he would ransom the American people for the formula in exchange for the presidency. Superman was also investigating Bo, and he saved Arrow from being boiled alive by the geyser, and when the geyser erupted he saved te townsfolk and cut off the geyser’s flow. With the geyser’s flow exhausted, and Bo’s dreams of presidency shattered the heroes arrested him.
(Green Arrow III #17 (fb)) - After Flash's death, Arrow and Lantern tried to store his personal effects to keep his identity secret and protect his surviving loved ones. They weren't fast enough, and a month later the Flash Museum had an exhibit revealing his identity.
(Question I #17, 18) - GA spotted Question bound and being driven into the mountains by Eddie and Skinny, and saved his life when the ciminals prepared to execute him. GA initially refused to untie Question, not knowing if he was one of the good guys, but after Eddie and Skinny briefly broke free they teamed up to take them down again, and Question explained that he was in Seattle to nab escaped crimeboss Sundance and his partner Butch Cassidy. GA had been after Butch and Sundance too, because they sold guns to terrorists, and he drove to the duo's hunting lodge on the mountain. They managed to sneak in and found they had something in common, they were both men of violence seeking a path to tranquility. Question tried out several of Sun Tzu's strategies to make their way through the compund and take out Butch's men. Butch and Sundance tried to flee in a helicopter, but the heroes tied down the brakes of two snowmobiles, struck the helicopter and grounded it. Forced into a confrontation Sundance drew his gun but was outdrawn by GA, and the heroes took them in.
(Question Annual #1) - The O-Sensei prepared to die, and had vowed his remains would rest with those of his wife. Lady Shiva owed him a debt, and recruited Batman and Green Arrow, who also owed him, to help fulfill his dying wish. She also brought in Question at Sensei's request. Sensei's father-in-law disapproved of his refusal to return to his family once he went on his quest for truth, but Sensei killed every gangster his father-in-law sent against him. They disappeared in fear of him, and Batman used his contacts to lacate them and the family crypt in Malaya, off the coast of Java. Question was feeling completely useless, and asked Batman to stay behind, so he could provide the muscle. Batman agreed, and said that if he had something to prove he'd better do it. On the flight to Java Shiva asked Sensei if he had a parable to change Question's life in the way he'd done for GA and Batman, but he remained silent, and Question assumed he wasn't worth the effort. On the trip by boat to Malaya storms swelled, the boat sank, and Question was unable to save Sensei from drowning. On Malaya they found the family gone, and the crypt missing the remains of Sensei's wife. Question returned home, feeling like a failure, but Shiva learned that Sensei's wife's remains fell overboard when the families crypt was transported to Malaya, so he did indeed rest with his wife.
(Question Annual #2) - GA was investigating Dr. Twain, who was operating out of Santa Prisca, which was a haven for competing criminal and government organizations since Question freed the country from the drug cartel running it. Twain knew GA was investigating him, and dispatched two assassins dressed as the Question after him. He evaded them, and went to Hub City for answers, learning that the Question's ally had developed the pseudoderm Question used with Twain, but when Twain became corrupt he helped send him to prison. The assassins followed GA to Hub City, and the archer shot arrows through both of them. Question contacted Batman through a computer bulletin board, and he allowed them to stow away on a Wayne Foundation cargo ship to deal with the problem on Santa Prisca. GA and Question entered the cartel's Spanish fort and overheard Twain talking to Juarez. He'd created a neurotoxin from the bonding agent for pseudoderm, and assured Juarez his own men would be immune if they wore pseudoderm masks. To prove his weapons effectiveness, and to get back at the Question he'd dispatched agents to gas Hub City. Those who didn't die would be lobotomized, incapable of doing harm, and Question struggled with the idea that it might be a panacea for the darkness of Hub. GA show Juarez with an arrow and his men opened foire, releasing some of Twain's gas. GA escaped the fort, and deciding he couldn't wait for Question, decided to find a way off the island to save Hub City. Twain got the drop on Question with a gun, and said he'd dreamed of his death, but he drifted in and out of reason, the gas having affected his brain. Question wanted to compare their ideas on how to end human suffering, but saw that Twain's solution had freed him from pain.
(Green Lantern III #47) - Arrow looked into the kidnapping of Tom Kalmaku by Crosswinds Corporation as a favor to Carl Ferris, and ran into Flicker, the kidnapper. Arrow was annoyed because he promised himself he wouldn't have to deal with aliens or supervillains and Flicker was both. Arrow was defeated and brought to Crosswinds, but was rescued by Green Lantern. They learned Tom's kidnapping and other shady business by Crosswinds was an attempt by Crosswinds' owner, Carol Ferris' mother, to bring her daughter closer to her. Arrow and Lantern left the Ferrises to their own affairs and took some time to reflect on the days when they were close friends.
(Green Lantern III #63, 64) - Ganthet appeared to Arrow and told him he was needed to fight Parallax. Ganthet, Green Arrow, Aquaman, Flash III, Hawkman and Martian Manhunter confronted Parallax as he was about to take away Green Lantern Kyle Rayner's power ring. Parallax defeated the heroes, but Kyle talked him down and convinced him to give up the power ring.
(Green Arrow III #17 (fb)) - After Parallax's seeming death Green Arrow went to his home and took care of his personal effects to preserve his secret identity.
(Final Night #4) - The Sun-Eater engulfed Earth's sun, freezing the planet. Green Arrow and Earth's heroes were helpless, but Parallax saved the day, sacrificing his life to dispel the Sun-Eater and reignite the sun.
(Green Arrow III #1 (fb), 7 (fb), 8 (fb)) - Parallax visited Green Arrow's grave, and he regretted his death, so he gathered cells from Superman's costume that remained when Arrow exploded in front of him, and used them to rebirth Green Arrow. He was worried he was playing god again, and asked advice from the soul of Oliver Queen, who told him to bring back Arrow without a soul, and erase every memory he had of the last ten years because Queen thought he was a better man back in the day. In a way it was another chance for Queen to make things right without actually having to leave the afterlife.
(Green Arrow III #1-4) - The reborn Arrow had no memories past his road trip with Green lantern as the Hard Traveling Heroes. Arrow, dirty, disheveled and using trick arrows made from rubbish saved Stanley Dover from muggers. Dover took him in, outfitted him with proper arrows and told him he'd help him find the Star City Slayer, the serial killer terrorizing the city. He sent Arrow after councilman Freddy Dreyfus, who was trafficking in drugs. Arrow caught him abusing wayward youth Mia Dearden. After taking down the councilman and saving her he gave Mia a card for the Star City Youth Recreational Center. Mia showed up at the center and Ollie gave her a job and offered her Dover's place as a temporary residence. He wasn't happy to see that she'd deduced his secret identity and her claim that his distinctive goatee and small domino mask made it obvious that he was Green Arrow. Arrow visited comptroller Harold Leeds and demanded he help clean up Star City. Arrow planned on visiting Green Lantern but was devastated to learn that he couldn't go to Coast City because it's been destroyed. Arrow interrupted a drug buy involving Black Manta, and was soon joined by Aquaman, who was shocked to see Arrow alive. Aquaman brought Green Arrow to the JLA Watchtower, and the team was in shock because he was back from the dead. Arrow was taken back by changes in the JLA, especially when he met the new Green Lantern and Flash. He turned against his teammates, and Batman knocked him out and promised to find out how Arrow came back from the dead and why he was suffering from amnesia.
