Class: Terrestrial species

Known Representatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Krynn, Earth-TSR

First Appearance: (DC Comics) Dragonlance #5 (February, 1989)

Powers: Griffons had the body of a lion and the head and wings of a bird. They could fly and attack with their beak and claws.

History: (Dragonlance #5, 6) - Griffins were proud and noble beasts that lived mostly solitary lives. When war waged in Krynn, and elf Kalthanan made a living taming griffons so they could serve as steeds for the forces of good. After taming a particularly wild specimen Kalthanan saw the sky filled with humans riding silver dragons, the dragons of good. He was overjoyed at the prospect of the evil dragon armies having met their match, and followed the riders towards the city of Palanthas. He was dismounted by the magic of the mage Raistlin, who used him as his pawn. The Griffon followed him to Kalaman, and when he realized his mental bond with Raistlin he flew his steed, following Raistlin to Neraka with his allies Gnatch and Myrella.

(Dragonlance #8) - Raistlin's brother Caramon Majere brought Everman to him. Everman's sister Jasla was embedded in the foundation Stone, wedging open the entrance to Takhisis' realm. He convinced Everman to impale himself on the stone, freeing his sister, and shutting the doorway between worlds. Takhisis bellowed in anger, realizing she was being banished from Krynn. Her armies fell into chaos, and Kalthanan and company had to fight off a number of Draconians before fleeing on Kalthanan's griffon.

Comments: Adapted to comics by Dan Mishkin & Mike Collins.

The Griffons were a race from TSR's AD&D role-playing game adapted to DC Comics. For more information see

Griffons had a cameo in Dragonlance #26.

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