Real Name: Len Lewis

Class: Hypertimeline (Earth-Just Imagine) human mutate

Occupation: Archaeology professor

Group Affiliation: JLA

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile, Earth-Just Imagine

First Appearance:  Just Imagine Stan Lee with Dave Gibbons Creating Green Lantern #1 (December, 2001)

Powers: Lantern was composed of earth energy that allowed him to fly and gave him plant-based powers.

History: Archaeologist Len Lewis went in search of Yggdrasil, the legendary Tree of Life. He found it in Africa, but was shot and left for dead by the servants of Reverend Dominic Darrk. He was transformed into a being of earth energy by Yggdrasil and took the identity of Green Lantern. As Lantern he became the protector of both nature and humanity and helped form the JLA.

Comments: Created by  Stan Lee & Dave Gibbons.

Green Lantern received a profile in Just Imagine Stan Lee Secret Files & Origins #1.

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