(Green Arrow III #5-10) - Batman ran a series of medical scans on Arrow in the Batcave, and determined that he was the genuine article, but that he was missing a number of battle scars he'd suffered over the last 10 years. He showed Arrow footage and news articles of Green Lantern's death as well as Arrow's death. Arrow wanted to get to the bottom of the mystery, so they traveled to Star City together. Batman tried to jog his memory showing him the old Queen estate, and learned that the cutoff for Arrow's memory was when he accidentally killed a criminal and joined a monastery. The Demon attacked them, saying Arrow was a husk, a human body lacking a soul. Arrow subdued him with a fire-extinguisher arrow and forced him to change back into Blood. Arsenal and Black Canary met up with them and Canary initially wanted to rekindle her romance with Arrow, but even though he didn't remember all the pain he put her through in the past 10 years didn't mean she forgave him. Blood promised to find out how Arrow returned from the dead, and the heroes accompanied him to his safe house in Star City. Blood summoned Abortives, demons from Hell that needed a hollow, a man without a soul, to walk the Earth, and noted that they wanted to get at Arrow. Determining that Arrow was a hollow and a danger as long as he lived because he could be easily possessed, Blood changed into the Demon and shot hellfire at Arrow. Spectre saved him from death, and told him he was the one who brought him back from the dead. He took Arrow on a tour of Heaven and introduced him to the soul of Oliver Queen. Queen set him straight on why he allowed Spectre to resurrect him, and Arrow asked what happened to a man without a soul when he died, but Queen told him to focus on living. Arrow left the afterlife and returned to Dover's house. Dover knocked him out, and when he woke up he found himself tied up next to Mia. Dover was an occultist who used the Star City Slayer identity to draw out his grandson Stanley's Monster, who he believed would grant him immortality. He introduced Arrow to Stanley and told Arrow he was going to put his soul into Arrow's body so he'd have more years to locate the Monster. Conner Hawke broke into Dover's residence, so Dover opened a gate to Hell, and Conner was soon overwhelmed by demons. Arrow couldn't bear to let down the son he'd never known, so he contacted his soul in heaven, and his soul reunited with his body. Arrow and Conner fought the demons, but the situation seemed hopeless. Rather than see Hell spread to Earth Conner contacted the JLA Watchtower and activated the fail-safe contingency. A blast would destroy Dover's residence, the heroes and hopefully the gate to Hell. Stanley's Monster arrived and closed the doorway and ate Dover, so Conner called off the fail-safe. The Monster told Arrow that Dover had willed his fortune and brownstone to Arrow in anticipation of inhabiting his body, and told him to make the most of it to erase the evil Dover did. Arrow told Conner he was very proud of his willingness to sacrifice himself in the name of heroism and wanted to spend the afternoon with him getting to know him.
(Green Arrow III #11) - Arrow made Mia go back to high school and put Conner to work at the Star City youth center. Conner told Arrow he connected with youths because he was a wanna-be dad, and told him it was time for him to settle down with Black Canary. Arrow and Conner went on patrol, busting a number of crimes and warning the criminals of Star City that the Green Arrows kept the streets safe. Mia desperately wanted to be trained to be the new Speedy, but Arrow told her times were different from when heroes had sidekicks, things were more dangerous, and he couldn't stand to lose her. Mia gave in, but told him that if she still had aspirations of being a hero when she was 21 she expected him to train her.
(Green Arrow III #12-15) – Hawkman and Green Arrow had a reunion before Arrow’s date with Black Canary. They reminisced over old times and goofed on Batman, whom they thought took himself too seriously. Hawkman warned Arrow that Canary had a difficult year, and he shouldn’t rush her into a relationship. At dinner Arrow and Canary had a good time, but he told him she wasn’t sure about a relationship, especially since he still had something going on with Dr. Mid-Nite. Riddler tried to rob the restaurant, and they took him down, which they found invigorating. Black Canary and Green Arrow spent the night together at JSA hq. Hawkman and Green Arrow started brawling because Hawkman thought Arrow was bad for Canary. It was also an excuse for Hawkman and Arrow to continue their never-ending conservative versus liberal conflict. Canary didn't like having them fight over her and ended their argument with a sonic scream, and made it clear this escapade cooled her feelings for Arrow. Arrow and Conner went on patrol, and Conner was shot in the head by superhero serial killer Onomatopoeia. Arrow rushed him to the hospital, and saved his life with a blood transfusion. Onomatopoeia returned to the hospital, and Arrow, weak from blood loss, confronted him. He held Onomatopoeia at arrow-point until surgeons saved Conner's life. The fight between Arrow and Onomatopoeia resumed, and in the end Onomatopoeia fell off a roof after being hit with several arrows, but the killer survived and disappeared.
(Hawkman IV #4-6) - Green Arrow traveled to St. Roch to investigate a number of murders committed by the Spider, who was impersonating him, and killing members of an investment group that Oliver Queen had put in with years ago to buy land outside St. Roch. At a carnival Spider killed famed chef Christopher Cook, and when Hawkman spotted Arrow on a rooftop he reacte impulsively and attacked him, before Arrow finally got a chance to explain himself. They agreed to work with each other for the good of the city, and when Hawkman said Hawkgirl would be joining them Arrow told him he was acting like a lovesick puppy keeping a girl who wasn't interested in him around as a memento of his past. Arrow said he knew about obsession, not love, and they almost came to blows again. Arrow sai Atom always talked highly of Hawkman, saying that without the mask he stopped being a savage brute, and revealed himself as an intelligent man of taste and culture, and Arrow said he'd like to meet that man. Hawkman responded that he'd learned over thousands of years that some people would just never get along. Green Arrow laid out what he knew, and the only surviving investors were himself, Alfred Sleissenger, a casino owner, and the mysterious Ludlow. Hawkman created a distraction to break into Sleissenger's casino, and when Hawkgirl and Arrow found the owner he'd been bound by the Spider Lucas Ludlow, who'd been made an offer on the St. Roch land and didn't want to share. The heroes fought Spider in a wild battle, and Green Arrow was attracted to how headstrong and brave Hawkgirl proved herself to be. At one point Hawkman took an arrow for Hawkgirl, and Spider managed to escape, but not before Green Arrow struck him in his aiming eye with an arrow. Arrow assured his allies that Ludlow's archery days were over. With the case ended Hawkman told Arrow to clear out of St. Roch. Arrow told him he was stubborn, and even though they weren't friends, as co-workers he advised him to let his hair down a little and appreciate his human side.
(JLA #69, 71, 73, 75) - With the JLA trapped in the year 1,000 B.C., Batman's contingency plan for a new JLA was activated. JLA-Spheres located Green Arrow and other heroes hand picked by Batman and brought them to the Watchtower, where a video recording of Batman told them they would have to carry on as Earth's protectors in case the JLA never returned. Arrow made it clear he thought the idea of the JLA was fascist, but still agreed to join the team. The team was instructed not to go looking for the missing JLA, and were kept busy by a worldwide drought. The drought caused tectonic plate shifting in Japan, resulting in earthquakes and lava flows that the JLA had to deal with. Atom discovered that Earth's water was being drained to Atlantis. He got a video feed of Atlantis, where the team saw a skeleton dressed in Superman’s costume. Atom coordinated the JLA’s return to Atlantis, where they found Gamemnae, an ancient Atlantean sorceress bent on bringing new glory to her land. They warned her that the waters shifted to Atlantis threatened to pull Earth from its orbit, but she refused to listen. The JLA couldn’t defeat her, and President Luthor ordered muon bombs to be dropped on Atlantis to destroy the sorceress. The bombs had no effect on her, and the JLA was brought to safety by a ring-image of Green Lantern, who explained that the JLA in ancient Atlantis made a plan in the past to save the future. Manitou Raven, the sole survivor of the Ancients, the superteam Gamemnae created and betrayed, had preserved the souls of the JLA that Gamemnae killed in 1,000 B.C. He tricked her into resurrecting them, and then Zatanna and members of the new JLA went to 1,000 B.C. where they freed Aquaman, who’d been turned into a water elemental and imprisoned in a pool by Gamemnae. Aquaman merged with the ocean, sank Gamemnae’s Atlantis, and Zatanna cast a spell that returned Aquaman’s Atlantis to the present day. Gamemnae, weakened by this change in history, was easy prey for Manitou Raven, and he sacrificed himself to destroy her.
