Real Name: Griffin
Class: Human
Occupation: Adventurer, former soldier
Group Affiliation: None
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Taladas, Krynn, Earth-TSR
First Appearance: Dragonlance #22 (August, 1990)
Powers: Griffen was a trained soldier, armed with a sword and protected by armor.
History: (Dragonlance #22, 23) - Griffin and Skrum were members of the League of Minotaurs who served the imperial emperor. Their commander Axantheas made a deal with Erestem, the Queen of Darkness, who gifted him with the black dragon and the fabled Dragonring. He was planning on turning on the League’s emperor and taking control of the capital Kristophan. Griffin knew that if the emperor discovered his treachery it would mean the death of them all, so he and Skrum attacked Axantheas, severing his hand and stealing the Dragonring. They were viewed as traitors, and needed to reach Kristophan to present the emperor with the Dragonring to prove Axantheas was working against them. They were pursued by Axantheas and the League, but were saved by Riva Silvercrown, a hero sent to Taladas by the great Paladine to bring justice and order to the land. She used her Dragonlance to kill Axantheas’ dragon, giving her new friends time to flee. They escaped to an underground cavern, but when they emerged they were captured by the League. Axantheas’ general Tyche informed them they were being taken to Kristophan where they’d be executed as traitors. As they approached Kristophan Tyche announced that Riva and company might have co-conspirators in the city and ordered his soldiers to fan out. He kept behind one man, Rangor, behind and fatally stabbed him. Tyche didn’t want his prisoners blabbing to the emperor about Axantheas’ plans, so he intended to kill them then and there, using the cover story that they tried to escape and killed his soldier. Riva hit him over the head with a stick, and went running with Griffin and Skrum. Griffin was sure they were going to die, but said they’d at least put up a fight. Skrum figured out how to use the Dragonring and summoned a Red Dragon to fly them away. Riva was hesitant, saying Red Dragons were evil and allying herself with one would betray her knightly oaths. Tyche caught up to them, and after Riva stabbed Tyche she decided to swallow her pride and fly away on the dragon. Skrum found his control over the dragon was tenuous, forcing a landing, and he dismissed the beast. Griffin suggested that instead of handing the Dragonring over to the emperor maybe he should keep it for himself, and scuffled with Skrum over it. The fight was interrupted by Maraghiz and Sulai, elves from the Tiger-Clan. Their clan’s spirit animal Quoyai sent them to Taladas on a mission to find good and make it grow. They were led by their Quoyai to seek out Riva, who was a lone bit of goodness in an otherwise corrupt land. The group knew they were in trouble when they saw several Red Dragons flying overhead.
(Dragonlance #24, 25) - Riva prayed to Paladine for guidance, knowing worship of the good gods was all but unknown on Taladas. Skrum grew impatient with her, but Maraghiz said it was important she find her path. The company debated what to do next, and Riva was growing uneasy with the idea of the emperor as an a potential ally, knowing he was as evil as Axantheas. Maraghiz said he was a necessary evil because he could help them banish Erestem from the land. Skrum suggested using his ring again to summon down an army of dragons, but Riva forbade him, saying he could only summon evil. Griffin confided in Skrum that he thought there was merit to his plan, whatever Riva thought. The located the emperor’s caravan, but his soldiers wouldn’t heed their pleas for an audience and attacked. Riva and company fought valiantly until the emperor finally gave them his ear. They told their tale, but the emperor was already aware of Axantheas’ schemes and didn’t believe Erestem to be a threat to him. Skrum had had enough and used the Dragonring to summon a horde of dragons who routed the emperor’s troops. The company debated going after the emperor, who’d been put to flight and Skrum, corrupted by the ring, declared that he’d be the new ruler of Taladas, and a loyal servant of Erestem. The dragons scooped up Skrum’s companions, and Riva lost her Dragonlance. Skrum said he was taking them to meet Erestem, who was aware they were plotting against her. They arrived at a lavafall, where Erestem created an avatar of herself from lava and fire. Erestem boasted that Riva’s plan to spread goodness throughout Taladas was doomed, and no one in the land worshipped Paladine. Sulai summoned an icestorm that allowed them to flee from Erestem. Skrum caught up with them and demanded they submit to Erestem. Griffin knocked him out, but was unable to pry the Dragonring from him, saying it was as if it was grafted to his hand. Axantheas arrived, riding a Red Dragon and threatened to kill the company. They were saved by Riva’s dragon Ktarrh, who’d been sent by Fizban to aid her in her quest. Riva and Axantheas had an aerial duel over a lavafield, and Axantheas called out to Erestem for aid, so she reformed her avatar. With Erestem distracted Maraghiz removed her control over Skrum, causing the Dragonring to slip from his hand. The fight started going against Riva, so Griffin risked possession by Erestem to summon a dragon to help her in her duel. He was no match for Axantheas, but when he tossed the Dragonring in the lava Axantheas dove in after it, incinerating himself and his dragon. Erestem was disgusted that her champion had failed her. Riva’s companions all swore by the gods of good to help her banish evil from Taladas.