(JLA #76) - Batman’s JLA disbanded, and Green Arrow took the opportunity to attempt flirting with Faith and Hawkgirl before they left.
(Green Arrow III #16-21) - Green Arrow wanted to know who was at his funeral, so Superman brought him pictures Perry White purchased from the paparazzi. Superman then had to take care of an earthquake in Ecuador, but told Arrow how glad he was that he was back. Arrow was distressed to see an unknown man at the funeral, and he contacted Oracle, who ided him as Cat-Man. Arsenal called in favors at Checkmate to locate Cat-Man, who was in witness protection. They pinned him to a wall with arrows and asked him why he was at the funeral. He was there under the direction of Shade, who carried out Arrow's last will and testament, and Shade appeared to them. Arrow had entrusted Shade with the duty of taking care of his personal effects after his death, thus preserving his secret identity, because he trusted Shade after an incident in Midway City, and knew Shade was immortal and would always be around to take care of his will. Shade told him he couldn't locate some of the effects in the Arrowcave, nor find the Arrowcar, so Arrow and Arsenal went off to find the mementos. They went into the Arrowcave and found Solomon Grundy squatting in it, and the monster attacked them. Arsenal was taken out of the fight early, but Arrow managed to kill Grundy, strangling him with his bowstring. The Arrowcave was demolished, but Arrow retrieved his framed Justice League of America membership. He went to the JLA Watchtower for his trick arrows, and Green Lantern Kyle Rayner asked him why he always gave him such a hard time. Arrow told him he still wasn't comfortable seeing anyone assume the identity of his dead best friend, but that he respected Kyle. The prize among the trick arrows was the diamond-tipped arrow, a perfect engagement ring for Black Canary. He went to the Flash Museum to retrieve the GA ring costume Barry Allen gave him, but Flash barred his way. Arsenal snuck past them and retrieved the ring. Arrow could have asked for it, but it wasn't Flash's place to give it to him. Arrow and Arsenal stopped at a diner and ran into Cat-Man, who was about to strike his girlfriend. Cat-Man threatened the heroes, but was teleported away by Warp, who was under orders from Monsieur Mallah to find Cat-Man. Arrow broke into a Ferris Aircraft hangar and found the truck he'd driven cross-country with Green lantern there. Lantern left him a Green Lantern ring in the truck to use in case of emergencies. After Arrow and Arsenal said their goodbyes Arrow took Black Canary to dinner. He was prepared to propose, but she hinted he shouldn't make big life decisions so soon after his resurrection, so he didn't pop the question. He checked on Conner Hawke, and made plans to go out on patrol. He rewrote his will, leaving Arsenal as the executor and leaving everything to Conner.
(JLA / JSA: Virtue and Vice) - Arrow was called in by Martian Manhunter as a JLA reservist after the JLA and JSA’s ranks had been decimated when the Seven Deadly Sins had possessed several members of the teams. Arrow, alongside other JLA reservists and the unpossessed members of the JLA and JSA helped Shazam re-chain Deadly Sins in the Rock of Eternity, and then defeated the Sins’ masters, Johnny Sorrow and Despero.
(Green Arrow III #22) - Arrow decided to go back to the South Seas island where he first became a hero to rediscover himself. He hired Captain Strong to sail him to the island, and survived with no supplies or weapons, just using his own wits and survival instinct. Count Vertigo confronted Arrow, having been sent to see him by the D.E.O. to recover a cell sample to see if Arrow was a metahuman. They fought, and Arrow won, but passed out because jellyfish had poisoned him, so vertigo saved his life. This made Vertigo forgive his grudge against Arrow, and he left the hero without doing any harm. At the end of a month on the island Arrow returned to Star City.
(Green Arrow III #23, Green Lantern III #162) - Arrow caught some drug dealers working with the Black Circle, interstellar drug dialers. The police had to let the dealers go because the supply they had from the aliens was a massive amount of bleach, not illegal on Earth. Green Lantern Kyle Rayner was also after the Circle, and the heroes fought when Arrow told Kyle there was only one real Green Lantern, his old friend Hal Jordan. They found the bodies of dealers that had failed the Circle. Arrow refused to work with Kyle, and Connor arrived to cool them down. he told Arrow he was snapping at people and needed a vacation. Ollie took his youth center kids hiking on Mount Seldeed when he came upon the spaceship of Amon Sur, son of Abin Sur
(Green Arrow III #24, 25, Green Lantern III #163, 164) - Connor introduced Kyle to Amon Sur, son of Abin Sur, who claimed to be tracking down the Black Circle as part of the Light Brigade. He informed Arrow and Kyle of the Black Circle's next visit to Earth. Arrow went to the pier where cleaning supplies were being delivered, but was ambushed by the Circle. They nearly killed him before Kyle arrived and they were forced to flee. Unbeknownst to the heroes Lavvek, who was in charge of the buy, had exceeded his authority in the Black Circle, so Amon blew up his ship. A war erupted between the Circle and the mafia they'd treated so shabbily, with Kyle and Arrow containing the damage. One Syndicate member was about to reveal the identity of the Circle's leader, so Amon broke his neck, arousing suspicion in the heroes. The Black Circle armada approached Earth and teleported Amon aboard. Arrow and Kyle followed, only to be trapped in a containment field. Amon revealed himself as the Black Circle leader and stole Kyle's power ring, which he viewed as his rightful legacy He planned to torture the heroes to death, but Kyle remote-controlled his ring to turn against Amon, and when the Black Circle crew shot at the heroes they damaged their starship. Amon knew the battle was lost and teleported away, but warned the heroes to never cross his path. Back on Earth Arrow and Kyle got some drinks at a bar and to their surprise they started to get along.
(Green Arrow III #26-31) - The Elevast Corporation set about opening the Star Center in Star City to boost tourism, but its construction would leave everyone in the Lamb Valley district homeless. Green Arrow stopped Lamb valley residents from destroying Elevast construction equipment, and told them this wan't the way to fight Elevast. He didn’t pursue them when they fled, and Jefferson Pierce asked Arrow to help his niece Joanna Pierce's legal battles against Elevast. Oliver Queen poured millions into Joanna's lawfirm to tie up Elevast in court, and announced to Elevast board members that they should back off or face years of legal battles. A monster murdered security guards at an Elevast construction site and the Lamb Valley residents were blamed. The police rounded up suspects, and Green Arrow and Connor watched over them, making sure excessive force wasn't used. Joanna kept Arrow updated on the legal battle, and they started flirting. Arrow knew that he shouldn't get involved because she was young, a friend's niece and things were starting to work out again with Black Canary. Arrow found the monsters that murdered the Elevast security guards, and with the help of Connor killed one, and took it to Connor's friend in the Star City morgue Dennis Porter. Arrow stopped by Joanna's apartment and they ended up spending the night together. Arrowed dropped in on Dennis, and found him dead at the hands of Drakon, who'd been hired by Elevast to cover up their connection to the monsters. Drakon defeated Green Arrow in combat. He refused to kill Arrow because he hadn't been paid to, but Arrow nicked him with an arrow, so he drove arrows through each of Arrow's hands. Arrow recovered and learned the monster was a Zimbabwe immigrant formerly employed by Elevast. Joanna offered to help research the immigrant, but Arrow made it clear he wanted her to keep her distance. He told her the night they spent was a mistake, and she was angry that he didn't make it clear he was already involved. Drakon lured three of the Elevast monsters into a building using drugged meat, and when they fell asleep he set the building on fire. Green Arrow rescued one of them and blinded Dreakon with a glue-arrow, but wasn't willing to stick around for another fight. Arrow rounded up more monsters with Superman's help. S.T.A.R. Labs learned the monsters were created by a tuberculosis inoculation that used gene splicing, created by Tepcorp. At home Arrow got the cold shoulder from Connor and Mia, who both disapproved of him cheating on Canary. Joanna learned Tepcorp was a subsidiary of Elevast, but when Arrow went to her home to get more info he found her hung to death, courtesy of Drakon. She'd e-mailed what she'd learned to Green Arrow, and Drakon sped to his home, where he found Connor Hawke and Mia Dearden. He badly injured both of them, but Connor set a gas fire to blow up the house and defeat Drakon, while taking away a copy of Joanna's e-mail. Arrow sent the information about Tepcorp to the media, exposing Elevast. Jefferson Pierce killed Martin N. Somers, C.E.O. of Elevast, in retaliation for Joanna's death, and Arrow felt he couldn't pass judgment on him.
(JSA #54) - Green Arrow, the JLA and JSA celebrated Thanksgiving at JSA hq. Hawkman tried to take a drumstick from the kitchen before dinner, which gave Green Arrow the perfect opportunity to shoot arrows at him, and pick a verbal fight. Kulak and the Warlord of Ys ruined the Thanksgiving meal, but were quickly defeated by the heroes. The JLA and JSA settled for ordering out, and had pizza for Thanksgiving.
(Green Arrow III #32) - Arsenal visited Arrow, and he asked him to get Connor out of the house for a while. Connor kept trying to get Arrow to open up about Joanna's death, and Arrow just needed time to be angry. Connor and Arsenal went for a boy's night out.
(Green Arrow III #33) - Green Arrow learned the old Arrowcar was still around when he saw it up for bids on an auction site. Mia wanted him to buy it, but he told her it belonged to the past. Arrow visited the JLA watchtower and got the old Arrowcar remote from the trophy room, and learned the self-destruct mechanism was jammed. Superman fixed it for him, but Plas accidentally released a Starro spore from captivity. It took over Superman, but took enough time to boast of its abilities for Arrow to kill it with an arrow. Batman bought the Arrowcar for Arrow, and he had to defend it from Scavenger, who wanted it for his own. He took the Arrowcar for a ride with Mia, then blew it up and told Mia not to question his decision.
(Green Arrow III #34-39) - Canary saw Green Arrow taking his frustrations out on a group of muggers. She thought Connor and Mia's hospitalization at the hands of Drakon was the cause of his stress, and it partially was, but his affair with Joanna Pierce was what really had him stressed. They spent the night together, and Canary sensed Arrow was keeping something from her, but he kept quiet about Joanna and she didn't press it. In the need for release Arrow and Connor tracked down art thieves that had robbed the Grell Museum. The thieves’ cargo truck contained all the stolen items except a mystic Russian totem, all that was left in its case was a note from the Riddler, who'd taken it. Riddler committed a number of other distraction crimes, vandalizing an art restoration lab, hog-tying the Star City Rockets baseball team and filling the financial center Montrose Tower with dried prunes, so Arrow called Batman for advice on dealing with Riddler. While Mia was practicing combat techniques and the bow-and-arrow, Green Arrow told her he was sick of her passive-aggressive behavior and had to have a talk with her. He told her how much he regretted cheating on Canary, but wouldn't be telling her because it would only hurt her, and only serve to clear his conscience. Mia gave him a hug and they were once again on speaking terms. Riddler left a riddle announcing that he was going to detonate an atom bomb in Star City, and cut off all the exits to the city. He was holed up in the Tinder-Smith Garden arena, but had it so well booby-trapped even Green Arrow couldn't get inside. The power went out in the city, and all mechanical devices stopped functioning because Mr. Davis, the man who hired Riddler to steal the Russian artifacts, used them to cast a spell over Star City. Green Arrow took this opportunity to take down Riddler. Davis' spell also cut off Star City from the rest of the world with a mystic shield, and populating it with demons that killed anyone breaking any laws or acting out in any violent fashion. Green Arrow got Davis' name by beating a confession out of Riddler, and a little library research revealed that Davis' wife and children died in a carjacking, so he cast his spell to create his vision of a utopia. Arrow and Connor located Davis' mansion, but an army of demons surrounded it, and they knew they couldn't break in on their own. They recruited the toughest Star City police officers and gangsters and trained them, to use the bow-and-arrow. Mia demanded to be part of the raid on Davis' mansion, but Arrow told her he didn't need to be distracted by worry that she'd get herself killed. She didn't back down and attacked him, giving him such a good fight that he told her to get a mask and join him. Arrow's army battled the demons and he got the opportunity to enter Davis' mansion with Mia. Davis regretted what he did, and told them there was no way to break the spell except to end his life. The heroes had little time to decide on a course of action as more demons confronted them, so Mia shot Davis dead. She broke down in tears and embraced Arrow.
(Flash II #208, 209) - Green Arrow and the JLA summoned Flash to the JLA Watchtower, demanding to know why they no longer remembered his secret identity. He initially refused to talk to team, and ran away, but after Superman talked to him he returned. He revealed that the Spectre erased the world’s knowledge of his secret identity to protect his family, but he was ready to reveal himself as Wally West to his friends.
(Outsiders III #6) - When Arsenal was gunned down by a Brother Blood cultist, Green Arrow and his son raced to Arsenal's hospital bed. He yelled at Arsenal's teammates the Outsiders for not watching his back, and insisted on accompanying the team on a mission to stop Brother Blood from activating cultist sleeper agents to kidnap one million infants. Green Arrow and the Outsiders succeeded in foiling Blood's scheme and brought him into police custody.
(Flash II #214) - Flash visited the JLA Watchtower and realized that Green Arrow and the JLA questioned him aout the Spectre erasing his identity from their minds because they feared someone did to them what they did to Light. Arrow told him Barry had the guiltiest consionces about what they did to Light, although Arrow was totally convinced that what they did was right. Arrow then gave him the letter Barry Allen left with Arrow if their mind-wiping of Light ever became public knowledge.
(Green Arrow III #40-45) - Star City was under martial law after Mr. Davis’ rule of demons, and Arrow had a talk with the mayor to tell him he was displeased. Arrow and the mayor were both worried about the gangsters dead in the wake of the rule of demons, and wondered who’d fill the vacuum. Black Canary confronted Arrow about making Mia a killer, and he admitted he screwed up, and agreed with her when she told him they should break up. She slugged him and told him one of their major problems was that he was never willing to fight to save their relationship. Connor broke up a firefight between rival gangs, one of which was representing Danny “Brick” Brickwell, who become the new rising gangster in Star City. Connor and Green Arrow went undercover to get close to his gang, but failed, and Connor suggested that Green Arrow’s personal life was getting to him. When Brick eliminated the top mob bosses in the city they began to get tipoffs to his location. Green Arrow followed the lead and found it was a trap. He fought off Brick’s gang for a while before Mia came to his aid and they escaped forever. He forbid her from evr playing hero again, and told Connor to stop training her. Arrow and Connor attending a charity event when Brick eliminated attendees D.A. Allen Fuentes and the mayor with a suicide bomber. Brick was taken into custody by acting mayor Karen Woodruff, and he had her daughter kidnapped, promising to kill her if he wasn’t released within 12 hours. Arrow and Connor ran down every available lead, but Brick gave them a red herring, knowing that the kidnapper, the child’s nanny, would talk, he had him give the heroes the location of a false safehouse. Arrow had to admit defeat, and Woodruff released Brick. Arrow later went with Mia for a physical and learned she was H.I.V. positive. Arrow was devastated, but Mia put on her tough girl act, and pretended she was unphased. Arrow felt helpless and put his frustrations into training while Connor was actually able to comfort her. Arrow and Connor attended a rally at Mia’s school where she gave a speech about living with H.I.V. Unable to help her further Arrow found Brick and challenged him to a one-on-one fight. Brick was impressed with his bravado and accepted. After a pitched battle Arrow used a glue arrow to nearly suffocate Brick, and reminded the gangster that Star City belonged to him. Mia showed Arrow her superhero costume and told him her life needed the focus of being a hero, and he finally accepted her as such, passing her the mantle of Speedy.