(Dragonlance #26, 27) - Riva and company camped by the hills of the Glass Seas, and Riva had a dream where Ktarrh was assailed by a group of dragons during a fierce storm. She woke from her nightmare and saw Ktarrh flying off, driven by unknown forces. She was bound to pursue her dragon, and hired Glass Sailor Antara to take her company to the Wind Caverns of Rathna Vulghan, also known as the Vaults of Despair. Skrum thought she was mad to drag them on a quest based on a dream and instincts, but Maraghiz and Sulai were confident she knew what she was doing. Antara confessed to Riva that everything about their voyage went against her instincts as a Glass Sailor, but she felt compelled to help her. Riva suggested she was feeling the influence of Paladine, and assured her she had her role banishing evil from Taladas. The Minotaur League, led by Karranus, commandeered a boat and were in pursuit of them, catching up as they approached the Cavern, but Karranus feared the elven magic the caverns contained and would not follow. He had the captive crew drag their boat overland to meet them on the other side. In the cavern Maraghiz and Sulaiu read the elvish ruins, realizing it was a gathering place of dragons. Antara and her crew were assailed by spectral monsters, and battled them until they came out the other side, at which point their opponents vanished. They were met by Karranus’ ship, and the crews of both ships were beset by a Glass Sea shardstorm. Riva said the storm was the one from her nightmare, and she had to save Ktarrh, but Antara forced her below deck, saying the shardstorm would cut her to ribbons. Ktarrh came to the rescue, bringing Antara’s ship to a safe place in the caverns. Riva was overjoyed at being reunited with her dragon, and Ktaarh explained that he’d been called away because a clutch of Silver Dragons were about to be born. Ktarrh and a council of other dragons were trying to convince the silver Dragons, lead by Eron, that the eggs were better protected being scattered throughout Taladas instead of concentrated in one area. The unborn dragons could be a great force for good, but Erestem and Hith both sought them out for their own evil ends. Karranus and his men survived the storm and caught up with Riva and company. Karranus demanded Antara hand Riva, Skrum and Griffin over to them, but she refused. Antara’s Minotaur crewman Hester was Karranus’ cousin, and challenged him to personal combat. The normally meek and mild Hester slew his cousin, even though it saddened him to do it, and Griffin and Skrum repulsed the other Minotaurs. Hith, the god of evil of Thenol, coveted the Silver Dragon eggs to turn into Draconians, and unleashed an army of Ogres on the hatching ground. Eron and the other dragons killed them, but not before they managed to smash all of the eggs. Eron grieved, and Riva confided in Antara that Eron had learned a dear lesson in putting one’s pride above all else.
(Dragonlance #29) - Atara and her crew were caught in a shardstorm, so she set course for a Glass Sailor oasis. The magic word that opened the gates didn’t work, and her ship was set to crash until Maraghiz and Sulai used their elvish magic to open the gate. Atara was furious that someone changed the word of entry. Atara and crew were greeted by Aris and newly appointed tribal mage Krey, whose predecessor had been killed by Horax. Krey made it clear he disliked the outsiders, calling them unclean and telling them they needed to undergo the Rites of Purification. A Glass Sailor alerted them that the Horax were raiding their fields, threatening their harvest, and the crew went into action. The Horax killed several Sailors, and Krey, in his impetuousness cast a fireball spell that killed the horax but set the crops on fire. Antara told Riva the council would pass judgment on him, and said it would almost certainly be a death sentence. Riva prayed to Paladine for Krey, and Antara warned her to respect the ways of her people. Riva interrupted the council meeting, pleading for mercy on Krey and infuriating the Glass Sailors. The council said they’d decided to exile Krey and told Riva that if her god was so powerful he could watch over Krey. Antara was saddened for Krey, but told Riva she was a captain and had to respect rules and discipline, but hinted that Riva didn’t have to abide by the same standards. Riva, riding Ktarrh, rescued Krey from a shardstorm. Aris barred her from the oasis, angered by her meddling, but Ktarrh burst in. Antara warned Riva that they were friends, but she’d gone too far, and was willing to fight her. Krey attacked Aris, demanding freedom or death, and was cut down by an archer. Riva was disappointed in herself for botching the situation, failing Krey and Paladine. Riva and her company departed the oasis, and Antara told her Paladine had little power in Taladas, calling Riva’s quest futile, but Riva was determined to carry on.
(Dragonlance #33, 34) - Riva and company were attacked by the League of Minotaurs, and Griffin was badly injured. They fled to Southern Hosk, with the League still on their trail. They came across a small village and discovered several dead Minotaurs. Tyskel, a healer from the Cult of Mislaxa gave them shelter and tended to Griffin. Tykel told them the story of Mislaxa’s patron saint Miisia Genyei, a woman chosen by destiny to defeat Lord Bylarr and his Darkhold and become a healer. Her story was aimed at Riva, who she recognized as a woman of destiny. Riva hoped one day she would be as sure of her mission as Miisia was of hers.
Comments: Created by Dan Mishkin & Ron Randall.
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