(Identity Crisis #1-3) - Green Arrow was planning Elongated Man’s “birthday mystery” with Sue Dibny when he learned Sue had been murdered. Two days later he attended her funeral. Afterwards Arrow, Hawkman, Black Canary, Zatanna, Atom, and Elongated Man, the surviving Satellite Era JLA, met in a private chapel. They believed Sue’s murderer was Dr. Light, the man who savaged Sue years before, the man they mind-wiped. Flash and Green Lantern noticed they’d stayed behind and overheard their conversation, so they confessed what they did to Dr. Light. They confronted Dr. Light, but he was repared for them, he’d hired Deathstroke as a bodyguard. They fought, and Dr. Light’s memories of what the JLA did to him returned. He unleashed his powers on the heroes, striking them unconscious, and fled. Superman wanted to know why they were pursuing Light, and Flash told him Elongated Man had a run-in with him years back, but didn’t give details. Green Arrow revealed to Flash that the JLA erased the memories of a number of villains over the years, including the Secret Society of Super-Villains, to protect their identities.
(Identity Crisis #4) - Ivy Town; Jean Loring claimed to have been attacked by someone who broke into her apartment so Green Arrow, Mr. Miracle, Superman and Green Arrow I investigated the scene. Slipknot was a suspect so Wonder Woman and Green Arrow visited him in prison, and after Wonder Woman used her lasso on him she determined he was innocent. Green Arrow visited Hal’s grave in Valhalla and asked him to appear. He asked Spectre to tell him who killed Sue Dibny, but Spectre couldn’t tell him. He asked Spectre if he was looking for a way to return to life, and the Spectre told him he was working on it.
(Identity Crisis #5) - Arrow and the JLA, who had been coming down hard on the supervillain community in the wake of Sue Dibny’s murder, stormed into Merlyn’s apartment and easily apprehended Merlyn, Monacle and Deadshot.
(Flash II #216, Identity Crisis #6) - Arrow and Conner learned from Oracle that Deathstroke was in Star City looking for revenge on Arrow. Flash met Arrow and told him he’d read Barry Allen’s letter, and they discussed the JLA’s past of altering supervillains minds. Green Arrow admitted to Flash that Batman saw what the JLA did to Light and tried to stop them, forcing them to erase his memory.
(Identity Crisis #7) - Arrow and the JLA had a meeting in the wake of learning that Jean Loring had killed Sue Dibny.
(Superman / Batman #13) - Arrow and the JLA were among the heroes invited to Paradise Island to welcome Superman's cousin Supergirl into the superhero community.
(JLA #107) - Arrow visited the JLA Watchtower to access their computer records for a case the Elite was working on.
(Green Lantern: Rebirth #1-6) - Arrow and Mia were ready to go on patrol when Black Hand broke into their home to steal Arroiw’s Green Lantern ring. They incapacitated him, at which point the Spectre appeared and turned Black Hand’s right hand to coal. Spectre told Arrow he was losing control and this wasn’t the way he wanted to act. Arrow warned the JLA about Hal’s actions, and found the JLA caring for Guy Gardner, whose alien powers had overloaded. Most of the JLA went to find Hal, but they left Arrow aoard the Watchtower. Arrow’s GL ring duplicated itself, and the duplicate put itself on Guy’s finger, healed him, and made him a Lantern again. The ring was under Parallax’s command, and it corrupted Guy, making him decimate his teammates before flying off. Green Lantern Kyle Rayner brought the body of Hal Jordan to the Watchtower and told Arrow Parallax was responsible for initially corrupting Hal. Sinestro appeared to them and revealed that he was the one responsible for freeing Parallax on the world. Sinestro nearly had the heroes beat until Arrow charged the power ring and use it to send an arrow into Sinestro’s chest. The effort severely drained him, but it bough them the time they needed. Hal’s soul returned to his body, and as Green Lantern he stood up to Sinestro and sent him back to the Anti-Matter Universe. Green Arrow recovered from his injuries, and gave Hal back his power battery, which he took when Hal first became Parallax, enabling Hal to return to action as Green Lantern.
(Green Arrow III #46) - Green Arrow intensely trained Speedy for fieldwork, and together they broke up an arms shipment earmarked for Brick and guarded by High-Rise. Arrow sponsored Speedy’s membership in the Teen Titans, and during her initiation he bet Cyborg that his protégé could take Batman’s protégé Robin. Robin defeated her, but it was close, and Arrow was proud. Speedy asked him not to tell the Titans that she had H.I.V., even though she came out to her school she didn’t want it to be part of her introduction to a superhero team.
(DC Countdown #1) - When someone broke into a Kord warehouse and stole the kryptonite stored there Oracle called in favors to Green Arrow and a number of other heroes to investigate the crime scene, but the investigation turned up nothing.
(Green Arrow III #47-50) - Green Arrow, Connor and Speedy chipped away at Brick’s empire, taking down drug rings, his skin trade and weapons shipments, prompting Brick to call in outside help. Arsenal found out that Mia was now the new Speedy, and told Arrow he couldn’t believe he let her engage in such dangerous activity, but changed his tune when he learned she had H.I.V. Team Arrow went to apprehend Brick’s man the Duke of Oil, who’d just robbed a bank. Arsenal was trapped inside the bank when Drakon shut the windows and doors with a trip-wire. After a wild fight Arrow disabled the Duke by shooting an arrow at the base of his android skull, the one chink in his armor. Arsenal discovered a massive bomb in the bank and went to work disabling it. Once Arrow defeated the Duke, Drakon released the bank doors, allowing the patrons to leave, but Arsenal was still determined to defuse the bomb. Drakon set off the charge, seemingly killing Arsenal, but in reality he’d kidnapped the hero before the explosion. Arrow frantically searched the wreckage for Arsenal, and was joined by the Outsiders when they learned their teammate was in distress. After a full search they found no body, but they did discover Riddler’s calling card. They stormed Riddler’s safehouse, Puertas al Infierno, a former prison, and fought off the hi-tech armored mercenaries that guarded it. Shift captured Drakon after Speedy and Connor fought him to a stalemate, and Green Arrow found Riddler, who shot him in the shoulder as revenge for Arrow’s past brutalization of him. He tied up Arrow next to Arsenal, but once Riddler learned his security had been breached he fled, noting that his act was a game, and a hint of things to come when he was serious about destroying Green Arrow. Green Arrow returned home just in time to witness his house demolished by an explosion set by Deathstroke, another of Brick’s contract men.
(JLA #112-114) - Green Arrow and the Elite were called in as a JLA reservists when Qwardians threatened to destroy Earth with their doomsday weapon Erdammeru while the Crime Syndicate of Amerika tried to take control of Earth. Green Arrow and a team of JLAers went to the Syndicate’s Earth in the anti-matter universe to shake things up. Diataria Lysis was afraid of Qwardian leader Roval’s insatiable bloodlust, and brokered peace between Qward and Earth. The JLA informed the Qwardians that Krona was responsible for Qward’s destruction, and had been defeated by the JLA. The Qwardians returned to the anti-matter universe, but vowed to destroy the Crime Syndicate’s Earth for having dared try to invade their planet. Batman had planned for this to happen, and set his team on the anti-matter Earth into motion. The rest of the JLA entered the anti-matter universe, and forced the Syndicate to ask them for a favor, help in defeating the Qwardians. This was broadcast to the populace of anti-matter Earth, and once the Qwardians were defeated, the people saw that the Syndicate was not invincible and began to rise up against them.
(JLA #115-119) - Flash called Arrow and the JLA to the Watchtower and told them that if they didn’t confess to Batman that they altered his memory he would tell him. The JLA was divided on what to do, but they were interrupted by distress signals from Happy Harbor and Opal City. Former members of the Secret Society of Super-Villains had their memory restored by Despero, and were seaking vengeance on the JLA for tampering with their minds. The picked off Red Tornado in Happy Harbor and Ralph Dibny in Opal City, and then defeated the JLAers that responded to their distress signals. They villains then turned their attention to Batman, presenting him with the unconscious bodies of the JLA. The JLA revived, and the villains chose to retreat. The JLA confessed to Batman, but he already knew they’d manipulated his mind. He was in a rage and decked Hawkman, who was very much behind all the JLA’s actions. The JLA presumed that the former Society members who had their minds intact remembered their secret identities, and went to look in on their loved ones. The former Society members made an attack on the Daily Planet, trying to kill Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen and Perry White. They planned to take out all the JLA’s loved ones. The JLA defeated them, and Superman revealed that Batman told him that the JLA mindwiped him. This treatment of Batman tempted Superman to quit the team, but first the JLA had to decide what to do with the villains who knew their identities. Hawkman was adamant about mindwiping them again, and called for a vote, but it was a draw. Zatanna told the team her past actions were an abuse of magic, and she refused to mindwipe anyone ever again. She told the JLA to take her off reserve status and disappeared. The JLA took the villains to the Watchtower to get a tie-breaking vote from Martian Manhunter, and see if he would mindwipe the villains, but Masnhunter was gone and there was evidence of a struggle. Despero had confronted Manhunter and subjugated his mind. The JLA tracked Despero to the Batcave, where he’d already encountered Batman and taken his mind. Despero picked the JLA off one by one, and had them fight each other. Zatanna had a change of heart, and after putting Despero in suspended animation she mindwiped the Society members again. The JLA agreed that they were a shadow of their former greatness and disbanded.
(Green Arrow III #51) - A Star City center exploded, and Anarky was blamed as the terrorist responsible. Anarky sought out Green Arrow to clear his name, and Arrow saw him as the radical he once was in his youth. They found that brothers Mal and Pete Simons had pulled off a number of robberies by planting bombs, alerting the authorities, and robbing while it was defused. Star City was an accident, but they blamed Anarky to cover their tracks. Pete killed Mal, and Arrow and Anarky captured Pete. Anarky thanked Arrow for listening to him, and helping him clear his name, the only thing that mattered to him.
(Green Arrow III #53) - Dr. Crissie Cavendish discovered Solomon Grundy’s old journals and realized she was his great-great granddaughter. She had Green Arrow take her to Grundy’s lair in his old estate, and after Arrow momentarily subdued the monster she took a sample of his DNA, promising to find a way to restore his humanity. That night Crissie wanted to be with Arrow, but he showed unusual restrainint, and said he was tired of spending nights with people he didn’t care about just because he could. She later changed her mind, and in twisted admiration for Grundy she used his blood to reverse engineer a version of the formula that made him an elemental. She injected herself and became a monstrous dinosaur-like creature, lashing out at both Arrow and Grundy. She almost killed Arrow, but Grundy knocked herout with a boulder. Grundy allowed Arrow toi leave with Crissie, and the hero took herto S.T.A.R. Labs for treatment.
(Green Lantern IV #7, 8) - Lantern and Arrow patrolled Coast City, with Arrow worried that Hal was assuming too much responsibility between being a Lantern, rebuilding Coast City and joining the Air Force. John Stewart informed Hal that Mongul was in his space sector. Although this was not the Mongul that destroyed Coast City, but his son, Hal didn’t want the name Mongul to keep standing for fear, for being a reason why Coast City was still empty. Mongul was growing a field of Black mercy flowers, which parasitized their hosts, leaving them catatonic while making them imagine they were living their finest dreams. After a raging battle Mongul managed to attach Black mercies to Arrow, who imagined he’d raised Connor Hawke to be Speedy, and Lantern, who imagined his father was still alive. Hal’s willpower shook off the Black Mercy, and they again engaged Mongul, who’d used the bioelectric energy given off by the Black mercy victims to power a teleporter that brought his sister Mongal to Earth. The heroes realized that Mogul and his sister wanted to kill each other over their father’s birthright, and they reactivated the star gate, sending both of them back to the Cygnus Star-System. Arrow advised Hal to stop thinking about the family he lost, and start living with the family he had. The dream Mongul made for him reminded Arrow that he was never a good father, and that he’d always been afraid of the responsibility of family.
(JLA #120) - Aquaman invited Green Arrow and other JLAers to Happy Harbor, where the League began, to finalize the team's dissolution. Aquaman hoped that the disagreements and lack of trust that led to the dissolution wouldn't last forever, and reminded them what the JLA once stood for. Everyone except Batman tossed dust into the wind as an act of cleansing and left. Green Arrow accused Batman of ruining the occasion, and said that even before he found out Zatanna mind wiped him he never trusted the team.
(JLA #121-125) - Aquaman proposed forming a covert League with Green Arrow, Black Canary, Manitou Dawn and John Stewart. He worried about Batman splitting from the JLA, and his comments that the concentration of power in the League was too dangerous to exist. Green Arrow confessed to Canarey that he’d had an affair with Dawn shortly before the death of her husband Manitou Raven. Canary toldhim she used to find his rogueish nature charming, but it’d lost its appeal. She decided to have girl talk with Dawn. Green Arrow and the others tried to recruit Nightwing to have a hold over Batman, but the bid failed. The temporary JLA investigated a rampage killing in Metropolis perpetrated by the Key, and they tried to coerce Supergirl and Red Tornado into joining up with them. They were interrupted by an attack by O.M.A.C. units, bent on destroying all superhumans. When the O.M.A.C.s were overwhelmed Brother Eye sent them a command to destroy themselves. During the battle Key spirited away Dawn. Green Arrow watched his new JLA crumble before his eyes as Red Tornado and Supergirl went into space with Troia to fight in the Infinite Crisis, and Aquaman had to return to Atlantis to tend to Mera. Only Arrow and Canary were left to save Dawn. They tracked the Key to the Metropolis sewer system, but a Keyman held them off long enough for Key to flee with Dawn to Gotham. Manitou Raven’s spirit appeared and opened a mystic portal so Arrow and Canary could pursue the Key. Batman joined them in fighting the Key, but the villain’s activities had attracted Envy of the Seven Deadly Sins, who boosted his powers, letting him enter and attack the minds of thousands. Envy turned Green Arrow against Batman and they fought. Envy planned to keep Key from destroying humanity, but also wanted to use him as a conduit to the human consiousness so he could enjoy the seemy thoughts of others and turn brother against brother. Key didn’t like being a puppet and absorbed thousands of minds and forced their thoughts into Envy’s mind. This overloaded Envy, and he broke away from the Key and retreated. Batman wanted to take the Key back to Arkham, but he begged Manitou Dawn to save him. She knew his madness and powers would only grow in Arkham, so she sent him to the astral plane. Insulated from the material world and no longer afflicted by voiced the Key found peace within himself. Arrow reminded Batman that they couldn’t have saved the day without each other, but Batman reiterated that the League was dead and would stay that way.
(Villains United: Infinite Crisis Special #1) - When the Society broke out virtually every incarcerated supervillain around the world Oracle sent Green Arrow and a number of other heroes to quell the breakout at Enclave M, but a number of villains got past the heroes. Green Arrow called in old debts from Catman and Deadshot when he asked the Secret Six to get intel about the Society's plans. Arrow learned that the escaped villains were massing in Metropolis. Arrow and an army of virtually every hero on Earth met the villains in Metropolis and engaged in an epic battle with them.
(Green Arrow III #52, 54-59) - Arrow rented the subbasement of the Steadman Building as his new hq,and had Zatanna pose as high school student to follow Mia and make sure she was safe. Arrow was convinced whoever blew up his home knew his secret identity and talked to Flash and Batman. Flash noticed how uncomfortable he was around Batman, and told him that at some point he’d have to confess that he and Zatanna had manipulated Batman’s memory. Arrow guessed that Dr. Light was behind the attack, and joined up with Black Lightning to finish off the villain. They used a GPS to track Dr. Light’s energy signature, hoping that by staying low-tech they’d surprise him. Black Lightning revealed that as Secretary of Education he’d gotten his hands on D.O.D. wiretaps of supervillains talking about the JLA lobotomizing Dr. Light. He wanted Arrow to know that despite that he still trusted him. Light hospitalized the heroic Dr. Light, and when Arrow and Lightning visited her in the hospital they were ambushed by Mirror Master and Killer Frost of the Society. Arrow and Lightning defeated the villains but learned that they were only a distraction, put in place so Dr. Light could target Arrow’s family. Green Arrow and Black Lightning returned to Arrow’s house in time to save Connor and Mia from Light. Light defeated the heroes and teleported Green Arrow away from the house and sealed its exits with light. Light was then joined by fellow Society member Merlyn, who’d rigged a bomb to Arrow’s new house, and they forced Arrow to watch as they blew up his new home with his family inside Light released Arrow, but wouldn’t let him see the results of the explosion, threatening to tear down Star City if he didn’t chase after him. Light led him to a park, where Merlyn, who wanted another chance to see who was the better bowman, was waiting for him for a showdown. When they fought to a draw Arrow fled back to the city, but Merlyn set off another bomb set in a Star building and demanded that Arrow finish their fight. Arrow beat Merlyn in a fistfight, and Merlyn set off more detonators, setting fire to most of Star City. A third of the city was destroyed and thousands were killed. Merlyn pushed two arrows through Green Arrow’s back and told him this was the day the villains won and the heroes died.
(Green Arrow III #66, 67) - Green Arrow wanted to go out fighting for his city, but he passed out from loss of blood. Citizens of Star City brought him to an emergency medical camp, and when he was stabilized Connor, fearing they wouldn’t be safe in Star City, brought him and Speedy to the Marshall Islands, aided by his friend Frederick Tuckman, a monk and formerLexCorp corporate raider. When Green Arrow awoke he first asked about Star City and learned it wasin a state of disaster. Overwhelmed with grief because he’d been beaten on his own playing field he resolved not to return to Star until he wa sready to win his next fight. He hired grand-masters offighting to come to the Marshall Islands and hone his skills, along with those of Speedy and Connor. He improved greatly, but realized he needed a different type of instructor to combat the Society, so he contacted Natas, Deathstroke’s former mentor. Speedy and Connor were both worried that Green Arrow was straddling the line, learning to fight from a killer. Natas pushed Green Arrow to his limits of fighting and tracking, but Arrow remade himself and his fighting style. Tuckman informed Arrow that a wall had been put up in Star City to seprate the badly damaged ghettos from the rest of the city, and Arrow resolved to run for Star City mayor when he returned home, with Tuckman managing his campaign.
(Green Arrow III #67, 68) - Arrow finished his training with Natas, although the assassin was convinced he’d never beat his opponents because they were willing to kill and he wasn’t. Natas departed and told Arrow they’d never meet again, but he’d prepared a final tets, sending an army of assassins to the Marshall Islands to kill Arrow, his family, and the grandmasters. Arrow knew Natas was testing him to see if he’d take another’s life. He sealed the grand-masters in a cave because they were willing to take lives if need be, and used all his skill and guile to defeat Natas’ assassins. Arrow reflected on his origins, and how his time on an island changed him from an entitled youth to someone who knew that survival was a battle. His outlook and skills had become outmoded, but he felt he’d been reforged on Marshall. The grand-masers had some government connections, and made sure the assassins were put into custody. Natas was proud that Arrow succeeded, and left him a steel sword as a reward, and a note reminding him that his hero Robin Hood was a swordsman as well as an archer. Arrow returned to Star City, but realizing the dirty nature of politics he wanted Mia and Connor to stay on the island, away from the dirt that could be slung at them.
(Green Arrow III #63 (fb)) - <eight months ago> Queen initiated the “Gun Run Stock Market Crash” by buying short in as number of armament companies. He went from millionaire to billionaire and put a number of weapons manufacturers out of business at the same time.
(52 / WWIII Part Four: United We Stand #1) <Week 50, Day 7> Black Adam arrived in China, and prepared to destroy the entire country. He defeated China's superhero team the Great Ten before China allowed Green Arrow and the American superhero community to square off against him. Black Adam was a god with nothing left to lose, and each punch he threw was intended to kill. His savagery was winning the day until Martian Manhunter reappeared and flooded his brain with his own loss, the death of the entire Martian species. Black Adam was distracted long enough for Captain Marvel to hurl a Shazam bolt at him. Theo Adam was powerless, and left with amnesia. He staggered away unnoticed from the end of WWIII.
(Justice League of America II #1) - Ollie babysat Lian for Arsenal when he was called off by Black Canary and Green Lantern. Ollie had a feeling they were getting the Justice League back together, and felt a little left out.
(Justice League of America II #7) - Green Arrow made a Red Arrow costume for Arsenal when he was inducted into the Justice League, wanting to officially pass the torch to him, but he had Green Lantern give Arsenal his reward because he wanted Arsenal to feel like he'd really earned it himself. Green Arrow also knew he resisted his approval because he still blamed Arrow for not being there for him when he was hooked on heroin.
(Green Arrow III #60-62) - <one year later> Oliver Queen ran for mayor of Star City and won the election with Frederick Tuckman as his advisor. He promised to save the city, which still hadn’t recovered from the Amsterdam Disaster, named after the street where the first building blew. Queen promised to tear down “The Wall,” a bridge overpass officially built to aid reconstruction, but in reality segregating the most damaged area, which were also the poorest and crime ridden. Brick went from being a crimelord to a vigilante behind “The Wall,” and Queen approved of his efforts but war4ned him to stop executing criminals. Star City received no federal aid, but the Willowbeigh Project, a merger of a number of corporations led by Theodore Davis, CEO of Vicor International, funded rebuilding Star in exchange for the rights to construct hotels, casinos and office buildings. Queen didn’t want them owning Star City, and was ready to break ties with them. Davis contacted Deathstroke and put a hit on Queen. Queen gave a press conference, stating he had no political ambitions beyond mayor, he only wanted to restore the Star City he loved, and hoped his high profile would give Star attention from the rest of the country. To being in profits he legalized gay marriage, but anyone applying for a license had to cohabitate in Star for at least two weeks. Protesters tried to bomb “The Wall” down, and as Green Arrow he stopped them. He then helped them escape, so police commissioner Nudocerdo issued an arrest warrant for the newly returned hero. Tuckman asked Queen why he didn’t have his JLA pals tear it down, but before Queen could answer Deathstroke confronted him in his office. Queen knew he was coming; he even had a hand in arranging it because he wanted revenge. His office was booby-trapped with arrows and explosives, and as Green Arrow he lured the confused Deathstroke into a trap. He showed off his new training, fighting Deathstroke to a draw in a swordfight. When Deathstroke tried to flee he was met by the National Guard, who had been requested by Queen, and put under arrest.
(Green Arrow III #63-65) - Arrow didn’t like that Deathstroke surrendered, he was hoping he’d resist and get shot, and Deathstroke giving up probably meant he had an escape plan in mind. Bestial humans started ravaging The Glades behind The Wall, so Green Arrow lent a hand to Brick in dealing with them. They realized the bestial effect came from tainted morphine, and located the warehouse where the drugs were kept. In locating the warehouse Brick used excessive force, and Arrow criticized him, telling him he wasn’t a champion of the Glades, only looking after his own illegal interests. Brick responded that there was truth in that, but he'd stayed in Star City after the bombing, unlike Arrow, and had a right to look out for himself. As Arrow and Brick prepared to destroy the narcotics an army of the bestial addicts stormed the warehouse, but they were saved by the timely intervention of Speedy. Green Lantern arrived and rounded up the last of the junkies, sending them to S.T.A.R. Labs to detox. Lantern once again offered to tear down the wall, but Arrow told him the city wasn’t ready. Speedy didn’t understand the way he was operating, but Arrow refused to explain himself. Green Arrow uncovered the source of the drugs, Theodore Davis of the Willobeigh Project, thanks to his senior V.P. Mr. Lachley turning on him for moral reasons. Queen confronted Davis and promised to send him to state prison unless he did exactly as he was told.
(Green Lantern IV #10) - Ollie met with Hal and reprimanded him for breaking the Freedom of Powers Act that forbid American metahumans on foreign soil. Hal was surprised that Ollie had changed his liberal tune since becoming mayor of Star City, and told him Green Lanterns didn’t have borders. Ollie said he was just doing his job, and he was worried about his friend.
(Green Arrow III #69-72) - Arrow and Speedy disrupted a shipment of hi-tech weaponry that was supposed to be delivered to Brick before Mayor Queen officially opened the Berkley Gardens, a housing development ment to help displaced Star City residents. Queen’d blackmailed Theodore Davis into providing most of the funds, and tapped Bruce Wayne for the rest. Wayne appeared at the opening, but he’d also come for business reasons, Red Hood was in town, he was the one Brick was supposed to supply weapons to. Green Arrow sympathized with Batman for having his old sidekick become a villain, but Batman told him there was nothing personal about his conflict with Hood, that he was just another piece of dirt. Arrow didn’t buy Batman’s bravado. They got drop locations for the weaponry and split up. Speedy found a deserted building, but Batman and Arrow were ambushed by the villains. Red Hood took on Arrow, and when the battle led to a swordfight they were both thrilled at testing each others skills. Green Arrow seemed to win the contest, but Hood revealed that his attack was just a distraction so his thugs could kidnap Speedy. Batman tracked Speedy’s location to her own high school gym, while Arrow berated him because he’d forseen Hood going after Speedy. By the time the heroes arrived, Speedy had been released and the Hood had disappeared. He simply wanted to get into Speedy’s head and plants doubts in her about her mentor. Back in his office Mayor Queen watched a news story that revealed his financing of the vigilante Outsiders. The intel came to the media from Deathstroke, who paid his old mentor Natas to provide it.
(Green Arrow III #73-75) - Willoughbeigh pushed for a recall election with police commissioner Nudocerdo as opposition to Quen. Queen agreed to take a dive if Nudocerdo locked in funds that Ollie saw necessary to complete rebuilding Star and left Mia out of his smear campaign. Connor Hawke returned to Star City and voiced his disapproval of Ollie’s funding of the Outsiders, who he, as well as most of the American public, saw as terrorists. Ollie told him he didn’t regret anything except being unable to finish his work in Star City. Mia got word that Brick was making a play to become a major player in the Star City underworld, effectively ending his truce with Green Arrow. Arrow, Connor and Speedy went to find Brick’s lieutenants Monk, Breaker, Mastman and Pickand Roll, and Black Canary showed up to offer a hand. They captured everyone except Brick and his new right-hand man Merlyn. Arrow and Canary argued about whose fault it was that Brick got away, but their anger turned to passion and they spent the night together. Canary was impressed by the way Green Arrow remade himself, saving Star with politics instead of arrows, and funding the Outsiders so Arsenal could quit the team and join the Justice league of America. Arrow told her that Roy taking the mantle of Red Arrow made him more proud than anything else in life, and revealed that he’d been abstinent for a year waiting for her to find him again when he’d become a better man. The heroes got video footage of Brick entering a warehouse, but when they pursued it they found it was a ruse, Drakon and Deathstroke ambushed them in hopes of eliminating them. The villains had them dead to rights, but the Justice League of America arrived and saved the day, even though Drakon and Deathstroke were able to escape. Mayor Queen resigned, eliminating the need for a recall election, and making his right-hand man Frederick Tuckman, who convinced Nudocerda to make him head of city council, the new mayor. As a farewell gesture of unity Queen and Connor and Speedy shoot chemical arrows at the wall that separated the Glades from the rest of Star, bringing them to the ground. Later, Ollie changed to Green Arrow and proposed to Black Canary.
(Green Lantern IV #25) - The Sinestro Corps War raged on Earth, and while Green Arrow and an army of superheroes battled the Corps the Anti-Monitor prepared to unleash an anti-matter wave to destroy Earth. With Earth’s destruction, the entire 52 would fall, and he would once again rule all that was. The GLC ruptured the heart of Anti-Monitor’s Warworld, the Sinestro Corps central power battery, and created a shield around Warworld and the Monitor. The ensuing blast nearly destroyed the Anti-Monitor, and he was finished off by Superman-Prime, who betrayed him for having destroyed his home, Earth-Prime. GL Hal Jordan defeated Sinestro in personal combat, and the Sinestro Corps, lacking any leadership, fled Earth. The heroes rejoiced and began rebuilding the damage the Sinestro Corps did.
Comments: Created by Ed Herron?/Dave Wood? & Jack Kirby.Green Arrow received profiles in Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe #9, Who's Who In The DC Universe #14 and Who's Who Update '88 #1. He received profiles in JLA-Z #2 under the JLA (Year One) and JLA (“The Satellite” Era) entries. Green Arrow received a profile in Silver Age Secret Files #1 under the Justice League of America entry.
Green Arrow had a cameo in Action Comics #554, All-Star Comics I #58, Batgirl I #62, 71, Batman I #673, Batman Plus #1, DC Comics Presents #6, 26, 20, Green Lantern III #55, 101, Green Lantern IV #4, JLA #24, 27, Justice League of America II #0, 2, 5, Titans II #19 and Titans: Villains For Hire Special #1.
Arrow’s grave in Valhalla was shown in JLA #5 and #52. A statue of Green Arrow was seen in Valhalla in DC One Million #1.
Bizarro-Superman wrote and illustrated the “Captain Marvel and the Sham Shazam” and “J’onn J’onzz Celebrity Roast” comic books featuring Green Arrow in Bizarro Comics #1.
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